This guide will show you where to find all the LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Episode 7: The Force Awakens minikit locations. The Force Awakens is the starting point to the sequel trilogy part of LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. Here we are introduced to Rey, the future inheritor of the Jedi legacy. With her and the rest of the misfits from the Resistance, you’ll be able to find even the trickiest Minikit hiding spots.
If you are having trouble looking for the minikits, the game also provides a “Rumor” for each of them, which gives players a hint as to where to find them. The base price of each rumor minikit is 30,000 studs, although players can reduce this price by a specific proportion by purchasing upgrades.
Collecting the pieces for minikits requires players to constantly swap out characters or solve puzzles. It can be tough to spot all of them in one go, but that’s what this guide is for. There are a total of 5 levels in the episode, and each level houses 5 minikits. All in all, there are 25 minikits that can be unlocked in Episode 7: The Force Awakens:

First Oder of Business
Anger Management Minikit
At the start of the level, head to the northwest section of the map where Poe’s cell is. At the end of the corridor, you will see two cells facing each other. Go to the one to right. Destroy the restraint chair within and the “Anger Management” Minikit will appear in its place.
Rumor: “Make sure nobody suffers by that machine again.”
Poster Boy Minikit
For this minikit piece, you need to look for and blast 5 First Order Stormtrooper posters. They are hidden in various locations around the Star Destroyer.
- Return to Poe’s cell in the Northwest section of the map. The poster is on the top right of the cell.
- The next banner is located in the Command Center that’s located in the starting hallway. Use the computer to open the door and then go to the back of the right side of the room. There you’ll see a grapple handle on the ceiling, use a bounty hunter to pull it down and reveal a ladder. Climb up to the mess and directly behind you is the poster.
- In the Southern part of the map, there lies a vehicle bay. To access it, you’ll need to open the door using an Astromech, and once open, the poster is on the wall to the right.
- In the main area where the prisoners are brought in, you see a firing range where First Order Troopers practice their shooting. On the wall on the left side of the room, you will find a poster.
- The final poster is located in the TIE fighter hanger. To access the area, you’ll need to take down an officer holding a keycard. Once you’re inside, turn right and at the end of the room, you should see the poster.
Rumor: “Propaganda everywhere. Rid the galaxy of these images before anybody sees them.”

Astro Physics Minikit
Enter into the Southern section of the map and open the door from the console using an astromech droid. In the hanger, go to the back and you will see a big red button. Press it, and move to another part of the hanger that contains an astromech console. Use an astromech droid to reveal the “Astro Physics” Minikit piece.
Rumor: “A trusty astromech can reveal this ship’s hidden secrets…”
BB-Ball Minikit
In the breakroom, there is a little basketball net. Use a Jedi character to force lift one of the balls and drop it into the net. Doing so will make the “BB-Ball” minikit piece appear.
Rumor: “Can you score one from downtown?”

Light Luggage Minikit
In the hanger, you can see a container with a panel that can be cut with a lightsaber. Use a Jedi to cut it open and you will the “Light Luggage” Minikit piece inside.
Rumor: “These containers will require more than a little elbow grease to open.”
After getting all First Oder of Business minikits, you will get the “Finalizer” micro ship as a reward.

Low Flying Garbage
Risky Maneuver Minikit
Go a little further ahead after picking up the “Scrap Picker” minikit piece and you’ll more ship remains. The “Risky Maenuver” minikit piece is right there for all to see. Fly through the center of the debris to collect the minikit.
Rumor: “Some fancy flying through the debris could be rewarding!”

Scrap Picker Minikit
In the desert, across the Star Destroyer, you’ll find the remains of a closed thruster. Blast it open and you’ll find the “Scrap Picker” minikit piece inside.
Rumor: “Some of these pipes look like they haven’t been salvaged yet!”

Kick ‘Em While They’re Down Minikit
To earn the “Kick ‘Em While They’re Down” Minikit piece, you’ll need to fly to the wrecked Star Destroyer. On the deck, you’ll find 4 laser batteries right next to each other. Destroy them and the minikit is yours.
Rumor: “Destroy the crashed star destroyer’s weapons.”
Target Practice Minikit
Above the battlefield, there is a patch of airspace that has TIE bombers going around it. In this area, you’ll need to find and shoot down 5 TIE Fighters. Keep in mind that destroying the bombers won’t add to the count. Once you’ve destroyed 5 fighters, you’d have earned the Target Practice” Minikit piece.
Rumor: “Defeat the attacking wave of TIE/sf before escaping!”

Scavengers Gonna Scavenge Minikit
Once you fly into the Star Destroyer and go down the length of the ship, you’ll come across cargo droids. One of those salvage droids is carrying the “Scavengers Gonna Scavenger” Minikit piece. Destroy it and you are able to collect the minikit.
Rumor: “Salvage the minikit from the salvage droid.”
After getting all Low Flying Garbage minikits, you will get the “First Order TIE Fighter” micro ship as a reward.

Reap What You Solo
Broken Floors and Silver Doors Minikit
Head to the corridor with the Rathtar underneath the floor. Once it breaks the floor open, you can able to wall run across it and you will find a silver door on the other side. Use a character that uses grenades to open the door. Do note that the floor will collapse the moment you walk towards it. Switch to your other character and use them to pick up the “Broken Floors and Silver Doors” Minikit piece.
Rumor: “Avoid the damaged floor and see what lies beyond!”
Ryloth Ark Minikit
In the same room where you use Finn’s grappling hook to pull down the turret control mechanism, you will find a very large crate that requires a passcode. The code is located in the room, hidden behind empty crates. In case you’re curious, the combination is green, purple, and yellow, from left to right. Getting the combination right will reveal a golden ark. Use a bounty hunter to destroy it and that should net you the “Ryloth Ark” Minikit piece.
Rumor: “The code to that crate must be close by…”

Hanging Out Minikit
On the upper floors of the room with the turret, you will a brown container on the other side of the platform. Use a scoundrel to shoot the fuse box and the junctions on the rail to make the container move. Actually, the container behind that one has the piece that we want. Once it reaches the other side, use a character that uses a grenade to open the container up and collect the “Hanging Out” Minikit piece.
Rumor: “A scoundrel could really cause some havoc with those conveyor controls.”

