Shaders in Destiny 2 play an important role. They are cosmetics that apply a color scheme or texture to the player’s equipment. In the latest event of Destiny 2, called the Iron Banner, there are a ton of rewards that players can earn, and one of them is a shader called the Iron Countershade. In this guide, players will learn what this shade is and more, so read on.
What is the Iron Countershade in Destiny 2?
As stated above, shaders are cosmetics that apply a color scheme or texture to the player’s equipment. They may be applied individually to Kinetic Weapons, Energy Weapons, and Power weapons. But when it comes to Exotic weapons, they currently do not accept any type of shader. Not only shaders apply to weapons but to armor, ships, and even Ghost Shells are applicable.

The Iron Shade is a cosmetic item whose rarity is Legendary. It consists of 4 metallic colors namely rust brown, marble white, metallic black, and metallic beige, and gives any cloth armor chainmail effect that is worth grinding for in the game. The image above shows what it looks like including what would happen if they are applied to armor and weapons.
How to Get Iron Countershade in Destiny 2
To get the Iron Countershade in Destiny 2, players must complete the Iron Banner matches and earn rank-up packages from Lord Saladin. To do so, players must at least grind through about two entire resets in Saladin. Building up one’s reputation through the event is the only way to grind for this event and luckily players will not only earn this unique shader but also, some new weapons and items they can enjoy.
And that’s our guide on how to get the Iron Countershade in Destiny 2. If players are interested in any Destiny 2-related articles, feel free to check out the following articles below:
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- Destiny 2 Iron Banner Challenges: How to Find and Complete
Also, check out Krypz’s video on his reaction to the new Iron Banner Shade, Iron Countershade in Destiny 2: