Destiny 2 A Distant Pull God Roll: best PvP & PvE Perks

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A Distant Pull is a Stasis rapid-fire frame sniper rifle. The weapon itself is the Taken version of the Sole Survivor Sniper Rifle. Our impressions of the weapon are somewhat positive. It comes with a serviceable pool of perks with options in PvP and PvE. The perks on hand almost make up for the fact that the sniper doesn’t have Snapshot Sights. On a more personal note, the weapon handles similarly to the Thoughtless sniper rifle.

Sniper playstyles are as unique as the Guardian wielding them. Some Guardians prefer to quickly scope in and hotswap weapons at a moment’s notice. While others desire as much range as possible and prefer to sit at the very back of the map, looking for opportunities for a quick headshot. Unfortunately, there isn’t much room for creativity in PvP so while the approach is different, the sniper itself is only good as an all-or-nothing option and nothing more.

A Distant Pull can cater to both playstyles in PvP in some capacity. Limited only by the inescapable fact that it is a rapid-fire sniper. A not-so-popular pick in most situations.

How to get A Distant Pull in Destiny 2?

To get weapons from the Deep weapon set, like A Distant Pull, Guardians have to take part in the seasonal activities: Salvage and Deep Dives. Getting five red border weapons and Deepsight activating them will unlock the crafting pattern for the weapon. Activity Keys improve the chances of acquiring red borders from the rewards chest at the end of an activity.

Best A Distant Pull PvP God Rolls

  • 1st Column: Corkscrew Rifling
  • 2nd Column: Accurized Rounds
  • Handling Masterwork
  • Counterbalance Stock Mod
  • Keep Away + Opening Shot (This is the go-to roll for most PvP players. Keep Away and Opening Shot are the traits you want if you the kind of sniper that lives and dies by the headshot.)
  • Moving Target + Explosive Payload (A tried and tested god roll that works well on a rapid-fire sniper rifle. Guardians who prefer roll stay in scope to focus on hitting center mass and relying on Explosive Payload to deal the killing blow.)

PvP Tips:

When it comes to sniper rifles, we greatly prefer ones that have a lot of Handling to them. Or at least the potential to get as close to 100 Handling as possible. The reason is that Handling dictates scope in speed and weapon swap speed. We like getting a shot off in hopes of a quick headshot and swapping to an SMG as a follow-up in case we miss.

Guardians who go for the Moving Target + Explosive Payload have the option to go all-out on range with Hammer-Forged Rifling and Accurized Rounds and Range masterwork. But do keep in mind that you’ll have 35 in Stability and that has a direct effect on flinch.

Like all the weapons in the Deep weapon set, it comes with the Collective Action Trait. By itself, the trait is very good on most guns. But sniper rifles have a tendency to operate in ranges where it can be difficult to retrieve an elemental pickup. Additionally, the gun doesn’t come with it the Well-Rounded trait that’s prominent on other weapons in the set.

Best A Distant Pull PvE God Rolls

  • 1st Column: Fluted Barrel
  • 2nd Column: Tactical Mag
  • Reload Speed Masterwork
  • Major Spec Mod
  • Triple Tap + Focused Fury (This is the roll you want during the damage phase of bosses. You’ll be shooting for longer with Triple Tap and increased damage from Focused Fury. You may want to equip Boss Spec Mod.)
  • Triple Tap + Headstone (The crowd control roll that goes well with anything that requires the Stasis class or just Stasis crystals in general.)
  • Overflow + Explosive Payload (The fun roll that caters to an active playstyle. Overflow allows you to get extra ammo from Special or Heavy ammo bricks. You might not want to have this in end-game content.)

PvE Tips:

There isn’t much reason to bring a sniper rifle in PvE content. Unless it’s Cloudstrike and you can enjoy the Arc fireworks. The only reason we bring one along is if we just feel like it or if Banshee-44 asks us to calibrate a sniper rifle. Otherwise, we can’t see any scenario where we would choose a sniper rifle over a pulse rifle. But to each their own.

Other rolls of interest you may want to give a try are ones that have Ambitious Assassin or Discord. Ambitious Assassin will test your ability to make crit shots in quick succession. And Discord is just generally fun to pull off with the right setup.

How Good is A Distant Pull Sniper Rifle?

A Distant Pull is one of the better snipers to come out in a while. It reminds us of the Thoughtless sniper rifle with its thick circle reticle. It fits like a glove for most players unless another recently released sniper with a white dot center that we sometimes lose track of.

You may just want to keep it if only for it being a Stasis rapid-fire frame sniper rifle. In the current sandbox, this weapon’s only competition is the Irukandji. It’s slim pickings, for sure.

These are A Distant Pull Base Stats before any perks are applied:

  • Impact: 55
  • Range: 30
  • Stability: 35
  • Handling: 65
  • Reload Speed: 56
  • Zoom: 35
  • Rounds Per Minute: 140
  • Magazine: 5

Objectively, there aren’t any bad perks on this weapon. Even ones like Ensemble have a place in the right conditions.

3rd Column Perks

  • Ensemble
  • Keep Away
  • Overflow
  • Tunnel Vision
  • Ambitious Assassin
  • Moving Target
  • Triple Tap

4th Column Perks

  • Collective Action
  • Headstone
  • Killing Wind
  • Opening Shot
  • Explosive Payload
  • Focused Fury
  • Discord

And that’s everything we have right now when it comes to this A Distant Pull god roll guide. Should we find a roll that works with Killing Wind or Tunnel Vision, we will update the article during the Season of the Deep. Good luck and have fun out there, Guardians.

Destiny 2 Season of the Deep is out now on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox consoles. The season will run from May 23, 2023, to August 22, 2023.

Senior Editor