Redfall Best Character Tier List – All 4 Heroes Ranked

Who is the best character in Redfall?

Redfall character tier list featured

Our Redfall character tier list will help you decide which hero you should choose to play as. As you’re able to upgrade skills and abilities, you’ll have to dedicate some time to making the best hero to kill the vampires in the town you’re stuck in.

Read on, and this guide will show you a list of all the playable characters in Redfall and rank them from best to worst.

Who is the best Character in Redfall?

The best character in Redfall is Layla, thanks to her aggressive abilities to combat vampires in a multitude of ways. She’s great for hit-and-run tactics against any scenario and doesn’t share the same weaknesses in her abilities as the other Redfall characters do.

While choosing the best hero in Redfall can come down to your preferences, some heroes are clearly better for solo play, which Layla is perfectly suited for. There’s really not that much difference between them besides their character abilities and dialogue. Other characters, such as Remi and Jacob, have abilities that are situational, which, while still useful, aren’t as beneficial. Layla’s abilities, such as Lift and Umbrella, can be used for either entering or escaping combat when you need to.

Devinder is a close second to Layla thanks to his crowd-control abilities. There’s a lot of emphasis on being on the offensive and being able to take out multiple groups of enemies in Redfall. There are no real bad heroes to play as in Redfall, but some have abilities that make them better than others.

Redfall Character Tier List – All 4 Heroes Ranked

Below you’ll find our Redfall Character Tier List for All 4 Heroes, ranked from best to worst:

  1. Layla
  2. Devinder
  3. Jacob
  4. Remi

1. Layla

Layla Redfall Character Tier List placement

Layla’s telekinetic abilities reign supreme among this Redfall character tier list. Her lift allows her to get to any vantage point that she wants or to gain distance from enemies who come too close. Not to mention, her umbrella blocks incoming projectiles and can be used to push enemies that get in its way.

Her ultimate ability to summon her vampire ex-boyfriend to fight the horde with her means that she can pretty much solo the whole game without looking for help from other players. She’s by far the best character to main if you want to play aggressively.

2. Devinder

Devinder Redfall Character Tier List placement

Devinder specializes in crowd control, which is a big help in Redfall when you’re dealing with plenty of enemies. His ability, Translocate, isn’t as good as Layla’s Lift, but it does allow him to instantly teleport to a different place, which can be used in a lot of ways. Not to mention his Arc Javelin can electrify groups of enemies, giving you the chance to finish them off for good.

His ultimate ability, the Blacklight, puts down a UV emitter that petrifies zombies in front of him. When used at the right moment, you can even take down mini-bosses like the Rook in a single go.

3. Jacob

Jacob Redfall Character Tier List placement

Jacob is probably the coolest-looking character, and being voiced by Yuri Lowenthal only adds to how attractive he is to play as. If you’re looking to play in a similar way to Dishonored, then this hero suited for stealth approaches can certainly make you feel right at home.

The problem with Jacob is that while his abilities are suited for long-range stealth-oriented combat, he doesn’t have any means of crowd control. This is an issue in Redfall, as vampires can quickly overwhelm you in sheer quantity. Jacob can mitigate it by planning ahead, and with his scouting abilities, he can quickly assess a situation.

4. Remi

Remi Redfall Character Tier List placement

Remi is more suited for support. Unless you’re playing with a team, she won’t really excel anywhere, putting her in last place on this Redfall character tier list. Her C4 Charge is good for clearing hordes, but other characters like Devinder have more enticing abilities. She does have her robot friend to help her fight, which makes up for her shortcomings.

What’s really great about Remi is her ability to heal and revive teammates at a distance. She can set a perimeter point with Mobilize, which will recover the health of her allies and even bring them back into the action. She just doesn’t have as much to offer compared to the others unless you’re willing to dedicate yourself to her support.

That’s our Redfall character tier list. We hope this guide was informative.

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