Chien-Pao is one of the four Legendary Pokémon of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Due to the ruinous nature of their creation, these Legendary Pokémon have been kept sealed behind shrines held by stakes that have been scattered across parts of the Paldea region.
In this guide, we will go through all the locations where these stakes and the shrine sealing Chien-Pao can be found.

Chien-Pao Stakes and Shrine Locations
There are a total of 8 orange stakes scattered in the southwestern region of Paldea. Every 2 stakes pulled out from the ground will remove one of the 4 chains sealing the orange shrine. After pulling the final stake, a Pokémon’s cry can be heard from a distance, and your character will face towards the direction of where the cry came from.
Head towards the shrine and touch it to release the sealed Pokémon inside and a battle will then start. The Pokémon can be captured as normal and if they are defeated, they will be sent back into the shrine; you will have to wait for at least an in-game day before you can challenge them again.
Recommendation: It is best to start finding all the stakes and the shrine, as well as encountering Chien-Pao, only after getting all the Herba Mystica from the Path of Legends to make navigation easy and possible, and after defeating the 8 gyms of the Victory Road to raise its catch rate.

Chien-Pao Stake #1
East of Alfornada, follow the river until the waterfall; on the cliff just before the drop.

Chien-Pao Stake #2
On a cliff side north of Alfornada, overlooking Cortondo.

Chien-Pao Stake #3
North of Alfornada, inside a cave.

Chien-Pao Stake #4
East of Cortondo, of top of the cliffs.

Chien-Pao Stake #5
At the base of the cliff west of the Great Crater.

Chien-Pao Stake #6
On top of a hill, overlooking a Star Base.

Chien-Pao Stake #7
Near the tree behind the Cascaraffa Gym.

Chien-Pao Stake #8
Down a hole near the windmill towers of West Province.

Chien-Pao Shrine
Follow the path towards the wind turbine near the West Paldean Sea, then jump down the cliff at the end.

Chien-Pao Pokédex Entry
Chien-Pao is one of the four Ruinous Pokémon that have been sealed in the four shrines in Paldea. It resembles a snow leopard with fangs made from two pieces of a broken sword.
- Level: 60
- Type: Dark / Ice
- Ability: Sword of Ruin
- Moves (during first encounter):
- Icicle Crash
- Ruination
- Sucker Punch
- Sacred Sword

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Check out the roster of the new Pokémon that can be encountered in Scarlet and Violet in the official website.