Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Best Build

Demon Hunters always prize their high single-target damage potential. How do you make the best build for the Demon Hunter class in Diablo Immortal?

Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Best Build Featured

You may be looking into the Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Best Builds. This high single-target damage focused class has several builds you can go for to make the best Demon Hunter in the game. In this guide, we’ll show you how to make the Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter best build in the game.

Best Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Build (Explained)

The Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter best builds revolve on building up their single-target damage. As mentioned in our Diablo Immortal Tier List – Classes Ranked no other class has the potential to do as much single-target damage as the Demon Hunter, making this class important for team compositions in raids.

Here are the best build choices for the Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter class:

Best Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Build Skills

Best Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Build Skills

  • Crossbow Shot: Shoots a crossbow that deals ranged damage while moving at a slightly reduced speed.
  • Sentry: A placeable turret that fires at nearby enemies. Can be placed 2 times.
  • Multishot: Fires a wide volley of shots to damage enemies.
  • Rain of Vengeance: Fire a volley of arrows into the air to rain down damage on an area.
  • Vengeance: Fires three shots of your primary attack, then receive a movement buff for every nearby enemies hit. Stacks up to 10 times.

For the Demon Hunter’s Primary Attack, we recommend going with the Crossbow Shot. While the Explosive Arrow can seem tempting as soon as you unlock it, the Crossbow Shot is a reliable way to deal damage, especially if you have The Hungerer.

The skills Multishot and Rain of Vengeance make up for the Demon Hunter’s lack of ability to do multi-target damage, which in the Diablo franchise is an important trait. The Sentry skill will help the Demon Hunter control the field more and add more survivability.

Vengeance is a great skill for making up for the Demon Hunter’s limited mobility. Enemies you hit give you a boost in movement speed which stacks up to 10 times.

For a list of all Demon Hunter class skills, check out our Diablo Immortal Classes – All Abilities, Best Starting Class guide.

Best Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Build Attributes

Best Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Build Attributes

  • Weapons: Fortitude, Strength
  • Armor: Fortitude, Strength
  • Gems: Damage, Armor Penetration

You need to look for equipment that boosts specific attributes. The Demon Hunter class only uses a few so it’s a waste to equip an item with certain attributes that don’t give the Demon Hunter anything.

For Weapons & Armor, you’ll want Equipment that give you bonuses in Strength and Fortitude. The Demon Class focuses on dealing high ranged damage class so it shouldn’t be surprising that these attributes will be prioritized for the Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter best build.

For Gems, you’ll want to focus on offensive properties such as Damage and Armor Penetration. You’re looking for Sapphire and Tourmaline colored gems.

Best Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Build Legendary Gems

Best Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Build Legendary Gems

  • Everlasting Torment: Critical hits will cause damage over time to targets which occurs once very 20 seconds.
  • Lightning Core: Will charge up by doing Primary Attacks and Movement, when full it will release a Chain Lightning effect that deals damage to the area.
  • Fervent Fang: Increases damage to a specific target every time you deal damage to them. Can stack up to 10 times.

Legendary Gems can take some work to get a hold of, but they do provide additional bonuses that you will want. It will take some time to acquire these Legendary Gems for your Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Best Build, but they’ll be well worth it.

Everlasting Torment is a One-star Legendary Gem that you can craft from the Apprentice Jeweler. Any critical hits you do to a target also inflict damage over time, but this can only occur once in every 20 seconds. You can also make use of Lightning Core which is a Two-star gem that can also be crafted from the same NPC. Moving around and dealing damage with your Primary Attacks will charge your character and deal Chain Lightning effect that deals damage to the area.

Fervent Fang is a little more challenging to acquire as it is a random drop. It will increase the amount of damage to a single-target you keep attacking and will stack up to 10 times.

Best Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Build Equipment

Best Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Build Equipment

  • The Hungerer: Modifies Crossbow Shot to pierce through enemies.

Aside from looking for equipment with the attributes we listed above, we recommend getting your hands on the The Hungerer, an off-hand Demon Hunter class exclusive that modifies your Primary Attack. This will make the Crossbow Shot pierce through enemies and strike enemies who are behind.

Best Diablo Immortal Crusader Paragon Traits

Best Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Build Paragon Traits

  • Vanquisher: Bonuses to damage and penetration.

For Paragon traits, we recommend focusing on the Vanquisher skill tree. This skill tree offers boosts to damage and armor penetration.

The Zeal underneath Vanquisher is especially good for the Demon Hunter since it increases your attack speed for every monster you defeat which can stack up to 10 times.

Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Best Build

Even in PvE and PvP, you’ll be near-unstoppable once you have everything. It’s recommended to use this Demon Hunter build in a group setting, although it can also be effective playing solo.

Here are the best PVE and PVP build choices for the Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter class:

Best Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter PVE Build

Demon Hunter PVE Skills

  • Rain of Vengeance: Fire a volley of arrows into the air to rain down damage on an area.
  • Vengeance: Fires three shots of your primary attack, then receive a movement buff for every nearby enemies hit. Stacks up to 10 times.
  • Daring Swing: Swing on a roap to a nearby location, damaging enemies along the way.
  • Knife Trap: A knife trap that acts like a mine, explodes when triggered which fire knives that damages nearby enemies. Can be placed 3 times.

Demon Hunter PVE Attributes

  • Strength
  • Fortitude
  • Vitality
  • Critical Hit Chance
  • Critical Hit Damage

Demon Hunter PVE Legendary Gems

  • Berserker’s Eye: Increases all damage you deal by 5% but increases all damage you take by 6%.
  • Blood-soaked Jade: Increases all damage you deal by up to 8% and your movement speed by 10%, with less damage bonus the lower your Life, to a minimum of 4%.
  • Bloody Reach: Increases all damage you deal by 2% for every two yards between you and the enemy hit. Maximum increase of 8% at eight yards.
  • Ca’arsen’s Invigoration: Increases the speed of your Primary Attack by 6%.
  • Fervent Fang: Each time you deal damage to an enemy, that enemy now takes 0.8% increased damage from your attacks, up to a maximum increase of 8% at 10 stacks.
  • Howler’s Call: Your primary attack has a 10% chance to summon a charging spirit wolf that inflicts 150% base damage and 1458 damage to all enemies in its path. Cannot occur more often than once every 20 seconds.

Demon Hunter PVE Equipment

  • Main Hand – Dreadlands Requital
  • Off Hand – Hellbinder
  • Head – Vision of the Lost
  • Shoulder – Hailstone Shoulders
  • Chest – Heart of Vengeance
  • Legs – Coff’s Unrelenting Fury
  • Set – War Rags of Shal’baas
  • Neck – Burning Heart of Shal’baas
  • Ring 1 – Braided Serpent of Shal’baas
  • Ring 2 – Resting Fangs of Shal’baas
  • Waist – Storm-Tack of Shal’baas
  • Hands – Dozen Strikes of Shal’baas
  • Feet – Wind-Trods of Shal’baas

Demon Hunter PVE Paragon Traits

  • Vanquisher: Bonuses to damage and penetration
  • Treasure Hunter: Bonuses to gold and better loot

Best Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter PVP Build

Demon Hunter PVP Skills

  • Knife Trap: A knife trap that acts like a mine, explodes when triggered which fire knives that damages nearby enemies. Can be placed 3 times.
  • Sentry: A placeable turret that fires at nearby enemies. Can be placed 2 times.
  • Escape: A combined forward attack and backwards dodge that inflicts damage and reduces an enemy’s movement speed.
  • Daring Swing: Swing on a roap to a nearby location, damaging enemies along the way.

Demon Hunter PVP Attributes

  • Strength
  • Fortitude
  • Vitality

Demon Hunter PVP Legendary Gems

  • Chip of Stoned Flesh: Each time you cause an enemy loss of control, you will also apply an explosive curse. When the curse expires, the enemy will explode for damage taken during its duration, up to a maximum of 150% base damage. Cannot occur more often than once every 20 seconds per target.
  • Phoenix Ashes: Prevents fatal damage, and then grants a shield for six seconds that absorbs damage equal to 450% of your base damage. Cannot occur more often than once every 180 seconds.
  • Unity Crystal: You and all party members take 0.5% reduced damage per additional party member within six yards of you.

Demon Hunter PVP Equipment

  • Main Hand – Flamespite
  • Off Hand – The Hungerer, Watcher’s Salvation
  • Head – Boundless Ingenuity
  • Shoulder – Chillwrath Mantle
  • Chest – Heart of Vengeance
  • Legs – Coff’s Unrelenting Fury
  • Set – War Rags of Shal’baas
  • NeckBurning Heart of Shal’baas
  • Ring 1Braided Serpent of Shal’baas
  • Ring 2Resting Fangs of Shal’baas
  • WaistStorm-Tack of Shal’baas
  • HandsDozen Strikes of Shal’baas
  • FeetWind-Trods of Shal’baas

Demon Hunter PVP Paragon Traits

  • Vanquisher: Bonuses to damage and penetration.

That’s our Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Best Build guide. We hope that this helped you create the best Demon Hunter in the game. Don’t go just yet, because we have more Diablo Immortal content for you to check out.

If you really liked this Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Best Build guide, then you might want to check out our other best builds content.

Diablo Immortal Classes Best Builds

You can also check out our other Diablo Immortal articles here.

Check out this video from Slaydra who showcases their Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter best build.

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