Timeworn Crimson Horn – Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

A guide on how to get Timeworn Crimson Horns in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Timeworn Crimson Horn cover

The Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Timeworn Crimson Horn is a crafting material that can be obtained in the game. This particular horn can be found on a Monoblos, but since the Monoblos are not part of the hunting list in Sunbreak, hunters will have to get the horn from another monster.

In this guide, we will talk about the Timeworn Crimson Horn and how to get it.

How to get Timeworn Crimson Horn in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

The Timeworn Crimson Horn can be obtained by hunting a Daimyo Hermitaur, specifically by breaking the Monoblos shell on its back. The drop rates are:

  • Broken Part Rewards (x1) 90%
  • Capture Rewards (x1) 10%

Breaking the shell twice greatly increases the odds of getting a Timeworn Crimson Horn. It is still possible to get one without breaking the shell through capturing, however the odds are low.

Tips on getting the Timeworn Crimson Horn

  • The Daimyo Hermitaur’s shell is weak against impact damage, so using a Hammer, Hunting Horn, or any of the shield attacks will help break it down faster.
  • Capturing the Daimyo Hermitaur will allow you to raise your odds of getting a horn by a bit more. This can only be done on regular Master Rank quests and not during Anomaly Research quests.
Tips on getting the Timeworn Crimson Horn

Timeworn Crimson Horn Uses

Listed below are all the weapons and armors that require a Timeworn Crimson Horn for crafting.

Timeworn Crimson Horn Weapons

Timeworn Crimson Horn Weapons: Bone Claw Lance+
Bone Claw Lance+
  • Bone Claw Lance+ (x1)
Timeworn Crimson Horn Weapon: Crab Buster+
Crab Buster+
  • Crab Buster+ (x1)
Timeworn Crimson Horn Weapons: Crab Cutter+
Crab Cutter+
  • Crab Cutter (x1) >>> Crab Cutter+ (x1)
Timeworn Crimson Horn Weapons: Crab Horns+
Crab Horns+
  • Crab Horns+ (x1)
Timeworn Crimson Horn Weapons: Daimyo's Warbow+
Daimyo’s Warbow+
  • Daimyo’s Warbow+ (x1)
Timeworn Crimson Horn Weapons: Dual Carapace+
Dual Carapace+
  • Dual Carapace+ (x1)
Timeworn Crimson Horn Weapons: Red Pincer+
Red Pincer+
  • Red Pincer+ (x1)
Timeworn Crimson Horn Weapons: Scissor Axe+
Scissor Axe+
  • Scissor Axe+ (x1)
Timeworn Crimson Horn Weapons: Scissor Gunlance+
Scissor Gunlance+
  • Scissor Gunlance+ (x1)
Timeworn Crimson Horn Weapon: Shell Castanet+
Shell Castanet+
  • Shell Castanet+ (x1)
Timeworn Crimson Horn Weapon: Shell Intoner+
Shell Intoner
  • Shell Intoner (x1) >>> Shell Intoner+ (x1)
Timeworn Crimson Horn Weapon: Striped Shell+
Striped Shell+
  • Striped Shell+ (x1)

Timeworn Crimson Horn Armor

Timeworn Crimson Horn Armor: Hermitaur Coil
Hermitaur Coil
  • Hermitaur Coil

If you like this Guide, be sure to check out our other Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak articles:

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Builds

Other Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Guides

Check out this video by MidTier Gamer showing a hunt against a Daimyo Hermitaur: