Destiny 2 Supercluster God Roll: Best PvP & PvE Perks

Destiny 2 Supercluster God Rolls Featured Image

The Supercluster is a pinpoint slug Strand Shotgun that’s part of the Season of the Wish weapon set. It’s probably the second or third best weapon in the set, depending on how you feel about the Lethophobia with Disruption Break.

My initial impression of the gun is that it’s another PvE shotgun that’s only used to damage Elites. Little did I know that Supercluster’s Slice perk has an interesting interaction with bosses post-damage phase. When I understood that, it opened up some doors to new potential strategies. This is also the one pinpoint slug shotgun without Opening Shot that I feel comfortable bringing into the Crucible.

How to get Supercluster in Destiny 2

To get a random roll of the Supercluster, you’ll need to take part in Season of the Wish activities. There is also the potential of getting a random roll with red borders at the end of the weekly story segment. Once you have 5 red borders unlocked, you can craft the weapon from the Enclave on Mars complete with your preferred enhanced perks.

Best Supercluster PvP God Roll

  • 1st Column: Fluter Barrel
  • 2nd Column: Accurized Rounds
  • Range Masterwork
  • Quick Access Sling Mod
  • Threat Detector + Fragile Focus
  • Slice + Hatchling

The combination of threat detector and fragile focus is the roll most PvP players will consider using. Threat detector takes effect the moment an opposing Guardian gets close and fragile focus ensures that you have the range to one-shot Guardians a little further away than usual.

Slice adds a new dimension to combat as a Guardian inflicted with the debuff sees a 15% decrease in their overall damage output. It should be noted that the perk works even better on primary weapons like the Lethal Abundance. Hatching is there for fun in 6v6 lobbies. knowing what hatchling grenades are capable of in PvP, more hatchlings only add to the chaos.

I’m not a fan of pinpoint slugs without Opening Shot in PvP. But Supercluster is making a very compelling case as to why I should bring it in from time to time. There’s no doubt that the slugs are better at dealing burst damage against orange bar enemies in PvE and Guardians aren’t the easiest targets to hit with a precision shot at close range. Despite all that, it somehow works for me in the Crucible. I guess what sold me was how clean the sights are for ranged shots. The red dot alone helps guide my shot onto a Guardian’s upper torso for that one-hit kill.

Best Supercluster PvE God Rolls

  • 1st Column: Fluted Barrel
  • 2nd Column: Assault Mag
  • Handling Masterwork
  • Boss Spec Mod or any of the other spec mods
  • Slice + Vorpal Weapon
  • Fourth Time’s the Charm + Cascade Point
  • Reconstruction + Surrounded

If you intend on crafting this weapon at the Enclave, I highly suggest crafting one with Enhanced Slice. At its base form, Slice will ‘sever’ up to 3-4 targets for a brief time resulting in them losing 40% damage output in that short span. The Enhanced version extends the duration for a second or two. That’s pretty significant in PvE.

Bosses afflicted by Sever will do noticeably less damage to you. I’ve messed around with it in Master Lost Sectors and attacks that normally would bring me down to critical health now hit me for around 50% HP. This will prove to get in Strand surge environments with a shotgun buff active.

You’re not limited to just high-tier content with this shotgun. It may yet prove to be useful in raids and dungeons. Imagine what a coordinated team can do after the damage phase of a raid boss. It’s not going to instantly win you the battle but a weakened boss does wonders for team morale.

The other two combinations are more scenario-based but should still be effective at their jobs. Fourth Time’s the Charm + Cascade Point is effective against Elites, if you can adapt to the recoil. Reconstruction + Surrounded is best used when surrounded by mobs of Thrall.

How good is the Supercluster?

The Supercluster is a great PvE shotgun with some potential in the Crucible. I didn’t expect to like it as much as I did inside casual lobbies. There’s no way it can match the Matador pound-for-pound, let’s make that clear. But if you’re looking for a shotgun capable of the occasional surprise range kills, Supercluster fits the bill.

I still think the Heritage is a better shotgun overall, despite it having a busted perk that allowed for kill shots at extreme ranges. The Dragon’s Vengeance Origin Trait is a definite plus in 50/50 scenarios if you don’t have ammo in the magazine. I don’t know if that’s enough for me to recommend it over my Opening Shot Blasphemer or even Gunnora’s Axe. We’ll have to see over time and after a lot more Crucible matches.

These are the Supercluster base stats before any perks are applied:

  • Impact: 70
  • Range: 65
  • Stability: 49
  • Handling: 71
  • Reload Speed: 45
  • Zoom: 12
  • Rounds Per Minute: 65
  • Magazine: 6

The Supercluster’s perk pool makes it clear that the shotgun runs better in PvE. There are notable PvP perks like Slideshot and Fragile Focus but the vast majority lean towards use against the enemies of mankind. Attrition Orbs is up for consideration in the future. Its current iteration isn’t all that useful. But the perk’s got potential if the drop rate is increased ever so slightly.

3rd Column Perks

  • Lead From Gold
  • Fourth Time’s the Charm
  • Loose Change
  • Threat Detector
  • Slice
  • Slideshot
  • Reconstruction

4th Column Perks

  • Deconstruct
  • Vorpal Weapon
  • Attrition Orbs
  • Surrounded
  • Hatchling
  • Fragile Focus
  • Cascade Point

And that’s everything I have for this Supercluster God Roll guide. I will continue using this shotty inside the Crucible and out in the sandbox. This season’s weapons are a lot more interesting than last season’s set by a country mile. It’s going to be a long while until the Final Shape arrives (if it doesn’t get delayed again.) It’s good that the “final” season of Destiny 2 ends with good weapons. Good luck and have fun out there, Guardians.

Check out our complete list of Wish Weapon god rolls:

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