Contain and Collect Minikit
In the room with a lot of containers, you will find a crankshaft right in the center of it. Keep turning it around until it opens the container holding the minikit piece. Then move the cargo claw to the station with the big red button. Press the button with the platform on it. The claw will pick up a container. Move the platform with the container where the piece is and scale it to pick up the “Contain and Collect” Minikit piece.
Rumor: “Make sure to check all the container units!”

Tantalizingly Tiny Droid Door Minikit
In the landing bay, you will find a transparent box. Destroy the boxes around it and that’ll expose a droid size opening on the side. Change to droid like BB-8 and you can collect the “Tantalizingly Tiny Droid Door” Minikit piece.
Rumor: “That unit is in the landing bay seems the perfect size for BB-8! Or half a protocol droid, if that’s more your bag.”
After getting all Reap What You Solo minikits, you will get the “Eravana” micro ship as a reward.

Starkiller Queen
Rock Starkiller Minikit
In the room where you destroy the bridge, you will find a minikit floating in the rocky area to the left. Don’t sweat it if you’ve destroyed the bridge or not. Using a scavenger, shoot the net gun at the supports that lead to the minikit piece. Afterward, climb the ladder and scale the nets and you will have the “Rock Starkiller” Minikit piece waiting for you on top of the rocks.
Rumor: “Looks like a good place to try out some rock climbing…”
Always Recycle Minikit
Just a little past the bridge, you will find a set of doors held in place with golden locks. Use a bounty hunter to melt through the locks and proceed forward. Inside the room, you can see the container holding your desired minikit. Use a Jedi to lift it and place it in the trash compactor at the end of the room. Then use two characters to crush the container open. After the pieces have been freed, put them together and you’d have earned the “Always Recycle” Minikit.
Rumor: “Discover the trash compactor and correctly dispose of any recycling.”
Wall of Shame Minikit
In the corridor that loops around, you will find a wall that can be cut with a lightsaber. Cut through it and you will the “Wall of Shame” Minikit piece.
Rumor: “A little bit of deconstruction is needed within the base.”

You’re the Party Star! Minikit
Once you have taken Captain Phasma hostage, she will help you enter a room that has a model Death Star in it. Destroy the consoles in the back to expose the parts for an astromech terminal. Once you’ve assembled it, switch to an astromech droid and decipher the key. Once you’ve done that, the DJ booth will come to life and it’ll start blasting music. After a little bit of a wait, the model of the Death Star will spit out the “You’re the Party Star!” Minikit piece.
Rumor: “Start the party and enjoy a beverage!”

No More Restraints Minikit
In the southwest corner of the map, there is a locked room that can be opened using the console next to it. Once you’ve opened the room, you’ll immediately see a silver container at the far end. Blow it up with a grenade, and you should be able to put the remaining pieces together to earn the “No More Restraints” Minikit piece.
Rumor: “See what you can find in the interrogation room…”
After getting all Starkiller Queen minikits, you will get the “Starkiller Base” micro ship as a reward.

Destroying Starkiller
Starkiller Base Race Minikit
To earn the “Starkiller Base Race” Minikit, you need only destroy ten turrets while flying across the trench. There are plenty of turrets to choose from, so you need to worry too much.
Rumor: “Beat the clock to win a prize!”
Trench Fun Minikit
Once you’ve destroyed the turrets, fly close to the bottom of the trench until you see an exhaust-looking structure in the distance. Fly over it, and you’d have earned the “Trench Fun” Minikit piece.
Rumor: “You’ll narrowly escape with this minikit…”
Not-So-Hidden Package Minikit
In the final fight with Kylo Ren, there is a pile of rocks near the area Kylo Ren summons a bunch of troopers. You can easily walk past the rock formation by accident. But in case you do, backtrack a little bit, scale the rocks and pick up the “Not-So-Hidden Package” Minikit Piece
Rumor: “Who leaves these lying around like this?”
Cracked It Minikit
Beside the place you found the “Not-So-Hidden Package Minikit Piece”, you can see a destructible wall poking out of the ground. Use a scavenger’s breaker blaster to blow it up and expose the “Cracked It” Minikit Piece.
Rumor: “The base is crumbling, so might as well go for it!”

Stacked It Minikit
In the arena where you first fought Kylo Ren, you can see a Minikit floating in the air with 3 boxes beneath it. Using a Jedi’s lift powers, stack the boxes up, climb on top of the boxes, and that should net you the “Stacked It” Mnikit piece.
Rumor: “Force yourself to reach up and grab this one!”
After getting all Destroying Starkiller minikits, you will get the “Resistance X-wing” micro ship as a reward.
That’s it for LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga All Minikit Locations in Episode 7: The Force Awakens. You can check out our other LEGO Star Wars guides for something you might be interested in.
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- LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga – Return of the Jedi Minikit Locations
- LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga – The Force Awakens Minikit Locations
- LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga – The Last Jedi Minikit Locations
- LEGO Star Wars The Starwalker Saga – The Rise of Skywalker Minikit Locations
Check out this Youtube video from Gaming with Abyss showing where all the minikits in First Order of Business are.