Final Fantasy 16 follows the story of Clive Rosfield, whose journey started with the demise of his brother Joshua, learning...
The Pack is a Notorious Mark that you can take from the Hunt Board in Final Fantasy 16. Finding them...
When it comes to long JRPGs, Final Fantasy XVI is part of a franchise known for its considerable game length....
The Dead of Night is one of Act 1’s main quests in Final Fantasy 16. After managing to fend Lostwing...
Louder than Words is one of Act 1’s main quests in Final Fantasy 16. Clive and Cid venture into The...
Fanning Embers is one of Act 1’s main quests in Final Fantasy 16. Clive and Cid venture into The Greatwood...
Belts are one of the core pieces of equipment that Clive can use in Final Fantasy 16. Like Vambraces and...
Weapons are the most important pieces of equipment that Clive can use in Final Fantasy 16. Weapons, like Vambraces and...
Vambraces are a piece of equipment that Clive can use in Final Fantasy 16. Vambraces, like other weapons and accessories,...
Hide, Hideaway is one of Act 1’s main quests in Final Fantasy 16. After getting into an encounter with the...