All Elden Ring Colosseum Locations

A list of all Colosseum locations and PVP modes in Elden Ring


Colosseums are one of the new updates added to Elden Ring and it is an arena where players can participate in multiple PVP modes. Most of these PVP modes may require teamwork while others do duels or free-for-all brawls. Below, we’ll outline where to find each Colosseum in Elden Ring, the PVP multiplayer modes they offer, and how to unlock the more difficult ones before the Colosseums are released in Elden Ring.

What are Colosseums in Elden Ring?

The Colosseums, which were initially unavailable, have now been revealed as the setting for the new Elden Ring PVP mode. There are 3 Elden Ring Colosseums in different locations and each of them has different modes available to participate in.

The game modes found in this new update are the following:

  • United Combat
    • Players will engage in a deathmatch where they will be split into teams of two either 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3 during a timed battle for 300 seconds.
  • Combat Ordeal
    • This mode is a free-for-all match where there are no limited deaths or respawns. Players must fight for themselves and the one with the highest kill count will win.
  • Duel Mode
    • Among the Colosseum modes, this match is a 1 vs 1 match, where players have at least 180 seconds to defeat their opponent and the first one to kill the other one wins.

As stated, there are 3 Colosseums that players can participate in the game:

Limgrave Colosseum

The 1st Colosseum that players will encounter in Elden Ring is the Limgrave Colosseum. It is located in West Limgrave, the starting point of the game. Head north and then, east of the Stormveil Castle on the other side of the bridge. Afterward, head north from the Warmaster’s Shack Site of Grace, and a large arena can be found.

This Colosseum includes the following modes and options in that players can participate:

  • Combat Formats: United Combat / Combat Ordeal
  • Number of Combatants: 2 / 4 / 6 Players
  • Spirit Ashes are not allowed in this arena

Leyndell Royal Colosseum

The 2nd Colosseum, Leyndell Royal Colosseum, is a high-level PVP arena that is located in the Capital dungeon of Leyndell in the Atlus Plateau region. The arena can be found in the far south of the Legacy Dungeon alongside the path of the West Ramparts Site of Grace near the main road.

This Colosseum includes the following modes and options in that players can participate:

  • Combat Formats: Duel
  • Number of Combatants: 2 Players
  • Spirit Ashes are not allowed in this arena

Caelid Colosseum

The last one, Caelid Colosseum, is another high-level arena that players can access later in the game. It is located in the Dragonblight region of Caelid and players can see it hanging around the northern coast at the end of a gorge that is accessible by exploring the depths of the Siofra River.

This Colosseum includes the following modes and options in that players can participate:

  • Combat Formats:  Duel / United Combat / Combat Ordeal
  • Number of Combatants: 2/ 4/ 6 Players
  • Spirit Ashes are allowed in this arena

And that’s our guide on all the Colosseum locations in Elden Ring. If you like this article, be sure to check out our other Elden Ring articles here:

Check out sawmanUK video on his colosseum complete guide in Elden Ring
