Overwatch 2 Ranked System – Competitive Ranks Explained

Understand well what it means to be competitive in Overwatch 2

Features Rank System Overwatch 2

Being competitive in online PVP games is common nowadays. In Overwatch 2, there are modes in the game that test how good and skillful a player is in their matches and that mode is the Rank System. In this guide, players will understand more about how this feature works in the game and what benefits can they get from it, so read on.

What is the Ranked System in Overwatch 2?

The Rank System in Overwatch 2 is a feature in the game that determines how skillful and competitive a player is. Since the release of the game, this feature changes the player’s ranks based on matches instead of individual gains and losses per game.

What is The Ranked System in Overwatch 2

Additionally, this system makes the competitive mode more forgiving than its predecessor, and depending on the number of points earned from each round, ranked matches will depend on it to confirm whether a player is victorious or not.

Ranked System Structure in Overwatch 2

The game has two ranked modes that players can freely participate in, one for Role Queue and one for Open Queue. For starters, you’ll first need to win 50 games to queue up for either of these modes.

Rank System Structure in Overwatch 2

At the start of the season, players will have to get 7 wins or 20 losses to get the starting rank. There are a total of 7 ranked medals that players can earn in Overwatch 2. Each tier has 5 subdivisions from 5 all the way up to 1. The ranks found in the game are the following:

  • Bronze (Tier 5 to 1)
  • Silver (Tier 5 to 1)
  • Gold (Tier 5 to 1)
  • Platinum (Tier 5 to 1)
  • Diamond (Tier 5 to 1)
  • Master (Tier 5 to 1)
  • Grandmaster (Tier 5 to 1)
  • Top 500

For example, if a player is ranked Bronze 1 in the game, players will be able to rank up to silver 5 depending on the performance of the match. Every 2 weeks, the Top 500 ranked leaderboards will be updated and a rank icon will be available. If the season has a new hero, they will also be available to play. Usually, the top 500 players have ranked Master and above. However, getting placed in the top 500 requires players to play at least 25 matches in Role Queue or 50 matches in Open Queue.

Ranked System Rewards in Overwatch 2

Rewards that can be earned in the ranked system for Overwatch 2 consist of competitive points that players can use to buy golden weapons for heroes. Players can also earn titles that can be placed on their name cards each season.

As such, here is a breakdown, per season, of how much CP players will get based on their rank, including title rewards:

  • Bronze – 65 CP
  • Silver – 125 CP
  • Gold – 250 CP
  • Platinum – 500 CP
  • Diamond – 750 CP | Diamond Challenger
  • Master – 1,200 CP | Master Challenger
  • Grandmaster – 1,750 CP | Grandmaster Challenger
  • Top 500 – 1,750 CP | Top 500 Challenger
Ranked Rewards in Overwatch 2

There are also additional title rewards that players can earn depending on the number of ranked matches they have participated in:

  • 250 games – Adept Competitor
  • 750 games – Seasoned Competitor
  • 1,750 games – Expert Competitor

We hope this answers your question on how the ranking system works in Overwatch 2. We hope you found this article to be informative. Check out our other Overwatch 2 content for more.

Also check out Kibbles viode on how the rank system works in Overwatch 2
