One Piece Odyssey Regain Strength Chapter 1 Walkthrough

One Piece Odyssey Regain Strength cover

Regain Strength is the fourth objective of Chapter 1: Island of Storms in One Piece Odyssey. Following the crew’s adventure in the Thunderhead Ruins, they now have to seek Lim in order to figure out how to use the mysterious cubes and get their strength back.

Read ahead as we go through the events in Regain Strength, sharing some tips and tricks, as well as some hints on the whereabouts of the collectibles.

See previous Explore the Thunderhead Ruins Walkthrough One Piece Odyssey

Regain Strength Objectives

  • Return to Adio’s House
  • Find Lim
  • Solve the Mystery of the Cube

Return to Adio’s House

You’ll then be back at the entrance of the ruins. Make your way back to Adio’s house.

You can take the time to explore the rest of the island. Try to back track your steps to the first save point you saw near the cove of the beach to find Usopp’s cube fragment.

On the beach, go to the west side to find Zoro’s cube fragment.

In the King Kong Garden, look at the base of the huge tree to find Luffy’s cube fragment.

Move up ahead and near the waterfalls is Zoro’s cube fragment.

Just up ahead in the next gap is Sanji’s cube fragment. Turn around once you cross the gap to see it.

Head to the Shipwreck beach to find Luffy’s cube fragment on the ship.

Just up the first vine wall that you climbed is Zoro’s cube fragment.

Near the hole where the walrus’ nest can be seen is Sanji’s cube fragment.

Back at Del Kong’s nest is Usopp’s cube fragment.

At the bend on the path near Del Kong’s nest, jump over the log and go towards the dead end. Look down the cliff to find Nami’s cube fragment.

On the other path near the bend is another one of Usopp’s cube fragment, near the save point. You’ll also find the King Kong Garden Tablet nearby.

Behind the tree next to the two chests is Sanji’s cube fragment.

Find Lim

Back at Adio’s house, go through the cutscene and then the crew will decide on finding Lim to get help with the cube. Talk to Adio to know that you have to go back to the beach at the Circular Inland Sea to look for Lim.

Solve the Mystery of the Cube

After talking to Lim, she transports everyone in a mysterious place. She then later reveals that they are in Memoria, a place where the cubes can be used. This location will then become the hub where you’ll be setting off from to the other locations that the Straw Hat crew has been to based from their previous adventures.

See next One Piece Odyssey Defeat Crocodile Part 1 Chapter 2 Walkthrough

If you like this guide, be sure to check out our other One Piece Odyssey articles:

Check out this video by BennyBiohazard showing the events in Regain Strength:

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