The Grounded cheats and console commands allow you to tailor your experience and give a boost to your progress. With these cheats, you’ll be able to control plenty of aspects about the game that essentially turn you into a god. If that’s what you’re looking for, then this Grounded cheats and console commands list is just what you need.
Here’s a list for all Grounded cheats.
All Grounded Cheats
- unlockallperks: Unlocks every perk and mutation.
- UnlockAllTechTrees: Unlocks all Tech Trees.
- sg.PostProcessQuality0: Removes the depth of field blurriness on the map.
- god: Take no damage at all.
- stat fps: Toggle FPS counter on the screen.
- stat unit: Toggles display of frame time on screen.
- showdebug: Toggles display coordinates on screen.
- timespeed #: Controls how fast the time goes in Grounded. The higher the number, the faster the day will go. Inputting “0” will stop time completely.
- toggledebugcamera: Allows you to fly around the game as a camera.
- teleport: Instantly teleport to where your crosshair is pointing.
- pause: Pauses the game. Input the command again to unpause.
- kill: Kills your character and teleports back to the spawn point.
- DamageTarget #: Damages your target for the amount specified. Works on bugs and objects in general.
- ResearchAllItems: Analyzes all items in the game.
- UnlockAllRecipes: Every recipe for weapons and tools are unlocked immediately.
- RepairAllItems: All items in your inventory is repaired.
- FullRestore: Fills your stamina, health, thirst, and hunger completely.
- AddScience #: Grants you the amount of Raw Science that you have input.
- AddWater #: Fills up your thirst meter according to the number you have input.
- AddFood #: Fills up your hunger meter based on the number entered.
- ChangeSize #: Changes your size based on the number you entered.
- BuildAllBuildings: All blueprints laid out will be automatically constructed.
- show: Displays all graphic options and settings.
- ShowWaveStats: Display stats.
- SetCurrentFood #: Sets food to the amount entered.
- SetCurrentWater #: Sets water to the amount entered.
- SetCurrentBreath #: Sets breath to the amount entered.
- InfiniteDamage: Kills anything in a single hit.
- summon [file name]: Summons any bug, item, or plant that you entered as long as you have inputted the right file name.
With these Grounded cheats, you can be a god in the game’s world. You’ll literally be able to kill anything in a single hit and never take damage if you don’t want to. You can automatically learn all recipes for every tool and weapons without ever having to analyze anything first.
That being said, these are cheats that you can input while playing the game. There are more cheats that you can enter from the game’s menu that will allow you to access worlds meant for the developers. Here they are:
- open AR_00_World_Dev: Lets you see the developer’s world where things that haven’t been officially added to the game can be seen.
- open SurvivalTest: Lets you play around in the the developer’s test level.
Entering these worlds meant for the developers means you won’t be able to save like you can in a normal game. You can however explore as much as you want.

How to Use Cheats in Grounded?
You have to download a third-party program called Universal Unreal Engine 4 Unlocker to use cheats in Grounded. You won’t be able to access the console command button “~” unless you’ve properly set this app up.
After downloading and installing Universal Unreal Engine 4 Unlocker, you have to inject the DLL by going to the software’s General tab. If you’re playing Grounded using Game Pass, you can see the file named as Maine in the options. You’ll get a notification once the DLL injection has been done properly.
Once everything is setup you can open Grounded and start entering the cheat codes we listed above. We recommend starting a new save file to use the Grounded cheats so you don’t mess up your old one. It is up to you.

Can You Use Cheats in Grounded Xbox?
You cannot use cheats in the Xbox consoles of Grounded. This is because you need to open the console command to input the cheat codes which you cannot do using Xbox consoles.
Since you’ll need to install Universal Unreal Engine 4 Unlocker before you can enter the Grounded cheat codes, we may not be able to input cheats on Xbox platforms unless Obsidian adds a console friendly way to do so.
