How to Get Heal Thyself in Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Solar 3.0 Warlock Best Build

Heal Thyself in Destiny 2 is a mod that helps you last a lot longer in combat by being aggressive. Any Final Blows you deal with grenades will restore your health at the cost of one stack of Charged With Light. It can be useful to players who are looking for a specific build that helps them stay alive a lot longer.

Read on, and this guide will show you how to get Heal Thyself in Destiny 2.

Where to Get Heal Thyself in Destiny 2?

To get Heal Thyself in Destiny 2, go to the Tower and buy it from Ada-1 for 10 Mod Components. Her inventory is on a rotation so come back if the mod isn’t available during the time you talk to her.

Heal Thyself is a good mod for players who love to use grenades. Especially useful for those who are using the Warlock class. Anyone who loves to spam grenades will ensure they’re constantly healed and ready to take more punishment. The only downside is that the Heal Thyself mod requires 4 Solar energy in order to use.

Once you obtain Heal Thyself, you just need to equip it on one of your mod slots to use. Depending on what build you have, this mod may be essential if you don’t have any other abilities to heal you.

How to get Heal Thyself in Destiny 2 Ada Store

Now that you’ve acquired Heal Thyself in Destiny 2 from Ada-1, you need to know how to use it. As Heal Thyself is a mod that won’t activate by itself.

How to Use Heal Thyself in Destiny 2?

To use Heal Thyself in Destiny 2, you need to equip another mod that grants you stacks of Charged With Light. This is because Heal Thyself consumes a stack of Charged With Light with each use so you can’t use the mod without it.

Elemental Charge is a good way to gain Charged With Light since it gives you one after picking up an Elemental Well. If you need something to generate them, go with Elemental Ordnance which also summons Elemental Wells upon Final Blows with grenades. Now you have a combination that revolves around using grenades a lot of times.

How to get Heal Thyself in Destiny 2 separator

That’s how to get Heal Thyself in Destiny 2. We hope this helped you build your ultimate Guardian in the game. Here are some more Destiny 2 content:

If you’re using a Titan build, then you’ll be interested in this Youtube video from Treymanblok showing one that revolves around the Heal Thyself in Destiny 2.

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