The Saints are once more causing a spree of crazy imaginations in terms of design and look. Since the launch of the Saints Row: Boss Factory, lots of gamers have recently shared their own designs and most of these designs are somewhat nostalgic in a way that I too want to partake in using these characters now that Saints Row Reboot is available.
We have a list of the Top 15 Best Boss Character Creations In Saints Row that you gamers will love and such. Henceforth, we will give you guys a description of these character creations and what we personally think about their designs.

Johnny Gat
As Saints fans, nothing speaks of originality than the return of Johnny Gat as he is one of the most original iconic characters to appear in all of Volition games from Saints Row to Agents of Mayhem. I personally love this idea of bringing back Gat to the Saints as he bring out the type of mayhem that you would want to see in the game. My personal score for this 3.5 stars.

Dr. Disrespect
Herschel “Guy” Beahm IV, better known by his online alias Dr Disrespect, is an American video-game streamer. He is well known on Twitch for his controversial personality especially when playing FPS games like Call of Duty and more. No disrespect (no pun intended), making a design out of him will make some viewers or fans of his stream angry and I think that should counted for aside from the great design and more. My personal rating overall is 2.5 stars.

The Rock
The Great One has arrived to Saints Row Wrestling!!!! Just Kidding…. The Rock aka the Great One and Former WWE Champion is a hit among Saints Row fans. As a fan of the Rock, this design is close but needs some improvement. The tattoo design is close to it but his current features now presently is mostly dominating and in this design needs a vast upgrade. My personal score for this design is 3 stars.

2019 had some of biggest movies to premiere for superhero fanatics and one of those iconic movies doesn’t actually focus on superheroes but on a villain that has become a threat to the Bat-Family & that is the Joker. The design for the Joker is very amusing as it almost captures how Joaquin Phoenix played and dressed up as this iconic comic villain. To say at least, it deserve some good praises and I would rate this design best at 3.5 stars.

Zoinks!!! Shaggy from Scooby-doo is now trending once more as a player named Sechev made a custom character design similar to what Shaggy looks like. Shaggy has become one of the most cartoon characters in Warner Bros. and had made spotlight from cartoons to movies to memes and even in video games. Overall, this would be my favorite design yet so far in Saints Row and deserves a 4 star rating.

In 2011, Marvel comics released X-men: First Class movie and despite its criticism, it was really good movie. One of the characters in the movie that made it good was Mystique played by Jennifer Lawrence. The design for Mystique look and facial features is similar to the movie version and I really impressed how much was made in doing this. In my view, this character is at least 3 stars at best.

The Mask
The Mask design for Saints Row is SMOKIN!!! For those who don’t know, The Mask character was played by Jim Carrey in his earliest careers in 1994. It was one of those movies whose main character’s funny and crazy side made people laugh and cry at the same. I really want to give props who made this however, if they would fix a bit of the face to look more stern, it would be perfect. For now, my rating for this design is at 3 stars.

John Wick
Baba Yaga is here. The one you send to kill the Boogeyman has been made into a character design for Saints Row. John Wick has become so iconic to the point that fans are awaiting for his next movie this coming 2023. Though his look and suit are the same, his domineering appearance in Saints Row makes him someone who shouldn’t be messing with. My rating is 4 stars.

Another iconic DC character was made by a Saints Row player and that is Raven. Raven is one of the original DC heroes that made her debut in Teen Titans. From there on, her origin, powers and even personality made her adored by fans from comics to cartoons and to even the latest live action series known as Titans. Overall, this deserves high praise and I give this design a rating of 4 stars.

Eustace Bagge
Courage the Cowardly dog was one of the most memorable cartoons for me in Cartoon Network. The show had man iconic and memorable moments and characters and one of those is Eustace Bagge. Credits to DoggedMocha for making Eustace as this character was known to scare Courage most of the time and I love how accurate and unique this design was made for Saints Row. My rating for this character is at 3.5 stars.

Ash from Evil Dead
Bruce Campbell role in Evil Dead, Ash was made as a boss design for Saints Row. The comedic and sadistic evil killing hunter has arrived minus the chainsaw hand. I would like to give THE-FOXHOUNDED props for making this design. My only wish for him was to use something to cover the right arm of character to make it look as if his arm was chopped off. My rating for it is 2.5 stars.

Johnny Bravo
As cartoon designs come and go, nobody deserve such praise than one of 90s most popular cartoon characters, Johnny Bravo. Let’s be real here and say that this is the most realistic 3D concept for Johnny Bravo that players such as myself can use for Saints Row. From hairstyle to fashion and design, this deserves a rating of 4.5 stars.

Monkey D. Luffy
The self-proclaimed Pirate King and currently now one of the new Four Emperors in One Piece has arrived. From manga to anime to even a new Netflix live action series, Luffy design for Saints Row is really good. I want to give credits to Jatttase for making this design and give this a 3 star rating.

She Hulk
Considered to be one of my favorite designs for Saints Row, She Hulk has arrived. The cousin of the Hulk and someone you shouldn’t piss both as a superhero and a lawyer for she will put the slammer on your head literally. Recently, Marvel Disney Plus has a new show titled, “She Hulk: Attorney At Law.” It has received high praise and reviews that viewers love how comedic and heroic She Hulk has become. This design as well deserves a high rating as well that it should be given 4.5 stars

Moon Knight
Among the designs shown in this article, this would be my favorite among them & that is Marvel’s Moon Knight. As most people know, Moon Knight has a recent TV series made by Marvel Disney Plus and has shown how strong, powerful and weird this character as this design for Moon Knight represents one of his other personalities known as Mr. Knight. At best, this design is really good especially on the realism of his mask and suit. Overall, this design is rated 4.5 stars.
With all these designs present and ready for download, fans will be delighted to try these outs in Saints Row. For those who want to make their boss, please try to download the Saints Row: Boss Factory as its free for download on all consoles & share your own Boss design for Saints Row as it out now.
Read our Saints Row – Review to see what we think about the game. Also check out our other Saints Row guides and articles below:
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Also check out this SAINTS ROW – Boss Factory Community Showcase [official] video to see some of the Best Boss Character Designs In Saints Row: