Digimon Survive evolutions can transform Digimon into their stronger forms. What separates this franchise from its competitors however is that not these evolutions, called Digivolutions, aren’t done in a straight line. In Digimon Survive evolutions can give your Digimon several options for transforming into different Digimon.
In Digimon Survive evolutions can be the next step into becoming a more powerful adversary. You can make your Digimon stronger through a process known as Digivolution to bring them into the next form. What makes it interesting is that Digimon often have several choices for their next form which makes the Digimon Survive evolution list much more flexible.
How to Evolve Digimon in Digimon Survive?

To evolve Digimon in Digimon Survive, you need to use the Mature Enlightenment Slab. This is a special item that will digivolve them into the next stage of their evolution. Go to your Digimon Status screen and select a Digimon. Next, go to the Evolution tab and you’ll be presented with several branching paths to evolve the Digimon you’ve chosen.
You can evolve the Digimon you’ve recruited to your team after you’ve befriended them. There’s a different process for evolving your starter Digimon in Digimon Survive.
Evolutions for your Digimon can give them several forms. Using a Mature Enlightenment Slab, you can bring them to the next stage of your choosing. Here are the list for the Digimon and their next forms.
Digimon Survive Evolution List
Rookie Digimon | Champion Digimon | Ultimate Digimon | Mega Digimon | Final |
Agumon | Greymon Tuskmon | MetalGreymon | WarGreymon | Omnimon Fanglomon |
Betamon | Tuskmon | Triceramon | Spinomon | NA |
Biyomon | Meramon | Blue Meramon | Varodurumon | NA |
Dracmon | Sangloupmon | Myotismon | Boltboutamon | NA |
Falcomon | Diatrymon | Garudamon | Varodurumon | NA |
Floramon | Vegiemon | Lilymon | Puppetmon | NA |
Gabumon | Garurumon | WereGarurumon | MetalGarurumon | NA |
Gazimon | Wendigomon | Marin Devimon | Boltboutamon | NA |
Gomamon | Shellmon | Mermaimon | MarineAngemon | NA |
Gotsumon | Nunemon | Etemon | Piedmon | NA |
Guilmon | Growlmon | War Growlmon | Dukemon | NA |
Kunemon | Flymon | JewelBeemon | GrandKuwagamon | NA |
Labramon | Dobermon | WereGarurumon | MetalGarurumon | NA |
Lopmon | Wendigomon | Marin Devimon | Boltboutamon | NA |
Palmon | Togemon | Deramon | Puppetmon | NA |
Patamon | Angemon | Angewomon | Magnadramon | NA |
Renamon | Kyuubimon | Taomon | Sakuyamon | NA |
Syakomon | Shellmon | Mermaimon | MarineAngemon | NA |
Tentomon | Kuwagamon | Okuwamon | GrandKuwagamon | NA |
The Digivolution tree chart is somewhat different in every Digimon game. What your Agumon, for example, could evolve to might by different in Survive than in Cyber Sleuth. This has led excited players into making speculations about what popular Digimon could possibly evolve into becoming.
The road to Digivolution isn’t a simple one and you do have to think strategically before evolving your Digimon. Early in Digimon Survive, Mature Enlightenment Slab is a rare item at least until Part 6 of the game. You can plan out which Digimon you want to be on your team by using the chart above.
You can check out this Digimon Survive evolution chart from a Twitter user who mapped out Digivolutions in the game to make it simpler:

There might be more Digimon Survive evolutions added to the game through future updates from Bandai Namco. So this list might potentially get expanded if we see more Digimon heading our way.
That’s our Digimon Survive Evolution Chart List. We hope this guide was informative. Stay with us because we have more Digimon Survive content for you to check out.
- How to Save Ryo in Digimon Survive
- Digimon Survive Endings and How to Get the True Ending
- Digimon Survive Digimon list โ From Child to Ultra Ultimate Digimon
Check out this Youtube video from Balkan Let’s Play who teaches you how to Digivolve in Digimon Survive.