There’s an easy way of obtaining a Shiny Applin as discovered by a YouTuber that goes by the name すくると (@sukurutogames) and players can even go on AFK mode on this one. Applins are one of the Pokémon that have a very distinct shiny version, so getting one for the team is quite a satisfying achievement.
In this guide, we will go through the steps on how to do the AFK Shiny Applin method in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
How to do the AFK Shiny Applin Method
First off, we need to prepare a few things. You’ll need to have a second Ridemon by finishing the story and catching the other one in Area Zero or through trading. It doesn’t matter if you have one of each Ridemon or two of the same one.
You also need to have access to the Herba Mysticas obtained from Tera Raids 5-Stars and up in order to make Sparkling and Encounter Power sandwiches. You’ll also need to purchase some of the sandwich ingredients listed below.
Having the Lucky Charm is helpful, but it’s optional.
Once you have these pointers prepared, then you can proceed with the first step.
Step 1: Head to the Tagtree Thicket
Specifically, head towards the PokéCenter just outside of Tagtree Thicket first, the one located within west of East Province Area Three.

Step 2: Make a Lv.3 Sparkling and Encounter Power: Dragon Sandwich
Create a sandwich using these ingredients:
- x1 Pickle
- x1 Cucumber
- x3 Avocado
- x1 Bitter Herba Mystica
- x1 Spicy Herba Mystica
Make sure to put all the ingredients on the bread, otherwise it may change the outcome of the buffs that you will get.

Step 3: Head towards the entrance of the Team Star’s base
Position yourself in the just near the entrance of the base. On the southern side of the road are two painted trees; the tree painted with concentric circles is the one where Applins spawn. There should be no other Pokémon spawning thanks to the sandwich buff.
Step 4: Have your Ridemon headbutt the tree
Ride your Ridemon and dash into the tree. This should make the Applin fall.
Step 5: Have your other Ridemon do a Let’s Go attack
With your Ridemon in combat form at the first spot in your team, send it out via the Let’s Go function to make it attack the fallen Applin.

Step 6: Retreat to the other tree and wait
You can then retreat to the tree that is closer to the base entrance and wait there. At the right distance (not too far and not too near), your other Ridemon should keep attacking the Applins that fall off the tree. Even from a distance, the Applins can still be seen and their colors are still slightly discernable; regular Applins are red while shiny Applins are green.
Since the Let’s Go function does not let Pokémon attack wild shiny Pokémon, you can tell that a shiny Applin has spawned if your Ridemon comes back to your position. You can then inspect and try to catch the shiny Applin.
There are some instances where your Ridemon comes back without a shiny. This might be caused by being too close to or too far from it, so simply reposition and then redeploy your Ridemon again.
An Applin should respawn every 5 seconds or so, so you should encounter around 600 Applins within 30 minutes, giving you a good chance of seeing a shiny within a short time. Though the odds are not any better than looking for Shiny Applins in mass outbreaks, this is an alternative if you want to get one with the least amount of effort needed.
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Check out this video by すくると showing how to do the Shiny Applin method: