There have been reports that the PS5 version of the Overwatch 2 Beta is inaccessible and requires a PS5 Overwatch 2 PVP Beta Tracker, despite being given beta keys by Blizzard or purchasing a pack that guarantees beta access.
The latest Overwatch 2 Beta test has rolled out recently, but not all players have had a smooth start into entering the beta. PS5 users who have been lucky enough to be invited to join the beta, as well as those who have bought the Watchpoint Pack to get immediate access to the beta have encountered an issue with regards to a PS5 Overwatch 2 PVP Beta Tracker that seems to be missing.
What is the Overwatch 2 PVP Beta Tracker for?
Simply put, the PVP Beta Tracker is the thing that gives access to those players who have been given beta keys by Blizzard through email, or to those who have purchased the Watchpoint Pack. Without a PVP Beta Tracker, players will not be able to get access into the current Overwatch 2 beta.
How to get the Overwatch 2 PVP Beta Tracker?
The Overwatch 2 PVP Beta Tracker can be obtained through these two ways:
- If you have opted into the Overwatch 2 Beta test during the sign up period, you’ll have the chance to be chosen to participate the beta. If you are lucky enough to get the invite, Blizzard will send you a beta key that grants you access to the beta; this is basically the beta tracker.
- Purchasing the Overwatch 2 Watchpoint Pack includes a guaranteed access into the beta.

PS5 Overwatch 2 PVP Beta Tracker Issue
PS5 users who purchased the Watchpoint Pack have encountered an issue when they try to access and download the Overwatch 2 Beta, which goes:
"You need the following products before you can make this purchase.
PS5 Overwatch 2 PVP Beta Tracker"
Connected to this, there was also an issue when the Watchpoint Pack first came out wherein players gained the ability to purchase the pack more than once on their account. Players were then able to request for refunds for the extra purchases through Sony.
At first, it was thought that only players who have experienced the prior purchase issue were getting affected by the beta tracker issue. But according to one user who replied to the Beta Tracker issue thread in the official forums, they did not encounter the purchase issue, yet they still got the Beta Tracker issue.
PS5 Overwatch 2 PVP Beta Tracker Issue Solution
So far, the only step that has been recommended to resolve this issue is to constantly check and see if the affected players can download the beta. It’s unclear if the issue is with Blizzard’s or with Sony’s side, but both parties have been made aware of it as we hope that it gets sorted out soon.
If you like this Guide, be sure to check out our other Overwatch 2 articles:
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Try out this solution for this issue as shown by AeroWhistler by downloading the PS4 version through the PS Store or the PS App: