The False Dragon Titan is one of the titans that players must face when going through the Path of Legends. According to the marker that Arven left on the map, the titan is supposed to be at an island in Casseroya Lake. However, upon visiting the island, the titan is nowhere to be seen.
In this guide, we will talk about how to make the False Dragon Titan appear in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

Where to find the False Dragon Titan
First off, you will need to make sure that you have defeated three titans beforehand in order to give your Koraidon or Miraidon the ability to swim. Then, head over to the marked island in Casseroya Lake.

In the island, you will find several Tatsugiri that you can interact with for an encounter. Find the one that is on the southern tip of the island. You’ll know that it’s the right one as it will cry out “Taitaaan!“

After interacting with the Tatsugiri, the False Dragon Titan Dondozo will appear and gobble up the Tatsugiri. The fight will then commence against the Dondozo. Once it’s defeated for the first time, it will retreat and head over to the next island. Follow it to the north side of the largest island in the lake to proceed to the 2 vs 1 final phase.

Once the Dondozo titan has been defeated, it’s not over yet. The Tatsugiri that it swallowed from earlier will now have the power of the Herba Mystica, thus turning it into the next False Dragon Titan that you’ll have to defeat. Once you do, you’re then free to head into the cave to find the Herba Mystica.
Strangely enough, Tatsugiri retains its False Dragon title even though it’s a Water/Dragon-type whereas Dondozo is just a Water-type. Additionally, despite being the strongest titan based on level, the False Dragon Titan can be defeated before the Quaking Earth Titan.
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