Dying Light 2 Length – how long to beat the story

See how long it takes to complete Dying Light 2

Featured Image How Long to Beat the Story of Dying Light 2

You might be wondering how long to beat the story of Dying Light 2. Here we will show you Dying Light 2 game length, how long it’s going to take to beat, and its replay value.

How Long to Beat the Story of Dying Light 2?

Dying Light 2 will take roughly 40 hours for the average player to beat the story along with exploring plenty of its side content.

The story alone in Dying Light 2 can be completed in a bit over 20 hours. This would of course mean that you would forgo any of the additional side content such as checking for all of the GRE container locations and powering all the Metro Stations for fast travel.

Techland actually mentioned this in an official statement on Twitter.

As follows Dying Light 2 length can be summarized:

  • 20 hours to beat Dying Light 2’s main campaign alone.
  • 80 hours to beat Dying Light 2’s main campaign and every side quest.
  • 500 hours to fully complete all Dying Light 2 has to offer, including finding all collectibles and getting all the endings.

The average player would most likely take 40 hours or so until they’ve completed the game. People would most likely be coming back again as Techland might add new events for Dying Light 2 for limited-time goodies.

How Long to Beat the Story of Dying Light 2 - Does Dying Light 2 Have Good Replay Value

Does Dying Light 2 Have Good Replay Value?

Yes Dying Light 2 has good replay value.

As Techland mentioned in twitter, it will take 500 hours to fully complete all the content which includes getting all the endings of the game. Since Dying Light 2 automatically saves your progress, you’d have to start from the beginning and you can’t just go back to a manual saved file to make a different choice.

Dying Light 2 does feature opposing factions and gives you the choice of who to side with via City Alignment. There will be plenty of important choices you’ll have to make which will shape the game’s ending. If you want to platinum Dying Light 2, it’s going to take you a good while.

Does Dying Light 2 Have New Game Plus?

Dying Light 2 does not have new game plus. On launch the game will not feature the ability for players to bring their progress into a new game. This means that you’ll have to entirely start from scratch if you want to see a different ending of Dying Light 2.

Check out Destin where he asks if 500 hours is simply too long for a video game.