Grounded Console Commands
In relation to the cheats list for Grounded we have above, you can these are the correct names for summoning creatures, items, and plants in the game:
- BP_Burgle_C
- BP_Ladybug_Upperyard_C
- BP_PartyUpgradeCollectible_C
- BP_Spider_Boss_Hedge_C
- BP_UpgradeCollectible_C
- Summon BP_Ant_Black_C
- Summon BP_Ant_Soldier_Black_C
- Summon BP_Antlion_Pit_C
- Summon BP_Antlion_Roamer_C
- Summon BP_ARCR_C
- Summon BP_BlackOxBeetle_C
- Summon BP_Candy_Spicy_
- Summon BP_Candy_Spicy_C
- Summon BP_CrystalBeetle_C
- Summon BP_Firefly_C
- Summon BP_Food_Apple_Core_C
- Summon BP_Food_Candy_Corn_C
- Summon BP_Food_Cookie_Sandwich_C
- Summon BP_Food_Hotdog_C
- Summon BP_Food_Mint_C
- Summon BP_Gum_Node_C
- Summon BP_Haze_Fungus_C
- Summon BP_Lint_Node_A_C
- Summon BP_Milk_Nugget_Party_C
- Summon BP_Milk_Nugget_Personal_C
- Summon BP_Mite_Dust_C
- Summon BP_Mushroom_Black_A_C
- Summon BP_Mushroom_Black_B_C
- Summon BP_Mushroom_Black_C_C
- Summon BP_Mushroom_Roundcap_A_C
- Summon BP_Mushroom_Roundcap_B_C
- Summon BP_Mushroom_Toadstool_A_C
- Summon BP_Mushroom_Toadstool_B_C
- Summon BP_Mushroom_Toadstool_C_C
- Summon BP_PartyUpgradeCollectible_C
- Summon BP_Pupa_C
- Summon BP_Pupa_Topple_C
- Summon BP_Rock_Salt_A_C
- Summon BP_RolyPoly_Sickly_C
- Summon BP_TechChipPicnicTable_C
- Summon BP_Termite_King_C
- Summon BP_Termite_Soldier_C
- Summon BP_Termite_Worker_C
- Summon BP_UpgradeCollectible_C
- Summon BP_Weed_Spiky_A_C
- Summon BP_Wood_Splinter_C
- Summon BP_Wood_Splinter_Termite_C
- Summon BP_World_Ant_Black_Egg_C
- Summon BP_World_Candy_Spicy_C
- Summon BP_World_Food_Apple_Pristine_C
- Summon BP_World_Food_CandyCorn_C
- Summon BP_World_Food_Hot_Dog_Pristine_C
- Summon BP_World_Mushroom_Chunk_C
- Summon BP_World_Mushroom_Toadstool_Chunk_C
- Summon BP_World_WebWoven_C
- Summon_BP_Mold_Purple_C
Infected Bugs
- summon bp_ant_black_c
- summon BP_Gnat_Big_c -trash heap gnat
- summon bp_gnat_infected_c
- summon bp_gnat_infected_c
- summon bp_ladybug_infected_c
- summon bp_ladybug_infected_c
- summon bp_larva_infected_c
- summon bp_larva_infected_c
- summon bp_mite_haze_c
- summon BP_Mite_haze_c -infected mite
- summon BP_Spider_wolf_Infected_c
- summon BP_WaterFlea_c
- BP_Key_BuriedSand_TreasureChest_C
- BP_Key_PondTreasureChest_C
- BP_Key_SandTreasureChest_C
- BP_Key_TableTreasureChest_C
- BP_TazT_C
- BP_TazT_Rusty_C
- BP_ArcR_C
Bugs, Animals, and NPCs
- summon BP_Ant_C
- summon BP_Ant_HillWorker_C
- summon BP_Ant_Soldier_C
- summon BP_Aphid_C
- summon BP_Bee_C
- summon BP_BombardierBeetle_C
- summon BP_DivingBellSpider_C
- summon BP_Gnat_C
- summon BP_Grub_C
- summon BP_KoiFish_C
- summon BP_Ladybug_C
- summon BP_Larva_C
- summon BP_Mite_C
- summon BP_Mite_CableChewer_C
- summon BP_Mosquito_C
- summon BP_Spider_Boss_C
- summon BP_Spider_Small_C
- summon BP_Spider_Web_C
- summon BP_Spider_Wolf_C
- summon BP_Spiderling_C
- summon BP_StinkBug_C
- summon BP_Stinkbug_upperyard_C
- summon BP_Tadpole_C
- summon BP_Wasp_C
- summon BP_WaterBoatman_C
- summon BP_Weevil_C
- summon BP_Weevil_Evil_C
- summon BP_SurvivalPlayerCharacter_C
- summon BP_SurvivalPlayerCharacter_Female_C
- summon BP_SurvivalPlayerCharacter_Female02_C
- summon BP_SurvivalPlayerCharacter_Gellarde_C
- summon BP_SurvivalPlayerCharacter_Male02_C
- summon BP_SurvivalPlayerCharacter_MrBones_C
- summon BP_Clover_A_C
- summon BP_Clover_B_C
- summon BP_Clover_Flower_C
- summon BP_Daffodil_Blue_C
- summon BP_Eelgrass_A_C
- summon BP_Eelgrass_B_C
- summon BP_Eelgrass_C_C
- summon BP_Eelgrass_D_C
- summon BP_GrassBlade_A_C
- summon BP_GrassBlade_B_C
- summon BP_GrassBlade_C_C
- summon BP_GrassBlade_D_C
- summon BP_GrassBlade_Dead_A_C
- summon BP_GrassBlade_Dead_B_C
- summon BP_GrassBlade_Dead_C_C
- summon BP_GrassBlade_Dead_D_C
- summon BP_GrassBlade_E_C
- summon BP_GrassBlade_F_C
- summon BP_GrassBlade_G_C
- summon BP_GrassBladeDry_D_C
- summon BP_GrassBladeDry_E_C
- summon BP_GrassBladeDry_F_C
- summon BP_Hedge_Berry_A_C
- summon BP_Hedge_Berry_B_C
- summon BP_Hedge_Berry_C_C
- summon BP_HedgeBerryA_C
- summon BP_Hosta_A_C
- summon BP_Hosta_Flower_A_C
- summon BP_Hosta_Flower_B_C
- summon BP_Hosta_Leaf_C
- summon BP_Plant_Small_Leafy_A_C (Plant Fiber)
- summon BP_Plant_Small_Leafy_A_Dry_C (Dry Grass Chunk)
- summon BP_Plant_Small_Leafy_B_C (Plant Fiber)
- summon BP_Plant_Small_Leafy_B_Dry_C (Dry Grass Chunk)
- summon BP_Rock_CharCoal_C
- summon BP_Rock_Clay_C
- summon BP_Rock_Limestone_A_C
- summon BP_Rock_Quartzite_A_C
- summon BP_Rock_Sandstone_A_C
- summon BP_RoseBush_A_C
- summon BP_SmallPlantA_C (Plant Fiber)
- summon BP_Spiderweb_Hanging_B_Sleeping_C
- summon BP_Spiderweb_Hanging_C_Sleeping_C
- summon BP_Spiderweb_Hanging_Sleeping_C
- summon BP_Sprout_A_C
- summon BP_Sprout_B_C
- summon BP_Sprout_C_C
- summon BP_Weed_Dandelion_A_C
- summon BP_Weed_Dandelion_B_C
- summon BP_Weed_Dandelion_C_C
- summon BP_Weed_Dandelion_D_C
- summon BP_Acorn_C
- summon BP_Ant_Dead_C
- summon BP_Egg_Ant_C
- summon BP_Sap_Nodule_A_C
- summon BP_SlimeMold_Stalks_A_C
- summon BP_SlimeMold_Stalks_B_C
- summon BP_SlimeMold_Stalks_C_C
- summon BP_SlimeMold_Stalks_D_C
- summon BP_Web_Pooped_C
- summon BP_World_Acid_C
- summon BP_World_Acid_Gland_C
- summon BP_World_Acorn_Bits_C
- summon BP_World_Acorn_Shell_C
- summon BP_World_Acorn_Top_C
- summon BP_World_Ant_Egg_C
- summon BP_World_Ant_Head_C
- summon BP_World_Ant_Mandible_C
- summon BP_World_Ant_Part_C
- summon BP_World_Ant_Part_Rare_C
- summon BP_World_Ant_Pheromone_C
- summon BP_World_Bait_C
- summon BP_World_Bee_Fuzz_C
- summon BP_World_Bee_Stinger_C
- summon BP_World_BombardierBeetle_Leg_C
- summon BP_World_Bone_C
- summon BP_World_CatTailPlantFluff_C
- summon BP_World_CharCoal_Chunk_C
- summon BP_World_Clay_C
- summon BP_World_CloverTop_C
- summon BP_World_Dandelion_Puff_A_C
- summon BP_World_DivingBellSpiderSilk_C
- summon BP_World_EelgrassStrand_C
- summon BP_World_Explosive_Gland_C
- summon BP_World_Fabric_C
- summon BP_World_Fertilizer_C
- summon BP_World_Fiber_C
- summon BP_World_Fiber_Dry_C
- summon BP_World_Firefly_Glow_C
- summon BP_World_Firefly_Shell_C
- summon BP_World_Fuzz_Gnat_C
- summon BP_World_Fuzz_Mite_C
- summon BP_World_GrassPlank_C
- summon BP_World_Grub_Faceplate_C
- summon BP_World_Grub_Goop_C
- summon BP_World_Grub_Hide_C
- summon BP_World_Gum_Steel_C
- summon BP_World_Hardened_Sprig_C
- summon BP_World_Hedge_Berry_C
- summon BP_World_KoiFishScale_C
- summon BP_World_Ladybug_Head_C
- summon BP_World_Ladybug_Shell_C
- summon BP_World_Ladybug_Wing_C
- summon BP_World_Larva_Spike_C
- summon BP_World_Leaf_Blower_C
- summon BP_World_Leaf_C
- summon BP_World_LeechSac_C
- summon BP_World_LilypadMembrane_C
- summon BP_World_LilypadWax_C
- summon BP_World_Log_C
- summon BP_World_Mosquito_Beak_C
- summon BP_World_Mosquito_Sack_C
- summon BP_World_MushroomBrick_C F
- summon BP_World_Nectar_C
- summon BP_World_Petal_Hosta_C
- summon BP_World_Petal_Red_C
- summon BP_World_Petal_Yellow_C
- summon BP_World_Pollen_C
- summon BP_World_Quartzite_C
- summon BP_World_Rapier_Mosquito_C
- summon BP_World_Resin_C
- summon BP_World_Rope_C
- summon BP_World_Rubber_C
- summon BP_World_Sap_C
- summon BP_World_Shield_Weevil_C
- summon BP_World_Slimemold_C
- summon BP_World_Slimemold_Stalk_C
- summon BP_World_Spider_Chunk_C
- summon BP_World_Spider_Fang_C
- summon BP_World_Spider_Venom_C
- summon BP_World_Sprig_C
- summon BP_World_Stinkbug_Feelers_C
- summon BP_World_Stinkbug_Gas_Sack_C
- summon BP_World_Stinkbug_Plate_C
- summon BP_World_Stone_Pebble_C
- summon BP_World_StriderLeg_C
- summon BP_World_TadPoleSlime_C
- summon BP_World_Thistle_Needle_C
- summon BP_World_Thorn_C
- summon BP_World_WaterBoatmanFin_C
- summon BP_World_WaterFlea_Chunk_C
- summon BP_World_Web_C
- summon BP_World_Weevil_Evil_Gland_C
- summon BP_World_Weevil_Nose_C
- summon BP_World_Weevil_Part_C
- summon BP_LogStorage_C
- summon BP_PlankStorage_C
- summon BP_Storage_Big_C
- summon BP_Storage_C
- summon BP_WaterContainer_C
- summon BP_Feather_C
- summon BP_World_Arrow_Crow_C
- summon BP_World_Axe_C
- summon BP_World_Axe_Tier2_C
- summon BP_World_Bandage_C
- summon BP_World_Binoculars_C
- summon BP_World_Canteen_C
- summon BP_World_Canteen+_C
- summon BP_World_DivingKnife_C
- summon BP_World_DivingLantern_C
- summon BP_World_Hammer_C
- summon BP_World_Hammer_Tier2_C
- summon BP_World_Lantern_Firefly_C
- summon BP_World_MintMallet_C
- summon BP_World_Rebreather_C
- summon BP_World_RepairTool_C
- summon BP_World_Shovel_C
- summon BP_World_StriderSkates_C
- summon BP_World_Torch_C
- summon BP_World_Torch+_C
Repair Kits
- summon BP_World_Repairkit_Armor_Tier1_C
- summon BP_World_Repairkit_Armor_Tier2_C
- summon BP_World_Repairkit_Armor_Tier3_C
- summon BP_World_Acorn_Armor_Chest_C
- summon BP_World_Acorn_Armor_Head_C
- summon BP_World_Acorn_Armor_Legs_C
- summon BP_World_Ant_Armor_Chest_C
- summon BP_World_Ant_Armor_Head_C
- summon BP_World_Ant_Armor_Legs_C
- summon BP_World_Aphid_Armor_Legs_C
- summon BP_World_Armor_Flippers_C
- summon BP_World_Bee_Armor_Chest_C
- summon BP_World_Bee_Armor_Chest_Rotten_C
- summon BP_World_Bee_Armor_Head_C
- summon BP_World_Bee_Armor_Head_Rotten_C
- summon BP_World_Bee_Armor_Legs_C
- summon BP_World_Bee_Armor_Legs_Rotten_C
- summon BP_World_Breathe_Mask_C
- summon BP_World_Clover_Armor_Chest_C
- summon BP_World_Clover_Armor_Head_C
- summon BP_World_Clover_Armor_Legs_C
- summon BP_World_Eyepatch_C
- summon BP_World_Eyepatch+_C
- summon BP_World_Firefly_Head_C
- summon BP_World_Fist_Ant_C
- summon BP_World_Fist_Berry_C
- summon BP_World_GasMask_Head_C
- summon BP_World_Grub_Armor_Chest_C
- summon BP_World_Grub_Armor_Head_C
- summon BP_World_Grub_Armor_Legs_C
- summon BP_World_Koi_Armor_Chest_C
- summon BP_World_Koi_Armor_Head_C
- summon BP_World_Koi_Armor_Legs_C
- summon BP_World_Ladybug_Armor_Chest_C
- summon BP_World_Ladybug_Armor_Head_C
- summon BP_World_Ladybug_Armor_Legs_C
- summon BP_World_Mite_Head_C
- summon BP_World_Spider_Armor_Chest_C
- summon BP_World_Spider_Armor_Head_C
