How to Use Unforgivable Curses in Hogwarts Legacy

Using Unforgivable Curses in Hogwarts Legacy is one way to channel the Dark Arts to turning the tide into your favor. Unforgivable Curses are seen as a big taboo in the wizarding world and as such can’t be learned from regular tenure at Hogwarts. So if you’re wondering how to learn the Unforgivable Curses in Hogwarts Legacy we’ve made this guide to help you.

How to Use Unforgivable Curses in Hogwarts Legacy?

Unforgivable Curses can be cast like any regular spell in Hogwarts Legacy. And they can be used in exactly the same way as other spells when casting spells but with longer cooldowns, especially Avada Kedavra. You can equip them to your spell slots and then use them in combat when they’re not in cooldown.

You may also be wondering if there are some negative consequences to using them, however, be relieved to know that using one will only incur a negative reaction from those who witness you casting the Unforgivable Curse.

How to Learn Unforgivable Curses in Hogwarts Legacy?

To learn the Unforgivable Curses in Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll have to progress to Sebastian Sallow’s companion questline. As he searches for a cure for his cursed sister, Sebastian dives into the Dark Arts offering to teach you what he’s learned including all three of the Unforgivable Curses.

Learn Unforgivable Curses in Hogwarts Legacy

Sebastian Sallow is one of the Hogwarts Legacy companions. As you proceed through his quest line, he’ll eventually turn to using the Unforgivable Curses to find a cure for his sister. Here’s how you learn each of the Unforgivable Curses in Hogwarts Legacy:

All these quests are from Sebastian’s companion questline. Completing his companion questline gets you the A Sallow Grave achievement from the Hogwarts Legacy trophies.

All Unforgivable Curses in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy has three Unforgivable Curses to learn: Crucio, Avada Kedavra, and Imperio. Here are what each of the three Unforgivable Curses do:

  • Crucio: Causes most enemies to writhe in pain as they take damage over time.
  • Avada Kedavra: Kills enemies instantly.
  • Imperio: Temporarily forces enemies to fight as if they were your companion. While under your control, they take reduced damage from other enemies to prolong their allegiance to you.

Check out this Youtube video from Shirrako showcasing how to use Hogwarts Legacy Unforgivable Curses in combat.

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