A Plague Tale Requiem Bracer Secret Armor is found at the start of Chapter 9 and getting it will require some puzzle-solving from players. When Amicia is cornered by hostile enemies, this Bracer Secret Armor will prevent her from taking any further damage. In this guide, we will teach players how to unlock the Bracer Secret Armor in A Plague Tale: Requiem.

Where to find Bracer Secret Armor in A Plague Tale Requiem
As stated above, there is an optional quest that players can do at the beginning of Chapter 9 of A Plague Tale Reqiuem. In the beginning, Amicia head down the stairways to the courtyard of the Palace, and there will be a soldier standing by at the entrance. Talk to him and the puzzle quest will begin.

The puzzle will center around the 4 windmills. Each windmill is marked with a number on the door, 1 to 4. To solve these puzzling windmills, you need to make that 2 windmills are functioning and the other 2 are turned off. Technically speaking, players will need to turn off Windmill I and II and keep Windmill III and IV active.
Here are the following steps in unlocking the secret armor for Amicia.
Steps in Unlocking A Plague Tale Requiem Bracer Secret Armor
- At Windmill IV, head to the side where there is a cart. Crawl under it and climb up the ladder and look for a window. Go through it and there is a brake panel that can be pulled to activate the windmill.
- In Windmill III, players aren’t required to activate it since it’s already on by default but there are pieces that need to be collected. Like the 4th Windmill, there is a cart behind it. Push it forward and hole where Hugo can enter and unlock the door for the windmill.
- In Windmill II, head to the back, and a rope can be found. Pull the rope and it will expose debris that will open a passageway. Get inside and push the panel to turn off the windmill.
- The last windmill, Windmill I is very easy to do. Enter the front door and open it. Make sure the panel inside is pushed all the way in to see if it’s off.

Once all the proper windmills have been set, head back to the small hole where there is a windmill picture hanging on the wall. Explore the inside and deep within is the box where the bracer is located.
And that’s all that players need to know to unlock the Bracer Secret Armor in A Plague Tale: Requiem. If you like this guide, be sure to check out our other A Plague Tale: Requiem articles:
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Check out this video made by Maka91Productions to know all the steps and tricks in unlocking the Bracer Secret Armor in A Plague Tale Requiem.