The Block ability in Ghostwire Tokyo gathers ambient earth ether from the surrounding atmosphere and concentrates it into a barrier directly in front of Akito. Effective use of this ability can save you from getting taking full damage from Visitors’ attacks.
Holding up the shield will reduce the amount of damage taken. However, blocking restricts your other abilities so it’s not recommended to stay on the defensive forever. To completely negate enemy attacks, you have to perform perfect blocks.

How to Block in Ghostwire Tokyo
To block, press, and hold (L1).
Blocking immediately before an enemy attack lands will trigger a Perfect Block. A perfect block will parry an attack without taking any damage whatsoever.
Blocking Upgrades
The blocking upgrade is called Perfect Block – Ether Generation. It causes ether to appear when you successfully perform a Perfect Block the moment an enemy attack is about to land. The upgraded version nearly doubles the amount of dropped ether.

Tips on Effectively Blocking in Ghostwire Tokyo
Perfect blocking is all about timing in Ghostwire Tokyo. Enemies like the Walkers have a tendency to observe their prey first before rapidly moving in. They become emboldened when they are in groups.
Timing a perfect block is made more complicated since most enemies pause first before initiating their attack. This can completely throw your timing off initially. But learning their tells and perfect blocking can become second nature to you.
One final note, blocking can save you from practically all attacks. The exceptions are the attacks of bosses and charged attacks from powerful Visitors.
Watch how you can effectively block in Ghostwire Tokyo below:
And that’s all there is to all things blocking in Ghostwire Tokyo. I hope this guide has at least informed you of a few things about it.
If you like this guide, check out our other Ghostwire Tokyo articles here: