Diablo Immortal Barbarian Best Build

Barbarians are destructive forces of nature that leave a trail of dead bodies in their midst. Want to know how to make the best Barbarian build in Diablo Immortal?

Diablo Immortal Barbarian Best Build Featured

You may be looking for the Diablo Immortal Barbarian best builds. This aggressive melee class has several builds you can go for to make the best Barbarian in the game. In this guide, we’ll show you how to make the best Diablo Immortal Barbarian build in the game.

Best Diablo Immortal Barbarian Build (Explained)

The Diablo Immortal Barbarian best build revolves on emphasizing the class’ ability to deal a large amount of multi-target damage while moving around. The Barbarian class is an unapologetic damage dealer and prioritizing offensive attributes really make this class excel.

For the Barbarian’s place in the Diablo Immortal class tier list, read our Diablo Immortal Tier List – Classes Ranked article.

Here are the best build choices for the Diablo Immortal Barbarian class:

Best Diablo Immortal Barbarian Build Skills

Best Diablo Immortal Barbarian Build Skills

  • Lacerate: Deals a number of damage each hit, every third hit heals you for 15% of the damage done.
  • Hammer of the Ancients: Calls forth a massive hammer to pound enemies in front of you.
  • Sprint: Inflict damage as you move.
  • Whirlwind: Launch a spinning attack, continually striking all nearby enemies while moving.
  • Wrath of Berserker: Increases your movement and attack speed while active.

When it comes to Primary Attacks, we recommend choosing Lacerate. What really makes this Primary Attack shine is its ability to heal 15% of the damage you deal every third strike. Considering that you’ll constantly be doing Primary Attack damage as your other skills have a long cooldown, this is a very attractive pick.

The rest of the skills such as Whirlwind, Sprint, and Hammer of the Ancients are designed to deal damage as you move. Whirlwind in particular is probably the best melee AoE in Diablo Immortal.

Wrath of the Berserker gives a big boost to your movement and attack speed while it’s active. However this skill is earned pretty late into the game. We recommend running with other skills, like Cleave or Chained Spear, until then.

For a list of all Barbarian class skills, check out our Diablo Immortal Classes – All Abilities, Best Starting Class guide.

Best Diablo Immortal Barbarian Build Attributes

Best Diablo Immortal Barbarian Build Attributes

  • Weapons: Fortitude, Damage, Strength
  • Armor: Fortitude, Strength
  • Gems: Damage, Armor Penetration, Life

You need to look for equipment that boosts specific attributes. The Barbarian class only uses a few so it’s a waste to equip an item with certain attributes that don’t give the Barbarian anything.

For Weapons and Armor, you want to look for high Damage, Fortitude, & Strength. The Barbarian is an AoE melee-focused class so it shouldn’t be surprising that these attributes will be prioritized for the Diablo Immortal Barbarian best build.

For Gems, you’ll want Damage and Armor Penetration. You can sprinkle them in with Life attributes for survivability. You’re looking for Sapphire, Ruby, and Tourmaline colored gems.

Best Diablo Immortal Barbarian Build Legendary Gems

Best Diablo Immortal Barbarian Build Legendary Gems

  • Everlasting Torment: Critical hits will cause damage over time to targets which occurs once very 20 seconds.
  • Lightning Core: Will charge up by doing Primary Attacks and Movement, when full it will release a Chain Lightning effect that deals damage to the area.

Legendary Gems can take some work to get a hold of, but they do provide additional bonuses that you will want. It will take some time to acquire these Legendary Gems for your Diablo Immortal Barbarian Best Build, but they’ll be well worth it.

Everlasting Torment is a One-star Legendary Gem that you can craft from the Apprentice Jeweler. Any critical hits you do to a target also inflict damage over time, but this can only occur once in every 20 seconds. Lightning Core is a Two-star gem that can also be crafted from the same NPC. Moving around and dealing damage with your Primary Attacks will charge your character and deal Chain Lightning effect that deals damage to the area.

Best Diablo Immortal Barbarian Build Equipment

Best Diablo Immortal Barbarian Build Equipment

  • The Remembered: Modified Hammer of Ancients to stun enemies and summon a battle companion.

Aside from looking for equipment with the attributes we listed above, we recommend getting your hands on the The Remembered, an off-hand Barbarian class exclusive that modifies the Hammer of the Ancients skill to stun targets and even summon a battle companion.

Unfortunately, this can only be acquired by purchasing the Diablo Immortal Battle Pass. So you can’t acquire it unless you’re willing to spend money. You’re still able to make the Diablo Immortal Barbarian best build so don’t worry about it too much.

Best Diablo Immortal Barbarian Paragon Traits

Best Diablo Immortal Barbarian Build Paragon Traits

  • Vanquisher: Bonuses to damage and penetration.

For Paragon traits, we recommend focusing on the Vanquisher skill tree. This skill tree offers boosts to damage and armor penetration.

You’ll want to focus on Zeal underneath the Vanquisher skill tree. Every monster you defeat gives you an additional bonus to attack speed for 6 seconds that can stack up to 10 times.

Diablo Immortal Barbarian Best Build

Unlike other classes like the Demon Hunter or Necromancer, the Barbarian’s secret to success is not damage output, although the class may undoubtedly compete in this area. When it comes to both PvE and PvP, the Barbarian is a great pick due to its ability to take a lot of damage without taking itself down.

