Evil West: How to Beat the Leecher Boss Fight Guide

How to Beat the Leecher in Evil West featured

The Leecher in Evil West is a giant leech like monster with a shield that has sharp spears sticking out of it. As it is the first shielded enemy you encounter, it also serves as a tutorial on how to defeat such adversaries in the game. Read on, and this guide will teach you how to beat the Leecher in Evil West.

How to Defeat the Leecher in Evil West?

Break the Leecher’s shield with the shotgun or a barrage of melee attacks which leaves its frontal half vulnerable. Afterwards, the Leecher will be open to a barrage of melee attacks which should take away a good chunk of its health. Don’t get complacent though as it will summon its shield back after some time.

Once you get rid of the shield, the Leecher in Evil West is easy pickings. It doesn’t have access to its usual attacks and can only do a range of predictable movements. Keep hitting it until it jumps into the air and glows, which you should use the Kick Off interrupt to stun it. After a while it will summon its shield and bash you, dodge roll out of the way.

How to Defeat the Leecher in Evil West shielded tutorial

When the Leecher has its shield, it is rather difficult to touch or damage. Watch out for whenever the spikes sticking out of its shield will glow, this indicates that the Leecher is about to attack. One of the best weapons to use to break the shield is the shotgun which is more effective at doing so than melee attacks which leaves you vulnerable to counters.

The Leecher in Evil West is also vulnerable to attacks from behind. Although you’ll seldom get the chance to do this unless it charges at you and misses. So you’re better off just breaking the shield for reliable means to deal damage.

How to Defeat the Leecher in Evil West shield attack

The Leecher has access to some notable attacks which you should watch out for:

  • Shield Shockwave: The Leecher will stomp its shield unto the ground, dealing a harmful shockwave to your location. This is indicated by the sharp spikes glowing.
  • Shield Bash: The Leecher will swing its shield in front of it. It will usually do this when you’re nearby and it has a shield and right after summoning its shield again.
  • Shield Charge: The Leecher will charge at you with its shield. This is indicated by the sharp spikes glowing.
  • Jump Smash: The Leecher will glow and can be interrupted by a Kick Off interrupt before stomping on the ground.

That’s how to beat the Leecher in Evil West. We hope this article was informative. For more on Evil West, you’re already in the right place.

Check out this Youtube video from Gamer’s Little Playground showcasing the fight against every boss in Evil West:

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