Lies of P is an action soulslike game that follows the story of P, a humanoid puppet created as the...
Lies of P is an action soulslike game that follows the story of P, a humanoid puppet created as the...
Lies of P is an action soulslike game that follows the story of P, a humanoid puppet created as the...
Lies of P is an action soulslike game that follows the story of P, a humanoid puppet created as the...
Lies of P is an action soulslike game that follows the story of P, a humanoid puppet created as the...
The Puppet of the Future is a particularly difficult boss fight in Lies of P because of the environment you...
The Scrapped Watchman is one of the early bosses you’ll encounter in Lies of P. This monstrous giant blocks the...
Mad Donkey is one of the early bosses you’ll encounter in Lies of P. This madman blames your creator, Geppetto,...
Lies of P is an action soulslike game that follows the story of P, a humanoid puppet created as the...
Simon Manus, Awakened God is the final boss of Lies of P. As his name implies, this boss has a...