Soul Hackers 2 Character Trailer Introduces Freelance Demon Summoner Saizo

Saizo and Ash's complicated relationship

Soul Hackers 2 Saizo Character Trailer

A new character trailer from Soul Hackers 2 was recently uploaded on ATLUS JP Youtube Channel featuring Saizo. The trailer showed Saizo’s background and also provides details of what kind of past he had before getting himself killed.

At the same time, the official Soul Hackers 2 website has been updated to coincide with the release of the new character trailer.

Soul Hackers 2 Saizo Character Trailer - Saizo Profile


(VA: Masaya Matsukaze)

Height177 cm
HobbyListening to music
Favorite Foodbouillabaisse
Favorite PlaceCigar Bar
Current ObsessionVintage Wine
Recently Laughed AtOld Manga
Concerned AboutWhat earns from missions
BirthdayMarch 24

A freelance Devil Summoner. Although he’s murdered by a Phantom Society agent, he is resurrected with Ringo’s soul hacking. He decides to accompany Ringo and her team with a certain objective of his own in mind. A romantic at heart, he plays it cool in his own endearing way. Able to read the room, he often mediates and steps in whenever Arrow and Milady clash with one another. Before dying, he was in a relationship with a Devil summoner named Ash but was accidentally killed by her in a mission he took.

Soul Hackers 2 Saizo Character Trailer 05

COMP: Tommy Gun

Saizo has a high aptitude for using guns, especially a Tommy gun. He is an accurate sharpshooter and can use his skills to either deal a wide range of effective damage to multiple enemies or use skills to support his fellow party members.

Soul Hackers 2 Saizo Character Trailer - Ash Profile


(VA: Shiori Izawa)

Devil Summoner of the Phantom Society. At first glance, it gives the impression of being dry, but in fact, it also has a deep and romantic side.
She seems to have had a relationship with Saizo, but for some reason, she broke up with him. She helped kill Saizo, but apparently, she didn’t mean it …?

OrganizationPhantom Society
Height168 cm
InterestPet Hamster

Soul Hackers 2 is set to release on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC (via Steam) on August 25th in Japan and August 26th worldwide. The game comes in both Physical and Digital Editions. Each with its own bonuses.

For More Soul Hackers 2 News:

Source: ATLUS JP
