Shared Wisdom in Destiny 2 is one of the buffs that can help boost players’ XP gain from killing enemies or turning in bounties. Leveling up in Destiny 2 can be quite a grindy experience, especially once you have arrived at the endgame and reaching those next levels will require more XP than the previous one.
Good thing that the Witch Queen expansion just arrived, so there will be a lot more content to look forward to, along with the new season pass that gives some XP bonuses.
But what if you are just about to reach endgame and you want to enjoy the new content without worrying about being under leveled? You do not have to worry because in this guide, we will talk about one of the ways to get more XP to help you gain levels faster.
What is Shared Wisdom in Destiny 2?
Shared Wisdom is an XP buff that applies to all members within the same fireteam. This buff boosts experience points that is gained by the members within the active fireteam throughout the entire season.
How to Acquire Shared Wisdom in Destiny 2
Shared Wisdom can be received by acquiring a Small Fireteam XP Boost reward from the Season Pass Paid Tier Rewards. Small Fireteam XP Boosts are rewarded on ranks 5, 26, 56, and 86.
Since the Shared Wisdom buff is applied to all of the members in a fireteam, only one member has to have the buff active. This means that you can still get the benefits from the buff without purchasing the season pass just by joining a fireteam with a member who has the buff active.

How Shared Wisdom Works
Shared Wisdom works when a player uses a Small Fireteam XP Boost and they join a fireteam. Every boost used will provide a 2% XP boost that stacks on itself, to a maximum of 8% XP boost.
For example, if a player used 3 Fireteam XP Boosts, they’ll get a total of 6% XP boost under the Shared Wisdom buff. This applies to every member in the current fireteam, regardless if they also have the boost or not.
However, the Shared Wisdom buff does not stack between players; whatever the highest % boost among the members will be the one applied for the fireteam. So if one fireteam member has a 6% XP buff while the other member has an 8% XP buff, the entire fireteam will only get an 8% XP buff.
How to Optimize the Shared Wisdom Buff
If you have gone through the paid route on the season pass, make sure that you join a fireteam to reap the XP bonus. Shared Wisdom also stacks with your own XP buff and Ghost mod, so make sure you have those in effect, too. This goes the same for F2P players; just check out anyone who has the buff active and see if they can allow you to join.
Save up your bounties and only turn them in once you have the buff active. Even though the bonus rate is just small, it will still add up in the end especially if you have stacked up the XP buffs properly.
The Witch Queen Season Pass Rewards – Destiny 2

The Small Fireteam XP boosts as well as the personal XP boosts are only available in the paid tier of this season’s pass.
Small Fireteam XP Boosts
- Ranks 5, 26, 56, 86
Small XP Boosts
- Ranks 7, 16, 36, 46, 66, 76
Season Rank | Free Tier | Paid Tier |
1 | Exotic Weapon: Grand Overture | |
2 | 3x Upgrade Modules | Risen Umbral Energy |
3 | 8,000 Glimmer | Ritual Glimmer Boost |
4 | 3x Upgrade Modules | 5x Enhanccement Cores |
5 | 25x Legendary Shards | Small Fireteam XP Boost |
6 | 8,000 Glimmer | Shader: Royal Dye |
7 | 1x Eververse Engram | Small XP Boost |
8 | 3x Upgrade Modules | Destination Resource Bundle |
9 | 200x Bright Dust | 10,000 Glimmer |
10 | 25x Legendary Shards | Finisher: Like a Moth to a… |
11 | 2x Upgrade Modules | Catalyst Quest Boost Alpha |
12 | 6,000 Glimmer | War Table Efficiency I |
13 | 1x Eververse Engram | Hands of the Risen Engram |
14 | 2x Upgrade Modules | 25x Legendary Shards |
15 | 5x Enhanccement Cores | 5x Enhanccement Cores |
16 | 6,000 Glimmer | Small XP Boost |
17 | 1x Eververse Engram | 10,000 Glimmer |
18 | 2x Upgrade Modules | Transmat Effect: Lucent Shrieker Entrance |
19 | 250x Bright Dust | Destination Resource Bundle |
20 | 1x Exotic Engram | Legendary Shard Dismantle Bonus |
21 | 2x Upgrade Module | 5x Enhanccement Cores |
22 | Catalyst Quest Boost Omega | |
23 | 1x Eververse Engram | 10,000 Glimmer |
24 | Legs of the Risen Engram | |
25 | 1x Legendary Engram | 1x Exotic Engram |
26 | 2x Upgrade Modules | Small Fireteam XP Boost |
27 | 1x Eververse Engram | 800x Bright Dust |
28 | Arms Masterwork Bonus | |
29 | 300x Bright Dust | Destination Resource Bundle |
30 | Legendary Weapon: Thoughtless | Vehicle: Mind Shard |
31 | 25x Legendary Shards | |
32 | War Table Efficiency II | |
33 | 1x Eververse Engram | 5x Enhanccement Cores |
34 | 3x Upgrade Modules | |
35 | Exotic Weapon: Grand Overture | Breastplate of the Risen Engram |
36 | Small XP Boost | |
37 | 1x Eververse Engram | 10,000 Engram |
38 | Legs Masterwork Bonus | |
39 | Destination Resource Bundle | |
40 | 400 Bright Dust | Shader: Mind’s Eye |
41 | Relic of the Risen Engram | |
42 | 12,000 Engram | |
43 | 1x Eververse Engram | Armor Scrounger |
44 | 50x Legendary Shards | |
45 | Legendary Weapon: Piece of Mind | 5x Enhancement Cores |
46 | Small XP Boost | |
47 | 1x Eververse Engram | 3x Upgrade Modules |
48 | Class Masterwork Bonus | |
49 | Destination Resoure Bundle | |
50 | 500x Bright Dust | Ghost Shell: Flayer Shell |
51 | Piece of Mind Masterwork Bonus | |
52 | Risen Umbral Energy | |
53 | 1x Eververse Engram | 5x Enhancement Cores |
54 | 1x Exotic Eengram | |
55 | Exotic Cipher | Helmet of the Risen Engram |
56 | Small Fireteam XP Boost | |
57 | 1x Eververse Engram | Tusked Alliance Gloves |
58 | Chest Masterwork Bonus | |
59 | Destination Resoure Bundle | |
60 | 650x Bright Dust | Tusked Allegiance Boost |
61 | Thoughtless Masterwork Bonus | |
62 | 3x Upgrade Modules | |
63 | 1x Eververse Engram | 3x Enhancement Prism |
64 | Psionic Speaker Gloves | |
65 | 1x Exotic Engram | 1x Exotic Engram |
66 | Small XP Boost | |
67 | 1x Eververse Engram | Tusked Alliance Bond |
68 | Helmet Masterwork Bonus | |
69 | Destination Resource Bundle | |
70 | 800x Bright Dust | 2x Risen Umbral Energy |
71 | Weapon Scrounger | |
72 | Enhancement Prism | |
73 | 1x Eververse Engram | Psionic Speaker Boots |
74 | 1x Exotic Engram | |
75 | Raid Banner | |
76 | Small XP Boost | |
77 | 1x Eververse Engram | Tusked Allegiance Robes |
78 | 1,000 Bright Dust | |
79 | Destination Resource Bundle | |
80 | 1,000 Bright Dust | Emote: A Huge Crush |
81 | Advanced Weapon Scrounger | |
82 | 30,000 Glimmer | |
83 | 1x Eververse Engram | Psionic Speaker Bond |
84 | 3x Upgrade Module | |
85 | Ascendant Shard | |
86 | Small Fireteam XP Boost | |
87 | 1x Eververse Engram | Tusked Allegiance Hood |
88 | 1x Exotic Engram | |
89 | Destination Resource Bundle | |
90 | 1,400 Bright Dust | Ascendant Shard |
91 | Psionic Speaker Robes | |
92 | Risen Umbral Energy | |
93 | 1x Eververse Engram | Raid Banner |
94 | Ascendant Shard | |
95 | Destination Resource Bundle | |
96 | 1,200 Bright Dust | |
97 | 1x Eververse Engram | Psionic Speaker Hood |
98 | 1x Exotic Engram | |
99 | Emote: A Funny Thing | |
100 | 2,000 Bright Dust | Weapon Ornament: Red Allegiant |
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Check out this video by Part Time Guardian that talks about the XP system in Destiny 2: