Wanting to get the Best Ending in The Quarry isn’t as easy as it sounds. Keeping all of the main characters alive for the duration of the game’s 10 chapters (plus a prologue and an epilogue) is one way to accomplish this, but there are a couple extra approaches you must take.
How to Get the Best Ending in The Quarry
The goal is to keep all 9 camp counselors alive and make it through the night at Hackett’s Quarry to get the best ending, it all depends on what you do in each of the game’s chapters as well as the routes you unlock.
The following is a list of all the characters who must survive for the best ending:
- Abigail
- Dylan
- Emma
- Jacob
- Kaitlyn
- Laura
- Max
- Nick
- Ryan
It’s best to stick to a few general rules. Don’t fail any of the Quick Time Events, and be extremely cautious with your interruptions and shootings. Also, always use the friendly or nice option while conversing with others. To avoid getting harmed or killed, it is preferable to halt and check a guide before acting, and only saying so because it will make things easier.
The Quarry Best Ending Walkthrough per Chapter (Everyone Survives)
Each of the nine main characters has a variety of options for surviving until they reach the conclusion, and we’ve broken them down below so that you don’t get bogged down. All spoilers for The Quarry will be included in the subsequent sentences.
Here’s how you can get the best ending in The Quarry:

- Pick the map for the first QTE challenge and complete it as instructed.
- Open the trunk after leaving the vehicle and select the SNOOP option.
- Have a conversation with Max, then use the luminous marker at the bottom of the screen to look into the woods.
- When you talk to Max again, select the COMPLAINT “Hurry up!” option.
- While going on the main path, you will need to compete in two other quick time event challenges.
- Choose from the following options when speaking with Travis while you are traveling in his car:
- HONEST “Something jumped out”
- HONEST “It was dark”
- FRIENDLY “We’re heading to camp”
- COMPLIANT “We’ll head to the motel”
- RELIEVED “That guy was weird”
- After the cutscene, proceed downstairs and have a look in the area where the headlights of the car are pointing.
- Take the wrenches, then choose the CONFIDENT “Yeah, saw it online” option.
- HELP MAX after finding the collar
- After the cutscene the chapter ends. When the old woman is talking to you, choose the MOVE ON option.
Chapter 1

- Choose the REFLECTIVE “You never know” dialogue choice when conversing with your fellow campers.
- During your conversation with Kaitlyn outside of the cars, choose these following options:
- PLAYFUL “What about you?”
- BRAVE “It’s just a fling”
- STEAL ROTOR ARM (*mandatory to get Evidence #3 in Chapter 3)
- QTE (catch the phone)
- FRIENDLY “At least I got some”
- The game moves to a new area. Complete the QTE, then choose BREAK IN.
- Once you’ve entered the hut, turn around and grab the teddy bear to your left, then choose KEEP.
- Now head towards Emma at the other end of the area to leave. While talking to her, choose these options:
- ENTHUSIASTIC “Let’s do it”
- SUPPORTIVE “I believe you”
- NUDGE to interrupt the next event before selecting the following options:
- FRIENDLY “Is it about me?”
- SUPPORTIVE “You should’ve seen the kids”
- UNDERSTANDING “No worries”
- As Ryan, choose EAVESDROP while Chris takes a phone call, then pick the following options:
- CONCERNED “Is everything okay?”
- APOLOGETIC “I didn’t realize”
- After Chris and Ryan head back outside to the others, complete the two QTEs to get the water bottle and catch the keys, then select the following options:
- INSISTENT “We follow Chris’s instructions”
- SUPPORTIVE “He was just concerned for us”
- When the old woman is talking to you, select MOVE ON.
Chapter 2

- During the first cutscene as Emma, choose KICK DOOR.
- CALL JACOB after you interact with the door at the end of the storage area.
- Pick up the shotgun in the stash room. Then talk to Jacob again to leave the room.
- When Emma opens the safe, choose:
- AFFECTIONATE “What are butterpops?”
- As Dylan, choose the FRIENDLY “What are you listening to now?”.
- Interact with the phone next to the bin, then pick the SARCASTIC “Nice for somebody to call you” option.
- Check the shotgun on the wall, then select the SERIOUS “What if we need it?” option.
- Interact with the door next to the shotgun, then complete the QTE.
- Interact with the wardrobe, then choose the MISCHIEVOUS “So he was looking for bigfoot” option.
- Inside you can inspect the screens.
- Check the letter on the box to the right side of this room.
- Check the maps on the wall.
- Go back and check the bathroom mirror to the right.
- Check the guitar on the wall to the left.
- Pick up the charged phones in Chris’ office and choose the HEAD TO PARTY option.
- As Nick, if Abi gets scared of the birds, select the REASSURING dialogue option.
- As you reach the edge of the woods, pick the SINCERE dialogue option.
- Save Abi by completing the QTE.
- Complete the Hold Breath event (no consequence if you mess up, but this is good practice for similar events in the future).
- Choose the CHEERFUL “Imagine the story…” option after you complete the Hold Breath event.
- As Kaitlyn, move the camera and take photo.
- Choose the SERIOUS “You both okay?, then STERN “Not leaving you with a gun” options.
- In the next scene with Nick and Jacob, choose the HOPEFUL “It was okay” option.
- After shooting melons and bottles, choose the GLOATING “Butterpops theme” option.
- INTERRUPT during the campfire scene at night.
- Then select the following options:
- MISCHIEVOUS “The Hag of Hackett’s Quary”
- MISCHIEVOUS “Ever hook up with Jacob?”
Chapter 3

- As Abigail, choose to CALL BACK when Nick calls out for her.
- Choose HONEST “Got a little intense”, then CAUTIOUS “About what happened…” options.
- KISS Nick, then HELP Nick.
- Complete the QTE.
- RUN.
- SMASH when prompted.
- Don’t press the button to “Climb Tree”.
- Complete the Hold Breath event (Wait until the red light on the screen stops flashing, the breath bar is almost depleted, and the enemy turns around).
- As Jacob, talk to Emma at the lake and choose the ENTHUSIASTIC “Cannoball!” option.
- Don’t press the button to “Splash”.
- Choose the FLIRT “Take a photo of me” option.
- If you stole the ROTOR ARM from the car earlier, choose to help Abigail.
- As Ryan, choose WORRIED “Where’s Nick?”, then ASSERTIVE “I’ve got this” options.
- TAKE SHORTCUT when prompted, then complete the QTE (This sequence will happen twice).
- SHOUT, then SHOOT at the big guy (he gets hit but walks away and doesn’t die).
- As Jacob, don’t press the button to “Call Out.”
- When the prompt appears, press SMASH.
- Choose the PLEADING “Let me down” option.
- Don’t press the button to “Throw Dirt.”
- When the old woman is talking to you, select MOVE ON.
Chapter 4

- As Ryan, APPLY PRESSURE while looking at Nick’s wound.
- When prompted, press SMASH.
- Choose the DISMISSIVE “Why?” option.
- Press the button to CALL OUT.
- Don’t press the buttons both times, so you don’t shoot the gun. (it’s Jacob in the bushes and shooting would kill him, don’t do anything and wait for the timer to run out).
- Choose the QUESTIONING “What happened to you?” option.
- Press the button to LET GO.
- Complete the QTE.
- As Emma, complete the QTEs, make sure to SASH, SPRAY, BLOCK DOOR, and USE TRAPDOOR when given the options.
- As Dylan, choose the following options:
- OPTIMISTIC “I hope they’re gonna be okay”
- HOPEFUL “That’s good news!”
- DETERMIND “Call the cops”
- SUSPICIOUS “That’s weird”
- CALM “Only temporary”
- DEFENSIVE “Does she need it?”
- As Emma, REEL SLOWLY on the crank.
- Don’t press the button to “Speed Up.”
- When the old woman is talking to you, select MOVE ON.
Chapter 5

- In the cutscene where Nick and Abi is talking, choose the GRATEFUL “I’m okay” option.
- Don’t press the button to “Speak Up.”
- Choose the REASSURING “We’ll be fine, just be careful” option.
- Complete the QTEs as Kaitlyn, including the Hold Breath event (the screens stops flashing red when the breath bar is around 25% remaining and the hunter walks away).
- When you’re back with Nick and Abi, pick the following options:
- CONFIDENT “Don’t worry about Kaitlyn”
- INTRIGUED “I thought things would go further”
- Complete the Hold Breath event (the screens stops flashing red when the breath bar is around 25% remaining and the hunter walks away).
- As Dylan, talk to Ryan and choose the CONFIDENT “All good” option.
- As Ryan, select the following options:
- INTERESTED “How do you know this stuff?”
- CONCERNED “That’s totally us”
- APOLOGETIC “I wasn’t sure”
- Press nothing when Ryan aims the gun at the ceiling, so you won’t shoot.
- Then select the following options:
- AGGRESSIVE “We gotta kill it”
- CONFIDENT “Why wouldn’t it be?”
- CALM “Take a breath”
- DESPERATE “Okay. Just hang on”
- Take the CHAINSAW, then choose the UNCERTAIN “I don’t know” option.
- When the old woman is talking to you, select MOVE ON.
Chapter 6

- As Jacob, while talking to Emma, go for the DELIGHTED “Am I glad to see you!”, then APOLOGETIC “Sh-t, sorry!” options.
- Complete the QTE, then HIDE and complete the Hold Breath event (the screen stops flashing red with around 30% breath remaining and the monster moves away).
- Choose the option to PRY OPEN.
- As Kaitlyn, pick the COMPASSIONATE “You okay?” option.
- Press the button to INTERVENE , then HELP Nick.
- As Abi, talk to Nick and select the CALM “I’ve really enjoyed spending time with you”, then COMPASSIONATE “I do like you” options.
- SHOOT SHOTGUN at Nick. (If you don’t shoot Nick, Abi dies. Nick will survive being shot and turns into a monster).
- As Emma, After you reach the end of the path at the top of the hill, don’t press the button to “Run.”
- Then select the following options:
- REASSURING “You did what you had to”
- SUSPICIOUS “Who is it?”
- INTERESTED “I’m gonna open the door”
- When the old woman is talking to you, select MOVE ON.
Chapter 7

- As Laura, don’t press the button to CALL OUT.
- Then choose the following options:
- COMPLIANT “Laura Kearny”
- INTRIGUED “Okay Sheriff”
- PLEADING “Please stop trying to intimidate me”
- Don’t press the button to LASH OUT.
- Then choose the following options:
- CONCERNED “Are you okay?”
- DISAPPOINTED “I was hoping you might know”
- COMPLIANT “Sorry sir”
- WORRIED “Leave him alone”
- When Laura is in her cell, inspect the corner to the left of the bed to view the wall
- Interact with the bed to find a spoon, which Laura uses to loosen up the stone in the wall.
- Then select the following options:
- FEARFUL “We’ll answer your questions”
- SERIOUS “Are you okay?”
- REFLECTIVE “He’s not acting like a kidnapper”
- ENCOURAGING “This isn’t forever”
- EMPATHETIC “I’m sorry, Max”
- CALM “You want answers?”
- CURIOUS “What if we get on his good side?”
- OPTIMISTIC “I think we should try”
- SKEPTICAL “Really?!”
- Don’t press the button to CALL FOR HELP.
- Choose the COMPASSIONATE “I’m here” option.
- While free to explore the police station as Laura, head upstairs into the 3rd office and examine the locker to get the syringe.
- Return to your cell and interact with the loose stone on the left wall to hide the syringe.
- In the next Cutscene with Laura, select the following options:
- HONEST “I won’t leave Max”
- CONFIDENT “Let’s end it”
- Don’t press the button to TAKE GUN.
- Then choose the following options:
- CONFUSED “Why didn’t you kill it?”
- ENCOURAGING “So what’s the plan?”
- RESIGNED “I believe him”
- EMPATHETIC “That wasn’t you”
- Complete both QTEs (Hiding the syringe will knock out Laura’s assailant).
- Then choose the following options:
- ANXIOUS “Not until Chris is dead”
- REASSURING “They’re probably fine”
- As Jacob, choose the PLEADING “Please let me go” option (not saying anything is also fine).
- When the old woman is talking to you, select MOVE ON.
Chapter 8

- As Ryan, when talking to Laura, select the following options:
- UNCERTAIN “Kaitlyn, what do I do?”
- CURIOUS “You said you heard a woman?”
- SUSPICIOUS “What are you doing?”
- GUARDED “What makes you think I know?”
- COMPASSIONATE “Maybe there’s another way”
- FRIENDLY “Chris has nothing to do with this”
- INQUISITIVE “Have you been there?”
- REFLECTIVE “No one knows anybody”
- COMPASSIONATE “I get it, he’s your friend”
- In the next cutscene as Kaitlyn, choose the following options:
- HONEST “My bad…”
- ENCOURAGING “I need you”
- As Ryan, when you approach the tunnel with the red light, complete the QTE.
- Don’t press the button to OPEN CAGE.
- Press the button to STOP LAURA (if you don’t stop her she will shoot the monster in the cage, which turns out to be Nick).
- HELP Jacob (it’s critical; otherwise, at the conclusion of Chapter 9, he’ll die).
- Choose Breakers 1+2.
- Choose Breakers 2+3 (Jacob gets released from cage, and saved from death later on).
- When the old woman is talking to you, select MOVE ON.
Chapter 9

- During first cutscene with Dylan & Kaitlyn, choose the following options:
- POSITIVE “I guess it is kinda unique”
- CURIOUS “Think we missed our shot?”
- During next cutscene with Abigail & Emma, choose the following options:
- CURIOUS “Why are you so positive?”
- CURIOUS “Is that why you do videos?”
- As Laura, press SMASH to shoot Constance, then complete the QTE.
- Don’t press the button to PULL KNIFE (Ryan gets stabbed at this point but this is fine and won’t kill him).
- As Ryan, interact with the cabinet on the right and check the bed in the middle.
- Interact with the left door, then choose to HIDE.
- Choose IN CABINET.
- Complete the Hold Breath event (release when screen stops flashing red, at about 5% breath remaining).
- Press SMASH.
- As Laura, choose the option to HIDE.
- Complete the Hold Breath event (release when screen stops flashing red, at about 5% breath remaining).
- Approach the door and complete the QTEs.
- Go for the ATTACK option.
- Then press SMASH. (This will kill Kills Jediah Hackett).
- As Ryan, complete the QTEs, including the Hold Breath event (release when screen stops flashing red, at about 40% breath remaining, don’t wait longer or else the big guy comes back).
- Press the button to STAB. (Stabbing Bobby Hackett will lead to his death at the end of Chapter 9).
- Select the SYMPATHETIC “It’s not your fault…”, ACCEPT (this is important for Ryan to survive) options.
- Don’t press the button to PULL AWAY.
- As Dylan, choose the ENCOURAGING “Watch my back” option.
- WARN Kaitlyn.
- Complete the QTE, then choose SOUND HORN.
- Complete the QTEs that follow after sounding the horn (if you fail, Dylan will die).
- As Abi, inspect the fuse box straight across from the staircase where the Tarot card is
- Go up the ladder after finding the Silver Shells in the fuse box (don’t go up the ladder on the left until you picked this up).
- As Laura in the attic of Hackett’s House, trigger the 2 cutscenes.
- SHOOT Monster when aiming shotgun (this will kill Chris Hackett in his monster form, if you fail, then Ryan dies).
- Choose the SUSPICIOUS “Why should I trust you?” option.
- Complete the QTE during the special flashback scene if you found the #21: The Hierophant Tarot Card.
Chapter 10

- Provided you killed the monster in Chapter 9, you begin the chapter as Max.
- Select the STAY option (if you select the “swim to shore” option, Max dies).
- As Kaitlyn, return to the portrait and choose to PREPARE FOR ATTACK. (This will trigger the final showdown).
- Select the following options:
- Press SMASH
- Choose to INVESTIGATE (only if Abi and Emma are alive, and picked up the silver shells in Chapter 9).
- SHOOT the target with the shotgun (this will kill Caleb Hackett).
- As Laura, driving in car with Ryan & Travis, choose the INQUISITIVE “What exactly happened 6 years ago?” option.
- Complete the QTE, then choose the following options:
- Complete the QTE, then choose the following options:
- DETERMINED “Let’s fucking do this”
- PROBING “Who was she?”
- REFLECTIVE “That’s why you’ve been hunting him”
- Don’t press the button to RAISE GUN (you still need to kill Travis Hackett).
- Fail the next QTE (results in Travis Hackett getting killed).
- SHOOT MONSTER SILAS (if you fail, he kills Laura)
During the remaining cutscenes, you’ll get a list of who died and who survived. If you apply these recommendations, you should be able to reach the best ending in The Quarry; nevertheless, there are hundreds of different endings to uncover.
To stay up to date on the newest The Quarry news, guides, and features, you can check out our related The Quarry articles here.
- The Quarry Epilogue – All Character Endings
- The Quarry Tarot Card Locations
- The Quarry Evidence Locations
- The Quarry Clues Locations
- The Quarry Voice Actors and Cast
- The Quarry Monsters: What Are They?
- Who Is The Quarry Curator?
- The Quarry Trophy List
- The Quarry – Review
Here’s a video by Weiss Network TV showing the Best Ending & Everyone Lives Trophy | Credits Scene in The Quarry: