In a recent interview with FFXIV Producer and Director Naoki Yoshida, he says that the Final Fantasy series is currently struggling and he explains why.
Yoshi-P was recently interviewed by media outlet Inverse talking about his popular online MMORG Final Fantasy XIV and the upcoming and most anticipated new entry to the series, Final Fantasy XVI. He discussed the massive changes that will happen to MMORPG and video games in the future, the pressure he got as his upcoming project has to overcome FFXV’s mixed feedback, and a lot more.
One thing stood out from the rest and that was his statement in regards to Final Fantasy as a whole series. He thinks that it is currently struggling to adapt to industry trends. He revealed that Square Enix has gotten so many requests in regards to the direction of their game design and he says it is impossible to satisfy all of those requests with a single title.
The solution Yoshida currently has to make all those requests happen? Make more games.
“My current impression is that all we can really do is create multiple games, and continue creating the best that we can at any given time, Yoshi-P says.
While it is expected that the upcoming game Final Fantasy XVI will definitely be a success, future Final Fantasy titles are expected to have some requests satisfied, but not all of them will be in one ultimate title. The ultimate Final Fantasy game for fans to drool upon is still ways into the future.

Final Fantasy XVI launches next year on PS5. Final Fantasy XIV is now available on PC, PS4, and PS5.
Check out some articles from both games below: