Knowing the Best Hunting Horn Build in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak allows you to experience a full-fledged melee move set rather than a musical instrument that buffs players. It is believed to be the most passive-aggressive weapon in the series, and there are many different ways in which the hunting horn can be used.
As such, here’s a breakdown of the Hunting Horn, Gear, Decorations, and Skills that you’ll need for this build.
Best Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Hunting Horn Build
You will spend the majority of your time using a variety of horns and switching between them. Acquiring all of the recommended equipment will take some effort on your part, but it may be well worth it in the long run. The Hunting Horn is a support weapon that strengthens your team by playing melodies, and there are quite a number different builds available to pick from; but, if you want to customize your own build, you can modify it to suit your preferences.
Here are the best build choices for Hunting Horn hunters in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak:
- Rampage Agitato S
- Valstrax Helm
- Valstrax Mail
- Valstrax Braces
- Valstrax Coil
- Valstrax Greaves
- Fatal Tempest Talisman
- Wirebug Jewel Level 2
- Sonorous Jewel Level 1
- Grinder Jewel x2 Level 1
- Ammo up Level 1
- Attack Boost Level 5
- Handicraft Level 3
- Horn Maestro Level 1
- Item Prolonger Level 3
- Quick Sheath Level 2
- Attack Melody 2
- Stun Resistance Level 3
- Wirebug Whisperer Level 3

Best Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Hunting Horn Weapon
The weapon you’ll want to use for this build is the Rampage Agitato S. It’s one of Monster Hunter: Rise’s strongest hunting horns out of the box. It’s a great weapon that can take you through the majority of the game’s content, including Sunbreak.
It may take a while to craft this weapon as the materials are hard to come by, but it will be well worth it if you can gather them:
- 50,000 zenny
- Apex Shockshell x2
- Apex Curlhorn x1
- Defender Ticket 9 x3
You can craft this weapon by farming the Zinogre monster. When angered, he transforms into a fearsome Thunderous Fanged Wyvern. As long as you focus on his weaknesses, ice and water, you’ll be able to defeat the monster with ease.
Best Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Hunting Horn Armor
The Valstrax Set’s armor skills will also give you the Dragonheart skill. Once you have the Dragon Blight buff, any elemental bonuses on your weapon or build will be removed by the skill. Since we’re not utilizing an elemental weapon, it wouldn’t matter.
However, if you keep Dragon Blight active, you will gain an additional 50 points in all of your resistances and an additional 10 points in raw attack damage. As a result, your low numbers will be more than made up for. Making it the greatest option for those who want to create the best Hunting horn build.
Best Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Hunting Horn Decorations and Skills
You are free to use virtually any decorations you like, and they will ultimately serve as a great bonus. Decorations such as the Wirebug Jewel, which raises the player’s Wirebug Whisperer skill, come highly recommended. It’s up to you whether you want to play it on the offensive or the defensive, and it also depends on the kind of monster you’re trying to take down.

That’s our Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Best Hunting Horn Build guide. To stay up to date on the newest Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak news, guides, and features, you can check out our related Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Articles here.
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Also check out SDShepard’s Hunting Horn Tutorial & Build Guide video in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak: