Sea of Thieves Return of the Damned Adventure 9 Walkthrough

Sea of Thieves Return of the Damned featured

As the ninth Adventure in Sea of Thieves, the Return of the Damned has players deciding the fates of the heroic Sir Arthur Pendragon and the dastardly Captain Flameheart. The adventure has two unique outcomes depending on who you choose to side with. On this guide, we’ll show you a step-by-step walkthrough of the Return of the Damned Adventure in Sea of Thieves.

The Return of the Damned has two alternate outcomes which greatly vary from each other. Which outcome is hailed as cannon will depend on which most of the community sides with in the ninth Adventure.

The ninth Adventure follows the story of The Herald of the Flame which prophesized the resurrection of Captain Flameheart. You can help make that prophecy come true by choosing to assist the Servant of the Flame in the Reaper’s Path to fulfill a ritual that will bring back Captain Flameheart, which in turn will condemn the noble Sir Arthur Pendragon to a dark void.

If you choose to take Belle’s Path by siding with her and Pendragon, you’ll instead stop the ritual from completion and stop Captain Flameheart from coming back to life. This will save Pendragon from his dark fate.

How does the Return of the Damned Adventure work

Now what’s interesting is that you’re able to complete both the Reaper’s Path and Belle’s Path. Doing so will help you understand the story better. However in The Return of the Damned, specific actions from either path will count towards Captain Flameheart’s resurrection or the prevention of it. You are able to continue doing these actions even after you’ve beaten both paths which will help the ending you want become cannon.

Your actions to helping or preventing Captain Flameheart’s resurrection will be counted from behind the scenes. At the end of the Return of the Damned Adventure, every action of every pirate who participated will be tallied. The fate of Pendragon and Captain Flameheart will be revealed at the end.

How to Resurrect Captain Flameheart and Condemn Pendragon?

You must help the Servant of the Flame complete the ritual to resurrect Captain Flameheart which will condemn Pendragon to his dark fate. To do this, you have to contribute to the Servant’s efforts by delivering Bewitching Dolls and Enchanted Bewitching Dolls to him.

How to Resurrect Captain Flameheart and Condemn Pendragon

You do not need to be on the Reaper’s Path to be able to contribute points to Captain Flameheart’s resurrection. The point system will work the same for both paths with the regular Bewitching Dolls giving you minimum points towards Captain Flameheart’s resurrection. The Enchanted Bewitching Dolls are much more valuable as they give out the maximum number of points towards this preferred ending.

How to Save Pendragon and Stop Captain Flameheart’s Resurrection?

You must help Belle complete her ritual to stop Captain Flameheart’s resurrection which will save Pendragon from a grim fate. To do this, you have to contribute to the Servant’s efforts by delivering Bewitching Dolls and Enchanted Bewitching Dolls to her.

You do not need to be on Belle’s Path to be able to contribute points to stopping Captain Flameheart’s resurrection. The point system will work the same for both Paths with the regular Bewitching Dolls giving you minimum points towards saving Pendragon. The Enchanted Bewitching Dolls are much more valuable as they give out the maximum number of points towards this preferred ending.

Sea Forts Bonus Points

How to earn bonus points for your side?

You are actually able to add more points by claiming Sea Forts for either the Servant of the Flame or Belle which adds more points for the Bewitching Dolls. Each Sea Fort can be controlled by one side by flying their respective flag on that specific sea fort. The more sea forts that are controlled by one side the more points you’ll earn when handing in Bewitching Dolls to the respective side in control.

How to long is the Return of the Damned Adventure?

You must complete both Belle’s Path and the Reaper’s Path in order to finish the Return of the Damned Adventure in Sea of Thieves. Even after finishing both Paths, you’re still able to contribute to the conflicting endings until the end of the Adventure.

You will be able to partake in The Return of the Damned from November 3, 2022 to November 17, 2022 only. Afterwards, you will no longer be able to participate in the Adventure or earn its rewards.

Sea of Thieves The Return of the Damned Rewards

Completing Belle’s Path will reward you with the Belle’s Ritual Sails cosmetics. Completing the Reaper’s Path will reward you with the Reaper’s Ritual Sails cosmetics. These cosmetics can be used to decorate your ship’s exteriors.

