Bottle Caps are a type of special currency in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet that is mainly used for hyper training Pokémon’s individual values or IVs. Bottle Caps are not as rare as they were before in previous games given that they can now be purchased from stores, but for a high price.
In this guide, we will be talking about how to get Bottle Caps and where to use them in the game.

How to get Bottle Caps
There are two main ways of obtaining bottle caps. The first one is getting them as a chance drop from completing 5, 6, and 7-Star Tera raids, while the next option is to purchase them from any Delibird Presents store under the General goods category for 20,000 Pokédollars each.
There is also the Gold Bottle Cap which is a much rarer version of a Bottle Cap and can only be obtained from 6 and 7-Star Tera raids.
Farming bottle caps is a post-game activity and requires competent Pokémon to become easy to do. Check out our Solo Raid guide which has a list of Pokémon builds that are good for Tera Raids

How to use Bottle Caps
The main use of Bottle Caps is for hyper training which is the process of maxing out specific IV stats of Pokémon to the highest that they can go.
In order to hyper train a Pokémon, you must first level them up to level 50. Then, head over to Montenevera and talk to the Hyper Training NPC beside an Abomasnow just north of the town’s Pokémon Center.
Choose an eligible Pokémon from your team or box who you want to hyper train; one that is at least level 50 and still has IV stats that are either not Best or Hyper Trained. Then, select the stat that you want to hyper train among the HP, Attack, Defense, Sp. Attack, Sp. Defense, and Speed stats. You can select from 1 to 6 stats to hyper train in one session, as long as you have enough bottle caps to pay for them. Best or Hyper Trained stats will show up with a crown icon instead of a check box.
Gold Bottle Caps can also be used for hyper training and using one on a Pokémon will raise all of its IVs to the max. Just make sure that the Pokémon chosen has none of its stats maxed out yet to get the most out of the gold bottle cap.

How to check for IV Stats
The best way of checking the IV stats is via the Pokémon Box. Once you’ve completed the entire story of the game, you will unlock the Judge feature which can be found in the statistics section of the Pokémon Box.
Select a Pokémon that you wish to check and then press the + button to cycle between the Judge view, Pokémon view and Stats view.
In the Judge view, you’ll be able to see the quality of the Pokémon’s stats tagged as No Good as the lowest, and Best as the highest. If a Pokémon has a hyper trained stat, the tag will show as Hyper Trained!
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Check out this video by RageGamingVideos showing how to get bottle caps and hot hyper training works: