The Grim Cat Switch Axe is one of the specialty weapons that can be wielded in Monster Hunter Rise. This switch axe bears the face of a grinning cat, much like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. In this guide, we’re going to show why you should get one and how to forge one.
The Grim Cat is art of the Felyne tree and starts with the Grim Cat I and can be upgraded twice to get the Grimmige Katze. The base form sports 140 raw damage, 23 paralysis, 2 lv.1 slots, and green sharpness. The main materials to forge and upgrade this weapon comes from Volvidons.
How to forge the Grim Cat I
Since the Grim Cat I is the base form of its own tree, it has no pre-requisite weapons. The weapon requires:
- Feline Fur Ruby
- Can be picked up from Junk Piles in Felyne and Melynx camps in all High Rank maps.
- 3x Carbalite Ore
- Can be received as a quest reward from certain High Rank quests, picked up as a High Rank drop from monsters, and mined from Mining Outcrops in all High Rank maps.
- 3x Paralysis Sac
- Can be received as a target and capture reward or a carve from a Low Rank Volvidon.
- 13,200 Zenny
How to forge and upgrade to Grim Cat II
The Grim Cat II is the direct upgrade of Grim Cat I. The upgrade requires:
- 3x Firecell Stone
- Can be received as quest rewards from High Rank Quests or mined from Mining Outcrops in the High Rank Lava Caverns.
- 3x Omniplegia Sac
- Can be received as a target and capture reward or a carve from a High Rank Volvidon.
- 5x Buddy Ticket
- Can be received as a reward given by Buddy Expert Shirubei. Whenever the hunter comes back from a quest with a buddy, talking to Shirubei will reward you with several different items, with a chance of getting Buddy Tickets.
- 22,000 Zenny
How to forge and upgrade to the Grimmige Katze
The Grimmige Katze is the final upgrade of the switch axe Felyne tree. The upgrade requires:
- 3x Golden Sludge
- Can be received as a target and capture reward or as a drop pickup from a High Rank Almudron.
- 1x Beast Gem
- Can be received as a target and capture reward, drop pickup, or a carve from High Rank fanged beasts such as Arzuros, Bishaten, Goss Harag, Rajang, and Volvidon.
- 5x Pawprint Stamp
- Can be received as a drop pickup from Low Rank and High Rank Felynes and Melynxes.

Materials Farming Tips for Grim Cat Switch Axe
- Instead of slaying Volvidons, try to capture them for an increased chance and increased amount of sacs. Go for the 2* quest Reinventing the Wheel and 5* quest Bowled Over to hunt Volvidons.
- Volvidons are relatively easy monsters, but they can be quite annoying to chase as they are quite agile and have several move paths that they can do in succession. Bring another paralysis weapon, a shock trap, or perform a sleep bomb tactic to get longer windows to attack.
- Another equally tedious material to farm is the Pawprint Stamps due to the amount that you’ll need and their drop rate. The best way to farm for these is to do either a Low Rank or a High Rank expedition to the Shrine Ruins as it has the Felyne/Melynx spawn sites close to each other.
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Also, check out this video by Paradise Central on how to efficiently farm for Pawprint Stamps: