Season of the Haunted brings back Calus for Destiny 2 with significant changes. Players are given the “Hear, Don’t Heed” triumph which tasks them in finding Calus Automatons in the weekly sever missions. On this guide, we’ll show you where to find all the Calus Automaton locations in Destiny 2’s Season of the Haunted.
There are 6 Calus Automatons, and hete is where you can find all the Calus Automaton locations in the “Hear, Don’t Heed’ triumph for Destiny 2:
The first Calus Automaton can be found in the beginning of Sever: Shame. You’ll be going under an air duct after setting the first Ritual Amplifier. Once you’ve emerged from the airduct, go right and you’ll find the Calus Automaton.

The second Calus Automaton can be found early into Sever: Reconciliation. Once you’ve restored power in the mission, you’ll be able to find it inside the room where Psions come out. Activate Manual Override and turn around, then keep going straight past the Psions and you’ll see the Calus Automaton.

The third Calus Automaton can be found early into Sever: Grief. Once you enter the first room with plants, take a right and continue the catwalk until you see bodies of War Beasts on the ground. Look right and you’ll see the Calus Automaton.

The fourth Calus Automaton can be found during Sever: Forgiveness. During a section where you have to clear out the room full of Scorn before setting down the first Amplifier, turn around and head into the far end of the hallway into a room. You’ll find the Calus Automaton there.

The fifth Calus Automaton can be found during Sever: Rage. After your first fight alongside your Cabal ally, break the force field and drop down. You’ll find yourself in a place called the Ventilator. After dropping down, go into the room with engines and take a right. Look above and you’ll see a blue light at the pipes which you can shoot at. This will open the door into another area. Enter the room and take a left. You’ll see a large red metal pipe before you exit the room. Look right, and there’s a gap above the trash can container you can jump over. Follow the path to find the Calus Automaton.

The sixth Calus Automaton can be found in the beginning of Sever: Resolve. In the room where you fight alongside your Cabal ally, you’ll see a tunnel on the other side of the room. Head inside the tunnel and you’ll find the Calus Automaton.

You need to find all six Calus Automatons to complete “Hear, Don’t Heed” triumph. Don’t worry about being attacked by these Calus Automatons, they’re utterly broken before you even meet them. Once you find them, they’ll automatically activate when you’re close enough. Calus will talk through them, giving you a background on what’s happening with Season of the Haunted.
There’s one Calus Automaton per Sever mission. A new mission is dropped every week for the first six weeks into Season of The Haunted. The good news is that you don’t have to wait until a mission is in rotation. You can replay these missions any time you’d like so long as they’re unlocked to keep looking for Calus Automatons should you have missed any.

That’s our Destiny 2 All Calus Automaton Locations guide. We hope you found this article to be informative. Stick around some more because we have plenty of Destiny 2 articles that you’ll find interesting.
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Check out this Youtube video from Esoterickk for a video tutorial of where to find all 6 Calus Automations.