- summon BP_World_Spider_Armor_Legs_C
- summon BP_World_Ant_Club_C
- summon BP_World_Ant_Club_Rotten_C
- summon BP_World_Arrow_C
- summon BP_World_Arrow_Lure_C
- summon BP_World_Arrow_Poison_C
- summon BP_World_Bomb_blood_C
- summon BP_World_Bomb_C
- summon BP_World_Bomb_Sticky_C
- summon BP_World_Bone_Diving_Knife_C
- summon BP_World_Bone_Trident_C
- summon BP_World_Bow_C
- summon BP_World_Bow_Tier2_C
- summon BP_World_CrossBow_Crow_C
- summon BP_World_Dagger_Spider_C
- summon BP_World_DivingKnife_C
- summon BP_World_GumSword_C
- summon BP_World_HarpoonBolt_C
- summon BP_World_HarpoonBoltBone_C
- summon BP_World_HarpoonBoltPoison_C
- summon BP_World_HarpoonGun_C
- summon BP_World_LarvaSword_C
- summon BP_World_LarvaSword_Rotten_C
- summon BP_World_Spear_C
- summon BP_World_Spear_Tier2_C
- summon BP_World_SpikySprig_C
- summon BP_World_TacticalHarpoonGun_C
- summon BP_Trap_Aphid_C
- summon BP_Trap_Barricade_Spiked_C
- summon BP_Trap_Barricade_Spiked_C
- summon BP_Trap_Floor_Slide_C
- summon BP_Trap_FLoor_Stick_C
- summon BP_Trap_Lure_C
- summon BP_Trap_Lure_C
- summon BP_Trap_Pebble_Chute_C
- summon BP_Trap_Plasma_Orb_C
- summon BP_Trap_Tripwire_Bomb_C
- summon BP_Trap_Turret_Bushcraft_Buildable_C
- summon BP_Burgle_C
- summon BP_ColorCollectible_C
- summon BP_RawScience_B_C
- summon BP_ScienceBits_C
- summon BP_TazT_C
- summon BP_TechChipAntHill_C
- summon BP_TechChipFlowerbed_C
- summon BP_TechChipHedge_C
- summon BP_TechChipMint_C
- summon BP_TechChipOakTree_C
- summon BP_TechChipPaint_C
- summon BP_TechChipPond_C
- summon BP_TechChipWeed_C
- summon BP_BeetleSpray_C
- summon BP_BurningDamage_C
- summon BP_ChoppingDamage_C
- summon BP_ExplosiveDamage_C
- summon BP_GasDamage_C
- summon BP_GeneralRangedDamage_C
- summon BP_Hazard_BombardierRanged_C
- summon BP_Hazard_BombardierSpray_C
- summon BP_Hazard_GasArrow_C
- summon BP_Hazard_Stink_C
- summon BP_StabbingDamage_C
- summon BP_Cooking_Cooked_Aphid_Meat_C
- summon BP_Mushroom_Garden_C
- summon BP_World_Aphid_Meat_C
- summon BP_World_Aphid_Meat_C
- summon BP_World_Cooked_Aphid_Meat_C
- summon BP_World_Cooked_Gnat_Meat_C
- summon BP_World_Cooked_Grub_Meat_C
- summon BP_World_Cooked_Tadpole_Meat_C
- summon BP_World_Cooked_Weevil_Meat_C
- summon BP_World_Dried_Aphid_Meat_C
- summon BP_World_Dried_Gnat_Meat_C
- summon BP_World_Dried_Grub_Meat_C
- summon BP_World_Dried_Weevil_Meat_C
- summon BP_World_Droplet_LemonJuice_C
- summon BP_World_Droplet_Soda_Cola_C
- summon BP_World_Droplet_Water_C
- summon BP_World_Food_Apple_C
- summon BP_World_Food_Cookie_Sandwich_C
- summon BP_World_Food_Cricket_C
- summon BP_World_Food_Hot_Dog_C
- summon BP_World_Food_Mint_C
- summon BP_World_Gnat_Meat_C
- summon BP_World_Granola_Bar_C
- summon BP_World_Grub_Meat_C
- summon BP_World_Honey_C
- summon BP_World_HoneyDew_C
- summon BP_World_Mushroom_C
- summon BP_World_Mushroom_Grown_C
- summon BP_World_Mushroomslurry_C
- summon BP_World_Nectar_C
- summon BP_World_Plantslurry_C
- summon BP_World_Spoiled_Meat_C
- summon BP_World_Tadpole_Meat_C
- summon BP_World_WaterBoat_Fin_Soup_C
- summon BP_World_Weevil_Meat_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_WaterBreathing_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_GastroGoo_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_FuzzOnTheRocks_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_Fiber_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_Default_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_Berry_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_Attack_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_Aphid_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_HumanFood_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_HumanFood+_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_Fiber+_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_Attack+_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_SwimSpeed+_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_WaterBreathing+_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_GastroGoo+_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_FuzzOnTheRocks+_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_Default+_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_Berry+_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_Aphid+_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_Ant_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_Ant+_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_Ant_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_Ant+_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_Aphid+_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_Berry+_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_Default+_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_FuzzOnTheRocks+_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_GastroGoo+_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_WaterBreathing+_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_SwimSpeed+_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_Attack+_C
- summon BP_World_Smoothie_Fiber+_C
Story Items, Tech Chips, and Audio Logs
- summon BP_Audio_Log_Base_C
- summon BP_Audio_Log_World_AntTotem_C
- summon BP_Audio_Log_World_Cave_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_BurgleA01_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_BurgleA02_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_BurgleA03_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_BurgleA04_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_BurgleA05_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_BurgleA06_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_BurgleA07_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_BurgleA08_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_BurgleA09_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_OminentA01_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_OminentA02_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_OminentA04_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_OminentA05_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_OminentA06_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_WendellA01_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_WendellA02_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_WendellA03_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_WendellA04_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_WendellA05_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_WendellA06_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_WendellB01_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_WendellB02_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_WendellB03_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_WendellB04_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_WendellB05_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_WendellB06_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_WendellB07_C