Here are the best PVE and PVP build choices for the Diablo Immortal Barbarian class:

Best Diablo Immortal Barbarian PVE Build

Barbarian PVE Skills

  • Whirlwind: Launch a spinning attack, continually striking all nearby enemies while moving.
  • Cleave: Deals Damage to all enemies in front of you and adds Bleed Effect.
  • Furious Charge: Move forward, knocking back and damaging any enemies you hit.
  • Demoralize: A Scream that taunts and deals damage to enemies, which also reduces their damage output.
  • Sprint: Inflict damage as you move.

Barbarian PVE Attributes

  • Strength
  • Vitality
  • Armor Penetration
  • Critical Hit Chance
  • Critical Hit Damage

Barbarian PVE Legendary Gems

  • Blessing of the Worthy: When you take damage, you have a 20% chance to unleash retribution on all nearby enemies, dealing damage equal to 12% of your maximum Life. Cannot occur more often than once every 20 seconds.
  • Blood-soaked Jade: Increases all damage you deal by up to 8% and your movement speed by 10%, with less damage bonus the lower your Life, to a minimum of 4%.
  • Chained Death: Increases damage done by your attacks by 1.5% per target hit, up to a maximum of 4.5% with three targets.
  • Chip of Stoned Flesh: Each time you cause an enemy loss of control, you will also apply an explosive curse. When the curse expires, the enemy will explode for damage taken during its duration, up to a maximum of 150% base damage. Cannot occur more often than once every 20 seconds per target.
  • Pain of Subjugation: You deal 5.5% increased damage to enemies suffering loss of control.
  • Zwenson’s Haunting: When you defeat an enemy, summon a dark beast to attack nearby enemies, dealing 50% base damage and 486 damage to all nearby enemies. Cannot occur more than once every six seconds

Barbarian PVE Equipment

  • Main Hand – Svot’s Reach
  • Off Hand – Virulent Fist
  • Head – Bestial Threat
  • Shoulder – Hatred’s Reach
  • Chest – Tracker’s Rage
  • Legs – Screaming Fury
  • Set – Issatar Imbued / Feasting Baron’s Pack
  • Neck – Issatar At Rest
  • Ring 1 – Issatar Undone
  • Ring 2 – Issatar Enraged
  • Waist – The Gaoler
  • Hands – Issatar’s Open Hand
  • Feet – The Tyrant

Barbarian PVE Paragon Traits

  • Vanquisher: Bonuses to damage and penetration
  • Treasure Hunter: Bonuses to gold and better loot
  • Survivor: Bonuses to character durability, focuses on defensive-oriented skills and attributes

Best Diablo Immortal Barbarian PVP Build

Barbarian PVP Skills

  • Wrath of the Berserker: Increases your movement and attack speed while active.
  • Chained Spear: Throws 3 chained spears that deal damage while pulling enemies toward you.
  • Hammer of the Ancients: Calls forth a massive hammer to pound enemies in front of you.
  • Ground Stomp: An area attack that damages and stuns enemies.

Barbarian PVP Attributes

  • Strength
  • Fortitude

Barbarian PVP Legendary Gems

  • Power and Command: Alternates states every nine seconds. Power state increases your primary attack damage by 8%. Command state increases all other skill damage by 8%.
  • Lightning Core: Will charge up by doing Primary Attacks and Movement, when full it will release a Chain Lightning effect that deals damage to the area.
  • Everlasting Torment: Critical hits will cause damage over time to targets which occurs once very 20 seconds.
  • Blood-Soaked Jade: Increases all damage you deal by up to 8% and your movement speed by 10%, with less damage bonus the lower your Life, to a minimum of 4%.
  • Chip of Stoned Flesh: Each time you cause an enemy loss of control, you will also apply an explosive curse. When the curse expires, the enemy will explode for damage taken during its duration, up to a maximum of 150% base damage. Cannot occur more often than once every 20 seconds per target.
  • Pain of Subjugation: You deal 5.5% increased damage to enemies suffering loss of control.

Barbarian PVP Equipment

  • Main Hand – Stonefall
  • Off Hand – Broken Soul
  • Head – Bestial Threat
  • Shoulder – The Coming Storm
  • Chest – Davin Legacy
  • Legs – Screaming Fury
  • Set – Windloft Perfection
  • Neck – Wisdom’s Edge
  • Ring 1 – Fairfleet
  • Ring 2 – Foulfleet
  • Waist – Whipcrack
  • Hands – Hurtling Steel
  • Feet – The Tyrant

Barbarian PVP Paragon Traits

  • Vanquisher: Bonuses to damage and penetration.
  • Gladiator: helps in tough and rough fights, especially in PvP battlegrounds.

That’s our Best Diablo Immortal Barbarian Build guide. We hope that this helped you create the best Barbarian in the game. Don’t go just yet, because we have more Diablo Immortal content for you to check out.

If you really liked this Diablo Immortal Barbarian Best Build guide, then you might want to check out our other best builds content.

Diablo Immortal Classes Best Builds

You can also check out our other related Diablo Immortal articles here.

Check out this Youtube video from LaserBolt showing a tutorial for making his Diablo Immortal Barbarian best build.

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