Masks in Destiny 2 Festival of The Lost are up for grabs ever since Bungie dropped the Halloween event upon us. Masks are cosmetics that you can usually grab for free after completing certain challenges so you won’t need to spend a dime for them but some do need currency like Bright Dust or Silver to get. This guide will teach you how to earn the masks in Destiny 2 Festival of the Lost 2022.
Each of the masks in Destiny 2 Festival of the Lost have their own requirements to unlock. Here is every mask for the Halloween event and how you get them.
How to Unlock All Masks in Destiny 2 Festival of the Lost?
- Blueberry Mask: Unlock as a reward from completing the Gone But Not Forgotten quest.
- Bread Mask: Unlock by completing activities in Haunted Sector playlists.
- Caiatl Mask: Unlock by defeating enemies with Arc energy.
- Fynch Mask: Can be purchased from the Eververse Store either during Week 9 for 300 Silver or Week 11 for 1,200 Bright Dust.
- Masquerader’s Hood: Unlock it by talking to Eva in the Tower.
- Riven Mask: Unlocked by completing ritual activities such as Strike, Crucible, and Gambit matches.
- Savathûn Mask: Unlocked by completing 35 Haunted Sectors.
- Starhorse Mask: Can be purchased from the Eververse Store either during Week 10 for 300 Silver or Week 11 for 1,200 Bright Dust.
- Telesto Mask: Unlock by earning 17,500 Candies from activities.

The Destiny 2 Festival of the Lost 2022 introduces 9 new masks to collect. With the exception of the Fynch Mask and Starhorse Mask, you can get most of them for free. Although they will take some work before you’re able to unlock them.
You will only have up until the Festival of the Lost to earn the masks above. Once the event is over, you will not have the opportunity. So make the most of the Halloween event while you still can.

How to Equip Masks in Destiny 2?
You can equip masks via the Character Customization Menu in Destiny 2. You can find this in the Inventory section before selecting Modifications and then Character. From there all you have to do is pick which mask you want to equip.
The masks don’t actually do anything besides add some customized flair for your Guardian. While they don’t do anything to change gameplay, masks are still pretty cool to have.

That’s everything for how to get masks in Destiny 2 Festival of the Lost. We hope this article was informative. For more Destiny 2 content, you’re already in the right place.
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Check out this Youtube video from Ordinary Sense showing how to unlock masks in Destiny 2 Festival of the Lost.