The Sacred Archives Trial #3 is one of the trials in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown where Sargon has to work with his ghosts in order to reach the goal within the time limit. Completing all four trials of the Sacred Archive will reward Sargon with the Clairvoyance ability that will help him traverse through different dimensions. Read ahead as we share the solution to the Sacred Archive Trial #3 of Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown.
How to unlock the Sacred Archives Trial #3

The Sacred Archives Trial #3 can be accessed by navigating through the Sacred Archives at the west side of Mount Qaf during Chapter 4. The portal to Trial #3 will be activated after completing Trial #2. Getting to the area requires the Rush of the Simurgh and Shadow of the Simurgh to get through the obstacles; each Time Power can be obtained through Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, respectively.
The portal to trial #3 is located at the lower right corner of the trial room.
Sacred Archives Trial #3 Solution
For this third trial, you will only have 12 seconds to open the gate and get to the goal.

On your first turn, make your way to the rung on the right side, then by the 5 second mark, jump and step on the pressure pad in the middle of the room.

On the second turn, wall jump off the right vertical platform and head towards the rung on the left wall.

On the last turn, make your way to the top as your ghosts activate the platforms then head to the goal.
Completing the trial in time will unlock Trial #4 which can be accessed through the portal on the upper right corner of the trial room.