Diablo Immortal Necromancer Best Build

The Necromancer class isn't just for support, at the right hands and the right build you have a powerful crowd control mage that can decimate any area.

Diablo Immortal Necromancer Best Build Featured

You may be looking for the Diablo Immortal Necromancer best builds. This crowd control support class has several builds you can go for to make the best Necromancer in the game. In this guide, we’ll show you how to make the Diablo Immortal Necromancer best build in the game.

Best Diablo Immortal Necromancer Build (Explained)

The Diablo Immortal Necromancer best builds can either focus on giving support to allies or causing mayhem over a widespread area. Our Necromancer build still has room for modifications if you want to make room for supporting your party. However at its purest, this Diablo Immortal Necromancer build excels in crowd control.

Take a look at our Diablo Immortal Tier List – Classes Ranked for where the Necromancer class ranks.

Here are the best build choices for the Diablo Immortal Necromancer class:

Best Diablo Immortal Necromancer Build Skills

Best Diablo Immortal Necromancer Build Skills

  • Soulfire: Throws a ball of Soulfire that inflicts damage to the target and 25% damage to nearby enemies.
  • Command Skeletons: Commands skeleton minions to charge to a specific location, increasing your attack speed.
  • Skeleton Mage: Summons an immobile skeletal mage that acts like a turret, firing soulfire in a set direction.
  • Dark Curse: Curse enemies in an area, damaging them over time and reduce their vision.
  • Command Golem: Summon a bone golem to deal damage and stun all nearby enemies. The golem can also be directed to leap to specific locations.

We recommend going with Soulfire as your Primary Attack. This is best for dealing additional crowd control as it can also damage others nearby your target. With the Baleful Trinity equipped, you’ll be able to do even more damage.

The skills Command Skeletons, Skeleton Mage, and Command Golem are all about summoning allies to your side. What kind of Necromancer doesn’t command a legion of the dead? If you feel more like playing a supporting role, then you can switch any out for Bone Wall or Bone Armor which provide protection to you and your allies.

Dark Curse is a good debuff ability that not only damages enemies over time, but it also reduces their vision making them more likely to miss.

For a list of all Necromancer class skills, check out our Diablo Immortal Classes – All Abilities, Best Starting Class guide.

Best Diablo Immortal Necromancer Build Attributes

Best Diablo Immortal Necromancer Build Attributes

  • Weapons: Vitality, Intelligence
  • Armor: Vitality, Intelligence
  • Gems: Damage, Armor Penetration, Resistance

You need to look for equipment that boosts specific attributes. The Necromancer class only uses a few so it’s a waste to equip an item with certain attributes that don’t give the Necromancer anything.

For Weapons and Armor, you’ll want to focus on Intelligence and Vitality attributes. These will help in your spell casting and provide survivability for your Necromancer.

For Gems, you’ll want to focus on ones that give you Damage, Resistance, and Armor Penetration. You’re looking for Topaz, Sapphire, Tourmaline colored gems.

Best Diablo Immortal Necromancer Build Legendary Gems

Best Diablo Immortal Necromancer Build Legendary Gems

  • Everlasting Torment: Critical hits will cause damage over time to targets which occurs once very 20 seconds.
  • Ca’arsen’s Invigoration: Increases the speed of Primary Attack
  • Fervent Fang: Increases damage to a specific target every time you deal damage to them. Can stack up to 10 times.

Legendary Gems can take some work to get a hold of, but they do provide additional bonuses that you will want. It will take some time to acquire these Legendary Gems for your Diablo Immortal Necromancer Best Build, but they’ll be well worth it.

Everlasting Torment is a One-star Legendary Gem that you can craft from the Apprentice Jeweler. Any critical hits you do to a target also inflict damage over time, but this can only occur once in every 20 seconds. Ca’arsen’s Invigoration is a One-star Legendary Gem that can be crafted from the same NPC. This will increase your Soulfire attack speed allowing you to deal damage faster.

Fervent Fang is a little more challenging to acquire as it is a random drop. It will increase the amount of damage to a single-target you keep attacking and will stack up to 10 times.

Best Diablo Immortal Necromancer Build Equipment

Best Diablo Immortal Necromancer Build Equipment

  • Baleful Trinity: Soulfire will bounce to another target but inflict less damage to the subsequent target.
  • Pierce Hammer: Command Skeletons have 10% increased damage.

Aside from looking for equipment with the attributes we listed above, we recommend getting your hands on the Baleful Trinity, an off-hand Necromancer class exclusive that modifies your Soulfire to bounce off a target to another one, albeit with reduced damage this time around.

It would also be useful if you can get your hands on Pierce Hammer for your main hand as this weapon modifies your Command Skeletons to do by 10% additional damage.

Best Diablo Immortal Crusader Paragon Traits

Best Diablo Immortal Necromancer Build Paragon Traits

  • Vanquisher: Bonuses to damage and penetration.
  • Survivor: Offers bonuses to defense and vitality.

You’ll want to spread attributes between the Vanquisher and Survivor trees in your Paragon skill tree. Both offer bonuses to damage and armor penetration and defense and vitality.

Invest in Zeal under Vanquisher which will increase your attack speed for every monster beaten. Pair that with the Baleful Trinity and you’re basically a Soulfire minigun. The Escape Artist and Armor are attractive picks under Survivor as they increase your longevity in combat and bail you out of tough situations.

Diablo Immortal Necromancer Best Build

Players that are interested in playing the class itself ought to be familiar with how the class functions. When players use the Diablo Immortal Necromancer Build to get a grip of the gaming component, it allows players to haunt their opponents by possessing them. Because of this, it is a fantastic choice for both PVE and PVP.

Here are the best PVE and PVP build choices for the Diablo Immortal Necromancer class:

Best Diablo Immortal Necromancer PVE Build

Necromancer PVE Skills

  • Command Skeletons: Commands skeleton minions to charge to a specific location, increasing your attack speed.
  • Skeleton Mage: Summons an immobile skeletal mage that acts like a turret, firing soulfire in a set direction.
  • Dark Curse: Curse enemies in an area, damaging them over time and reduce their vision.
  • Command Golem: Summon a bone golem to deal damage and stun all nearby enemies. The golem can also be directed to leap to specific locations.
  • Bone Spirits: Generates a stream of spirits, damaging enemies for a period.

Necromancer PVE Attributes

  • Intelligence
  • Critical Hit Chance
  • Critical Hit Damage
  • Attack Speed

Necromancer PVE Legendary Gems

  • Everlasting Torment: Critical hits will cause damage over time to targets which occurs once very 20 seconds.
  • Fervent Fang: Increases damage to a specific target every time you deal damage to them. Can stack up to 10 times.
  • Berserker’s Eye: Increases all damage you deal by 5% but increases all damage you take by 6%.
  • Blood-soaked Jade: Increases all damage you deal by up to 8% and your movement speed by 10%, with less damage bonus the lower your Life, to a minimum of 4%.
  • Bloody Reach: Increases all damage you deal by 2% for every two yards between you and the enemy hit. Maximum increase of 8% at eight yards.
  • Follower’s Burden: Increases all damage you deal by 1% for each summon you control, up to a maximum increase of 6%.

Necromancer PVE Equipment

  • Main Hand – Priest’s Grubknife
  • Off Hand – Dominance from Dust
  • Head – Mirrorictus
  • Shoulder – Ziroco
  • Chest – Exhumant’s Backbone
  • Legs – Guided by Maggots
  • Set – Shepherd’s Call to Wolves
  • Neck – Shepherd and Architect
  • Ring 1 – Shepherd and Mother
  • Ring 2 – Shepherd and Father
  • Waist – Shepherd and Begetter
  • Hands – Shepherd and Beastmaster
  • Feet – Shepherd and Leader

Necromancer PVE Paragon Traits

  • Vanquisher: Bonuses to damage and penetration
  • Treasure Hunter: Bonuses to gold and better loot

Best Diablo Immortal Necromancer PVP Build

Necromancer PVP Skills

  • Bone Armor: Bone shields that protect you and allies.
  • Bone Wall: Summon a wall of bone that blocks all enemies and projectiles.
  • Bone Spikes: Summons bone spikes from the ground to damage enemies. Charging increases range.
  • Command Golem: Summon a bone golem to deal damage and stun all nearby enemies. The golem can also be directed to leap to specific locations.
  • Dark Curse: Curse enemies in an area, damaging them over time and reduce their vision.

Necromancer PVP Attributes

  • Intelligence
  • Vitality
  • Willpower
  • Fortitude
  • Strength

Necromancer PVP Legendary Gems

  • Chip of Stoned Flesh: Each time you cause an enemy loss of control, you will also apply an explosive curse. When the curse expires, the enemy will explode for damage taken during its duration, up to a maximum of 150% base damage. Cannot occur more often than once every 20 seconds per target.
  • Battleguard: Decreases all melee damage you take by 8% from enemies within three yards.
  • The Black Rose: Each time you are attacked, you have a 10% chance to summon vines that Immobalize the attacker for 1.5 seconds. Each enemy cannot be affected by this more than oince every 12 seconds.
  • Respite Stone: Decreases all damage you take by 0.55% for every 10% your Life is below maximum, up to maximum damage decrease of 5.5%.

Necromancer PVP Equipment

  • Main Hand – Pyre’s Allure
  • Off Hand – Dominance from Dust
  • Head – Mirrorictus
  • Shoulder – Chasm-Crosser
  • Chest – Exhumant’s Backbone
  • Legs – Sacral Chausses
  • Set – Issatar Imbued
  • Neck Issatar at Rest
  • Ring 1 Issatar Enraged
  • Ring 2 Issatar Undone
  • Waist Issatar Contained
  • Hands Issatar’s Open Hand
  • Feet Issatar The Brute

Necromancer PVP Paragon Traits

  • Vanquisher: Bonuses to damage and penetration.
  • Gladiator: helps in tough and rough fights, especially in PvP battlegrounds.

That’s our Best Diablo Immortal Necromancer Build guide. We hope that this helped you create the best Necromancer in the game. Don’t go just yet, because we have more Diablo Immortal content for you to check out.

If you really liked this Diablo Immortal Necromancer Best Build guide, then you might want to check out our other best builds content.

Diablo Immortal Classes Best Builds

You can also check out our other Diablo Immortal articles here.

Check out this Youtube video from KaidGames2 who made a guide for his version of the Diablo Immortal Necromancer best build.

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