The Return of the Damned has 10 deeds in total. Completing all ten will earn you the Devotee of the Damned title. You’re able to check your progress for completing deeds in the Adventure tab.

Sea of Thieves The Return of the Damned Deeds

  • Speak with Belle: Belle is calling for your aid at the Shipwreck Bay. Go see what she needs.
  • Speak with the Servant of the Flame: The Reaper’s Bones are in their hideout plotting something. Maybe their leader is willing to share some secrets?
  • Raise Belle’s flag on a Sea Fort: Claim a Sea Fort for Belle.
  • Raise The Reaper’s flag on a Sea Fort: Claim a Sea Fort for the Reapers.
  • Find Belle’s Journals: Belle has left her thoughts hidden on Shipwreck Bay and Royal Crest Fortress.
  • Find the Servant of the Flame’s Journals: The Reapers’ secrets can be found hidden at The Reaper’s Hideout and Mercy’s End Fortress.
  • Defeat a Soulflame Captain: Take out this hulking horror or at least be part of a crew responsible for taking one down.
  • Turn in a Bewitching or Enchanted Bewitching Doll to Belle: Belle needs these Dark Relics to fulfill her ritual. You can get them from Sea Forts.
  • Turn in a Bewitching or Enchanted Bewitching Doll to the Servant of the Flame: Belle needs these Dark Relics to fulfill her ritual. You can get them from Sea Forts.
  • Complete the Adventure: Complete either Belle’s Path or The Reaper’s Path.

Sea of Thieves The Return of the Damned Walkthrough

Here is a complete walkthrough for the Return of the Damned Adventure:

Speak with Larinna to begin the Return of the Damned

Speak with Larinna to begin the Return of the Damned

Go to any Outpost and speak with Larinna. You’re able to find her outside the Tavern. This will start the Return of the Damned Adventure.

You must take note that you have to complete all Chapters because there are no checkpoints in this Adventure. Meaning that if you stop for any reason, you'll have to begin all the way from the start. You also cannot start this Adventure if you're currently doing a Tall Tale.

Choose the option to talk about Belle and The Reaper’s Bones and Larinna will give you some dialogue options. You can choose to either Belle’s Path who is working actively to prevent the resurrection of Captain Flameheart. Or you can choose The Reaper’s Path who is working to resurrect Captain Flameheart.

Once you’re finished picking either, the Adventure will start.

Belle's Path

Belle’s Path

Once you’ve picked Belle’s Path, Larinna will direct you to the Shipwreck Bay which you can find in The Wilds Region. If you’re having trouble finding it, go to the Table Map in your ship and set coordinates M10.

Get prepared to set sail with your crew or alone and then head for Shipwreck Bay.

Talk to Belle

Belle can be found in Shipwreck Bay at the large shipwreck on the southern beach of the island. You’ll be able to spot her standing next to Pendragon near a ritual table.

One of Belle’s journals can be found on the balcony behind the Captain’s Cabin of the shipwreck. Give it a read if you’re planning to finish all the deeds.

After you’re satisfied with exploring the Shipwreck Bay, talk to Belle and pick the CONTINUE BELLE’S Path option in the dialogue to proceed to the second chapter.

Fulfill Belle’s Checklist

Belle needs you to do two things for her to proceed with her Path:

  • Conquer a Sea Fort and raise Belle’s flag there.
  • Bring back a Bewitching or Enchanted Bewitching Doll to Belle.

Go ahead and access your Quest Radial to equip Belle’s Checklist so you can keep track of it. After completing the two above, return to Belle to complete Belle’s Path and the second chapter.

You can equip Belle’s fort flag from your Quest Radial which you can use to raise her flags on the Sea Forts. Bewitching Dolls can also be found on the Sea Forts. So thankfully it’s only a one time trip rather than travelling to multiple places.

Conquering a Sea Fort

Conquering a Sea Fort

There are six Sea Forts in total that belong to either Belle or The Reapers. You need to sail to one that doesn’t belong to Belle. Use the ritual table and look at the Sea Fort miniatures. Sea Forts that belong to Belle will have green flags on them while Sea Forts that belong to the Reapers will have a red flag on them, which is what you want to attack.

You can also see it just by scanning the horizon for their colors. If it’s red, you can claim it. You only need to claim one of the six Sea Forts to complete Belle’s Path.

Take note if the Sea Fort is active which spawns Phantoms and a Captain of the Fortress before you’re allowed to raise the flag to claim it. You’d also have to lower their flag first. If it’s inactive, you can go right ahead to the top, equip Belle’s Flag from the Radial Menu and interact with the flagpole.

Soulflame Captain Sea of Thieves

There’s a chance you might encounter a Soulflame Captain when you attack an active Sea Fort. Defeating one is required for completing all the Return of the Damned deeds. This will also reward you by giving you the chance to make an Enchanted Bewitching Doll which gives you more points.

Give Belle Bewitching Dolls or Enchanted Bewitching Dolls

Give Belle any Bewitching Dolls you collect which can be found on cabinets, cupboards, crates, and other notable furniture in Sea Forts. Each Sea Fort has at least two Bewitching Dolls to find and you’re certain to find one if you look inside the cupboard of the Fortress Treasury which you’ll need the key for by fighting the Captain of the Fortress. This will complete the second task she asks of you as well as add more points into helping stop Captain Flameheart’s resurrection.

Give Belle Bewitching Dolls or Enchanted Bewitching Dolls

One thing you cannot get is the Enchanted Bewitching Doll which is something that you need to craft. After defeating a Soulflame Captain you can take a Bewitching Doll to where it drops its soul to turn it into an Enchanted Bewitching Doll. However since Soulflame Captains aren’t a guaranteed spawn, you may not have the opportunity to make one.

Bewitching Dolls will spawn in Sea Forts every 10 to 15 minutes if it’s vacant and no one is near it. You can farm Bewitching Dolls this way if you’re patient, but you’re better off finding other Sea Forts to claim with your time.

Complete Belle’s Path

After completing Belle’s tasks, speak with her again in Shipwreck Bay to complete her path. You can continue to redo Belle’s Path by speaking with her again.

The Reaper's Path

The Reaper’s Path

You can start the Reaper’s Path by speaking to the Servant of the Flame who is at the Reaper’s Hideout. You’ll find him on the beach just outside the main structure. He will be next to the remains of Captain Flameheart near a ritual table.

If you’re interested, you can find one of the Servant’s journals on the wooden crate by some scaffolding south of the main structure. You’ll recognize it because it has a cannon.

Speak with the Servant and pick CONTINUE THE REAPER’S PATH option in the dialogue to help him resurrect Captain Flameheart. If you picked the Reaper’s Path from Larinna, then you have to pick COMPLETE CHAPTER option in the dialogue to continue.

Fulfill the Reaper’s Checklist

The Servant needs you to do two things for him to proceed with his Path:

  • Conquer a Sea Fort and raise the Reaper’s flag there.
  • Bring back a Bewitching or Enchanted Bewitching Doll to the Servant.

Go ahead and access your Quest Radial to equip Reaper’s Checklist so you can keep track of it. After completing the two above, return to the Servant to complete the Reaper’s Path and the second chapter.

You can equip the Reaper’s fort flag from your Quest Radial which you can use to raise their flags on the Sea Forts. Bewitching Dolls can also be found on the Sea Forts. So thankfully it’s only a one time trip rather than travelling to multiple places.

Conquering a Sea Fort from Belle

Conquering a Sea Fort from Belle is ritually the same as doing it for her. The biggest difference is the enemy types you’ll find which are Ancient Phantoms and Priest of the Fort.

Give the Servant Bewitching Dolls or Enchanted Bewitching Dolls

Same as the process for Belle, you can find Bewitching Dolls on Sea Forts which you can give to the Servant. If there is a Soulflame Captain, you can upgrade it to a Enchanted Bewitching Doll which will give you more points towards Captain Flameheart’s resurrection.

Complete the Reaper’s Path

After finishing the two tasks the Servant gives you, go back to the Reaper’s Hideout and speak with him once more to complete his path. You can then speak with him again to continue claiming Sea Forts for the Reapers and giving them Bewitching Dolls.

That’s our Sea of Thieves Return of the Damned Adventure 9 Walkthrough. We hope this article was informative. For more on Sea of Thieves, check out our other articles.

Check out this Youtube video from XCageGame showing a full playthrough of Return of the Damned Adventure in Sea of Thieves.