Elden Ring How to Get to Nokstella Eternal City

A guide on how to access Ainsel River Main and Nokstella, Eternal City in Elden Ring.

Elden Ring Nokstella Cover

Nokstella, Eternal City is one of the underground locations in Elden Ring. Although it can be partially seen in the south part of the Ainsel River, it requires players to go through some steps of a major quest line for it to be unlocked.

In this guide, we will walk you through the steps on how to get to Nokstella, Eternal City through accessing the Ainsel River Main.

Steps on How to Get to Nokstella, Eternal City in Elden Ring

Nokstella, Eternal City is situated at the northern area of the Ainsel River. There is no path leading from the south Ainsel River even though their river systems are connected due to the sheer elevation difference of the two areas.

In order to access Nokstella, you must go through Ranni’s quest line which will unlock the waygate to access the Ainsel River Main along the way. Here are the steps:

Meet Ranni the Witch for the first time

In this first encounter, she introduces herself as Renna and will give you the Spirit Summoning Bell. Go to the Church of Elleh at night to meet her.

Meet Ranni the Witch for the first time - Elden Ring

Defeat Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon

Go to Raya Lucaria Academy and defeat Rennala. Make sure to touch the Site of Grace inside the library as you will need to return to the library to progress further into the final parts of the quest line.

Visit Ranni at Ranni’s Rise

If you are visiting the Three Sisters area for the first time, you will have to defeat the Royaal Knight Loretta to gain access to the towers. Once defeated, head to Ranni’s Rise which is the middle tower, and then talk to Ranni.

She will invite you to join her cause in searching for the hidden treasure of Nokron. Accept the quest and it will initiate another quest chain requiring you to meet several NPCs:

  • Blaidd at the Siofra River
  • Preceptor Seluvis at Seluvis’s Rise
  • Sorceress Sellen at the Waypoint Ruins
  • Blaidd at the Siofra River once more

Go to Redmane Castle and Defeat Starscourge Radahn

Radahn is one of the demigods, so expect the fight to be a tough one. This fight is special since you can actually summon some allies to help in the fight, including Alexander the Warrior Jar and Blaidd. Once Radahn has been defeated, meteors will start raining down and one will crash near Fort Haight West, creating a hole that directly leads to Nokron.

We have a guide on How to Defeat Starscourge Radahn if you find him a bit too challenging.

Go to Redmane Castle and Defeat Starscourge Radahn - Elden Ring

Obtain the Fingerslayer Blade in Night’s Sacred Ground in Nokron

Make your way down the crater to reach Nokron, then reach the very end of Night’s Sacred Ground and open the chest to obtain the Fingerslayer Blade. Return to Ranni at Ranni’s Rise to hand over the blade to her and she will give you with the Carian Inverted Statue.

Reach the Divine Tower of Liurnia via the Carian Study Hall

By using the Carian Inverted Statue in the Carian Study Hall, you will gain access to the Divine Tower of Liurnia. Make your way to the top of the tower and you will discover Ranni’s body.

Visit Renna’s Rise and use the waygate to Ainsel River Main

Renna’s Rise will now be accessible at this point. Go to the top of the tower and you will find the waygate to Ainsel River Main. Upon arriving to the location, you can use the Site of Grace nearby. You will also see a doll of Ranni that you’ll need to bring with you and talk to every time you reach a Site of Grace in the area for three times.

Alternative Entrance to Ainsel River Main

Another way to access Nokstella Eternal City is through the Ainsel River Main via the Great Waterfall Basin near the Siofra Aqueduct in Nokron. After slaying the Valiant Gaargoyle (Twinblade), you will have access to the Great Waterfall Basin Site of Grace and a coffin that you can step into.

Interacting with the coffin will transport you to the east side of Deeproot Depths. Make your way towards the west end of the area and you will find another coffin. Interacting with this coffin will transport you to Ainsel River Main.

Follow the River to Nokstella, Eternal City

Make your way past the Uhl Palace Ruins and follow the river through the cave. You will encounter a junction in the cave where the left path will lead you back into the south section of the Ainsel River, while the right path will lead you to Nokstella. Continue down the right path and go through to path through the sluice to finally arrive at Nokstella.

Follow the River to Nokstella, Eternal City - Elden Ring

If you like this guide, be sure to check out our other Elden Ring articles here:

Check out this video by SweetJohnnyCage – Narrated Guides & Walkthroughs showing how to access the Ainsel River Main and reach Nokstella, Eternal City:

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