A Sea of Promises is the eighth chapter in A Plague Tale: Requiem that follows the journey of the de...
A Plague Tale Requiem offers some of the most unique skill sets that players can unlock. These skills have been...
A Plague Tale Requiem Bracer Secret Armor is found at the start of Chapter 9 and getting it will require...
Felons is the seventh chapter in A Plague Tale: Requiem that follows the rescue of Amicia by an unexpected person,...
Leaving All Behind is the sixth chapter in A Plague Tale: Requiem that follows the journey of the de Rune...
A Plague Tale Requiem is an action-adventure stealth video game developed by Asobo Studio and published by Focus Entertainment. It...
In Our Wake is the fifth chapter in A Plague Tale: Requiem that follows the story of Amicia and Hugo,...
Protector’s Duty is the fourth chapter in A Plague Tale: Requiem that follows the journey of Amicia and Lucas heading...
A Burden of Blood is the third chapter in A Plague Tale: Requiem that follows the journey of Amicia and...
Newcomers is the second chapter in A Plague Tale: Requiem which follows the sibling’s narrow escape from being falsely accused...