Saber Interactive is excited to reveal the next major content installment for World War Z: Aftermath, the ultimate co-op zombie...
Saber Interactive has recently released the World War Z: Aftermath free Holy Terror update on all available platforms. World War...
Saber Interactive has recently released the new World War Z Aftermath Against All Odds update today and it is all...
Saber Interactive has recently announced the World War Z Aftermath free next-gen upgrade. The co-op zombie shooter inspired by Paramount...
Saber Interactive and Focus Entertainment’s co-op zombie shooter World War Z Aftermath new update Cut and Mend is finally here....
Saber Interactive and Focus Entertainment have recently released a new free post-launch World War Z Aftermath October update for the...
World War Z comes back after two years with more zombie killing fun through its new expansion, Aftermath. If you’re...
Check out the official pre-order trailer for World War Z: Aftermath.
Console versions will be getting a physical release soon.
The next evolution of cooperative shooter World War Z: Aftermath was recently announced with a new trailer. Aftermath is a...