- summon BP_Note_Spy_Haze_C
- summon BP_Note_Spy_Hedge_C
- summon BP_AudioLog_OminentA03_C
Bugs Parts
- BP_AntAbdomen_C
- BP_AntBody_C
- BP_AntHead_C
- BP_AntLeg_L_Back_C
- BP_AntLeg_L_Front_C
- BP_AntLeg_L_Mid_C
- BP_AntLeg_R_Back_C
- BP_AntLeg_R_Front_C
- BP_AntLeg_R_Mid_C
- BP_BombardierAbdomen_C
- BP_BombardierLeg_L_Back_C
- BP_BombardierLeg_L_Front_C
- BP_BombardierLeg_L_Mid_C
- BP_BombardierLeg_R_Back_C
- BP_BombardierLeg_R_Front_C
- BP_BombardierLeg_R_Mid_C
- BP_BombardierThorax_C
- BP_LadybugBody_C
- BP_LadybugHead_C
- BP_LadybugLeg_L_Back_C
- BP_LadybugLeg_L_Front_C
- BP_LadybugLeg_L_Mid_C
- BP_LadybugLeg_R_Back_C
- BP_LadybugLeg_R_Front_C
- BP_LadybugLeg_R_Mid_C
- BP_LarvaAbdomen_C
- BP_LarvaBody_C
- BP_LarvaHead_C
- BP_LarvaLeg_L_Back_C
- BP_LarvaLeg_L_Front_C
- BP_LarvaLeg_L_Mid_C
- BP_LarvaLeg_R_Back_C
- BP_LarvaLeg_R_Front_C
- BP_LarvaLeg_R_Mid_C
- BP_SoldierAbdomen_C
- BP_SoldierBody_C
- BP_SoldierHead_C
- BP_SoldierLeg_L_Back_C
- BP_SoldierLeg_L_Front_C
- BP_SoldierLeg_L_Mid_C
- BP_SoldierLeg_R_Back_C
- BP_SoldierLeg_R_Front_C
- BP_SoldierLeg_R_Mid_C
- BP_SpiderAbdomen_C
- BP_SpiderHead_C
- BP_SpiderLeg_L01_C
- BP_SpiderLeg_L02_C
- BP_SpiderLeg_L03_C
- BP_SpiderLeg_L04_C
- BP_SpiderLeg_R01_C
- BP_SpiderLeg_R02_C
- BP_SpiderLeg_R03_C
- BP_SpiderLeg_R04_C
- BP_SpiderWolfAbdomen_C
- BP_SpiderWolfHead_C
- BP_SpiderWolfLeg_L01_C
- BP_SpiderWolfLeg_L02_C
- BP_SpiderWolfLeg_L03_C
- BP_SpiderWolfLeg_L04_C
- BP_SpiderWolfLeg_R01_C
- BP_SpiderWolfLeg_R02_C
- BP_SpiderWolfLeg_R03_C
- BP_SpiderWolfLeg_R04_C
- BP_StinkBugBody_C
- BP_StinkBugLeg_L_Back_C
- BP_StinkBugLeg_L_Front_C
- BP_StinkBugLeg_L_Mid_C
- BP_StinkBugLeg_R_Back_C
- BP_StinkBugLeg_R_Front_C
- BP_StinkBugLeg_R_Mid_C
Water Areas
- BP_Water_Base_C
- BP_Water_Large_C
- BP_Water_Puddle_C
Raw Science
- BP_RawScience_A_C
- BP_RawScience_B_C
- BP_Backpack_Player_C
- BP_Backpack_Player_Female01_C
- BP_Backpack_Player_Female02_C
- BP_Backpack_Player_Male01_C
- BP_Backpack_Player_Male02_C
- BP_BugDeath_Particle_C
- BP_BugDeath_Particle_Gnat
- BP_BuildingSnapCorner_C
- BP_Equippable_Compass
- BP_Grapple_Point_C
- BP_Item_Backpack_Survivor_C
- BP_Mite_CableChewer_C
- BP_NewspaperArticle_C
- BP_ScienceBits_C
- BP_SpectatorPawn_C
- BP_World_Debug_Sword_C
- BP_World_Survival_Guide_C
That’s a pretty large list of things you can summon in Grounded. Using the Grounded cheats, you can enter these in the console command which summon them to your location. Take care when summoning items though because it can be quite glitchy.

That’s our Grounded cheats and console commands list. We hope you found this article to be informative. For more things Grounded, check out our other articles.
- Grounded Full Release Out Now on All Platforms
- Grounded Home Stretch Update Now Available
- Grounded Crossplay and Cross-Platform Support Between PC and Consoles
Check out this Youtube video from JADECRAFT showing you some Grounded cheats that will help you get the best experience.