Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life Rival Events

This guide goes through all the rival events in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life and explains each step on how to trigger them.

Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life Rival Events cover

Rival Events are special events that happen between a bachelor and a bachelorette in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life. These events show pairs that would most likely end up with each other if the player does not end up proposing to either one of them. Read ahead as we go through all of the rival events in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life and share how to trigger them.

How Rival Events work in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

Rival Events all happen within the first year of the game. In order to witness these events, you must not have seen the 8 Heart events of any of the following bachelors of bachelorettes nor proposed to them:

Seeing any of their rival events will not negatively affect your relationship to any of the ones mentioned, and you can still go for a proposal to any of them even after doing so.

Each pair has three rival events that you will have to see in order. Despite having seen all of them, there will not be any progress on the couples’ relationship and your rivals will not get married to their partner.

Cecilia and Matthew’s Rival Event

The following are Cecilia and Matthew’s Rival Events that you can trigger in order:

Cecilia and Matthew’s Rival Event #1

Cecilia and Matthew's Rival Event #1 - Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

To trigger this event, exit Vesta’s Farm’s Storage Shed on any sunny day during Summer, Fall, or Winter, any time from 7am until midnight.

In this event, you will see Matthew looking over Cecilia who is busy tending the farm. He then notices you looking at him. Matthew then shares that he noticed that Cecilia has changed and takes a guess that she has fallen in love with someone. He then wishes that Cecilia stays happy whoever she falls in love with.

Cecilia and Matthew’s Rival Event #2

Cecilia and Matthew's Rival Event #2 - Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

To trigger this event, exit your Barn on any sunny day during Fall or Winter, any time between 10am to 5pm.

In this event, Cecilia chases down Matthew by your barn. She then asks if she has done anything wrong to him that made him avoid her. Matthew then says that she couldn’t do that to her and that there’s just a misunderstanding. Cecilia is then relieved and heads back to their farm.

Matthew then sees you looking at him again. He then shares that he has grown feelings for Cecilia after living with her on the farm for 2 years, but he is conflicted if he loves her like a sister or if he has romantic feelings for her.

Cecilia and Matthew’s Rival Event #3

Cecilia and Matthew's Rival Event #3 - Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

To trigger this event, head to Vesta’s Farm on any sunny day during Winter, any time between 8pm until midnight.

In this event, you will see Vesta and Matthew calling out for Cecilia who hasn’t come back home yet. Worried, Matthew then sets off to look for Cecilia.

Matthew heads towards the waterfall where he finds Cecilia standing asleep. He then wakes her up . Cecilia then says that she only planned to take a break, but she accidentally dozed off instead. Matthew makes Cecilia promise to never disappear again, to which Cecilia agrees to. They then walk back home to the farm.

Lumina and Rock’s Rival Event

The following are Lumina and Rock’s Rival Events that you can trigger in order:

Lumina and Rock’s Rival Event #1

Lumina and Rock's Rival Event #1 - Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

To trigger this event, approach the Lei-Over Inn on any sunny day during Summer, Fall, or Winter, any time between 9am to 2pm. Make sure that both Rock and Lumina are outside.

In this event, Rock warns Lumina about something. Rock has heard that there at the villa where Lumina lives, a lady’s laugh can be heard during late at night. Lumina then scolds Rock about spreading false rumors. As Lumina turns around, she see’s you and screams thinking that you are a ghost before running away.

Lumina and Rock’s Rival Event #2

Lumina and Rock's Rival Event #2 - Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

To trigger this event, head towards Vesta’s Farm on any sunny day during Fall or Winter, any time between 9am to 2pm. Make sure that both Rock and Lumina are outside.

In this event, Rock sees Lumina staring towards the horizon. He approaches her and guesses that she’s in love with someone. She then corrects him that she was actually thinking about her late parents and that she wanted to know more about them. She tried to ask her Aunt Romana and Sebastian, but to no avail. Rock then suggests to forget about them and the past and look towards the future instead.

Lumina then ponders upon this, but Rock then started to praise himself for his advice, which cause Lumina to walk away instead.

Lumina and Rock’s Rival Event #3

Lumina and Rock's Rival Event #3 - Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

To trigger this event, exit the Blue Bird Cafe on any sunny day during Winter, any time between 9am to 5pm. Make sure that both Rock and Lumina are outside.

In this event, Lumina invites Rock to accompany her into the Forest, but Rock takes her to the Beach instead. Lumina then tells Rock that he doesn’t listen to her, but Rock tells her that the reason he brought her to the Beach is because the ocean is calling out to them.

Lumina then chuckles and says to Rock how immature he is. Rock then praises Lumina for being honest about her feelings, and Lumina appreciates him for that praise.

Nami and Gustafa’s Rival Event

The following are Cecilia and Matthew’s Rival Events that you can trigger in order:

Nami and Gustafa’s Rival Event #1

Nami and Gustafa's Rival Event #1 - Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

To trigger this event, leave your farm through the south pathway on any sunny day during Summer, Fall, or Winter between 8am to 5pm. Gustafa has to be outside.

In this event, Gustafa greets Nami, but Nami does not respond. Gustafa then tries to do a small talk, but Nami just remains silent. Gustafa wonders and asks if there’s something wrong, to which Nami just replies nothing and asks him to get to his point. He then asks her if she has fever that’s why she’s flushing. After hearing this, Nami decides to leave, but Gustafa calls her attention, gives her an apple and tells her to take it easy before walking away.

Nami and Gustafa’s Rival Event #2

Nami and Gustafa's Rival Event #2 - Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

To trigger this event, leave the Lei-Over Inn on any sunny day during Fall or Winter between 3pm until midnight. Nami has to be outside of the inn.

In this event, Nami is seen behind a tree listening to Gustafa who is playing his music nearby. She then notices you and shares that listening to Gustafa’s music makes her feel like she has come home. She wonders if it’s because Gustafa’s the one playing it and agrees to that thought.

Nami and Gustafa’s Rival Event #3

Nami and Gustafa's Rival Event #3 - Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

To trigger this event, leave the Lei-Over Inn on any rainy day during Winter, between 11am to 6pm. Nami has to be outside of the inn.

In this event, Nami and Gustafa are seen taking shelter from the rain under the inn’s balcony. Nami then exclaims how she hates rain as it puts her in a foul mood. Gustafa disagrees and proceeds to tell her that rain is a blessing because it brings life, and that seeing it this way makes getting drenched feel less bad. Nami then accepts this perspective and walks under the rain with Gustafa.

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