Star Ocean The Divine Force: I Want To Be Disliked Quest Guide

Doing Unexpected Requests For A Concerned Citizen

i Want To Be Disliked Star Ocean feature

I Want To Be Disliked Quest is part of the series of side quests in Star Ocean: The Divine Force that can be found in the Baldaar Citadel. Read on, and this guide will teach players how to complete this request efficiently and what rewards await them.

How to Start I Want To Be Disliked Side Quest

How to Start I Want To Be Disliked Side Quest

To find this unexpected quest, Raymond and his allies must go to the upper region of Baldaar Citadel and look for a concerned woman who is being stalked. Accept her request and the side quest will begin.

How to Complete I Want To Be Disliked Side Quest

How to Complete I Want To Be Disliked Side Quest

To complete this quest, players will need the Pheromone Enhancer. This item can be crafted through Compounding. Make sure to have one of your party members whose level in compounding is 10 particularly, Nina. Make sure that she has learned the ability called the Blessing of Mana which occasionally lets players craft rare items. The materials needed for enhancers are Game Meat and Secret Spices and both items can be found in the Vey’l Region. Once the materials are gathered, craft them and go to the client and give her the required item to complete the side quest.

I Want To Be Disliked Side Quest Rewards

Once the quest is completed, players will receive the following rewards that can be beneficial for future endeavors in Star Ocean The Divine Force:

  • 14000 Fol

That’s our guide for the I Want To Be Disliked quest in Star Ocean: The Divine Force. For more Star Ocean Divine Force content, players can visit our previous articles below to get to know more about the game:

Also watch this video walkthrough by jimajamer to see how to complete Star Ocean: The Divine Force I Want To Be Disliked Side Quest.
