Lost in a Fog is one of the prologue’s main quests in Final Fantasy 16. Bade by his father, the...
Flight of the Fledgling is one of the prologue’s main quests in Final Fantasy 16. The Shields of Rosaria have...
The Final Fantasy 16 Gotterdammerung is unquestionably the best weapon in the game. You can completely miss this weapon on...
Final Fantasy 16 is the latest game in the franchise, and it’s taking an even more action-packed approach to its...
Final Fantasy, one of the oldest franchises in the role-playing game genre, has seen many ups and downs in its...
Square Enix has confirmed that the upcoming video game Final Fantasy XVI will be getting its day one patch. Final...
Square Enix recently revealed the Final Fantasy XVI New Game+ difficulty called Final Fantasy Mode. Final Fantasy games usually have...
New reports claim Final Fantasy XVI physical copies are now out in the wild a week before its official release....
Square Enix has recently released the playable Final Fantasy XVI demo worldwide after a recent grand celebration. Final Fantasy XVI...
A new report has revealed that Square Enix is slightly worried about Final Fantasy XVI pre-orders. After the recent presentations...