Completing challenges and looting around for buried treasure is what the new season of Destiny 2, Season of Plunder has to offer to many gamers such as myself. In this season, there are tons of new quests that will give reward players plenty of opportunities and one of those quests is the Cryptic Quatrains quest. In this guide, we will show you how to solve the riddles in the Destiny 2 Cryptic Quatrains III Quest.

What Are Cryptic Quatrains?
Cryptic Quatrains are treasure hunt challenges that make players go from place to place to solve riddles that will unlock a chance at something big. Completing them will earn you some map fragments, and seasonal armor, but more mysteriously, a Crude Cipher Fragment.
How to Solve All Cryptic Quatrains III Riddles in Destiny 2
To unlock the Cryptic Quatrains III Quest in Destiny 2, you must complete the first two quests, see our complete guide for both:
- Destiny 2: How to Solve All Cryptic Quatrains I Riddles
- Destiny 2: How to Solve All Cryptic Quatrains II Riddles
Completing the first two quests of the Cryptic Quatrains is not only the way to unlock this quest but also, players must reach rank 16 on the star map. To reach that rank, players must complete bounties at the Ketchcrash or Expedition activities. Once the quest for Cryptic Quatrains III is opened in the star map, receive the Large Treasure Beacon and solve these riddles step by step:

The first step to solving this quest is to head to the EDZ. Afterward, complete the Quarry Lost Sector. Loot the Chest from there and you will receive the next riddle to solve.

After receiving the next riddle, players will need to stock up a lot as their next step will involve completing one of the hardest STRIKE missions known as The Exodus Crash Strike. Please note that you must not die in this mission or else, you won’t be able to complete it.

The 3rd step is easy as players will need to equip a hand cannon and have an Arc Subclass. From that point, open the Directory Map and start the Ketchcrash mission. Complete and you will receive the next riddle.

When all is set and done, open your inventory and equip the Crude Cipher in the Captain’s Atlas. The Crude Cipher must be completed by obtaining not only the Large Treasure but also, the Small Treasure Beacon and the Medium Treasure Beacon from the other Cryptic Quatrains quests. Solve the cipher from left to right, and put these slots in order, House of Dusk, House of Salvation, and House of Light.

After solving the cipher, go straight to the Forgotten Shore in the Cosmodrome and head to the ship in the south part of the area by the Veles Labyrinth Lost Sector. Activate the Fallen sigil on its deck.

Once the sigil is activated, head towards the north end of the Forgotten Shore to find the treasure mound in a cave by three pillars, just below where the Navota strike begins. Dig up the treasure there and the whole quest is completed. Large rewards will be given such as weapons, Charge of Light Exotic Sparrow, and Season of Plunder loot.
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Check out this video by FrigidShark showing How to Solve All Cryptic Quatrains III Riddles: