Completing all the favors in God of War: Ragnarok is quite a time consuming task but it’s all worth it in the end. Even when the credits stopped rolling there is still much that needs to be done in order to set things right in all of the nine realms.
In this guide, we list all known Favors we’ve encountered throughout the game. Spoiler alert, of course. And don’t worry too much about finding them. If you walk far enough in any given area, you might just get a random Favor. It happened to us in more than one occasion.
God of War Ragnarok Favors List

The Nine Realms
- The Crucible
- Find the second Muspelheim seed piece. – Day 04
- Travel to the Muspelheim Crucible
- Complete the Crucible Challenges
- The Final Challenges
- Complete the Final 6 Crucible Challenges
- The Eyes of Odin
- Kill Odin’s Ravens.
- Ravens Killed: 48 of 48
- Travel to Niflheim
- Open the ravens’ gifts
- Born From Fire
- Close the Draugr holes
- Draugr Holes closed: 6 of 6
- Across the Realms
- Find the Nordic Gourd
- Find the Prongfruit
- Find the Bantam Melon
- Find the Elven Cap
- Return to the campsite on the Lake of Nine
- The Lost Lindwyrms
- Retrieve the trap
- Capture the Lindwyrms
- Return the Lindwyrms
- Speak to Ratatoskr
- Nine Realms in Bloom
- Collect flowers from the nine realms
- Sparkthorn
- Ashpetal
- Soulblossom
- Dawnbloom
- Starblush
- Frostfinger
- Mirkweed
- Ironbell
- Dreamshade
- Fit for a King
- Defeat the Berserker Souls
- Berserker Souls defeated: 12 of 12
- Return to the grave where you discovered Skofnung
- Defeat King Hrolf
- A Stag for All Seasons
- Speak to Ratatoskr
- Retrieve the feed
- Return the Stags to Ratatoskr
- Hel to Pay
- Close the Hel-Tears
- Hel-Tears closed: 6 of 6.

- In Service of Asgard
- Shut down Althjof’s Rig
- Shut down Radsvinn’s Rig
- Shut down Modvitnir’s Rig
- The Weight of Chains
- Find the key on the island.
- Bring the key to the Watchtower
- Return to the creature
- Free the Lyngbakr
- Boat to the Lyngbakr’s Eye
- The Lost Treasure
- Find the treasure on Alberich Island
- Find the treasure in Alberich Hollow
- Find the Spirit’s son
- Return to the Father Spirit
- Spirit of Rebellion
- Retrieve the hammer
- Return to Durlin

- Freya’s Missing Piece
- Reach the entrance of Freya’s wedding shrine
- Explore the shrine
- Leave the shrine
- Conscience for the Dead
- Slay the Seior Fanatics
- Speak to the spirit
- Garden for the Dead
- Destroy the poison totems
- Speak to the spirit
- Cure for the Dead
- Find the Items the spirit seeks
- Return to the spirit
- The Mysterious Orb
- Find the orb
- Return the orb to Lunda
- Scent of Survival
- Chase after Helka
- Ride the paper boat to the crater
- Trail of the Dead
- Reach the dragon’s feeding ground
- Slay the dragon
- The Burning Skies
- Find a way to the dragon’s lair
- Casualty of War: The Toy
- Find the other half of the toy
- Casualty of War: Casualties of War: The Scroll
- Find the other half of the scroll
- Casualty of War: The Brooch
- Find the other half of the brooch
- Casualty of War: The Hourglass
- Find the other half of the hourglass
- Casualty of War: The Stein
- Find the other half of mead stein
- In Plain Sight
- Find more evidence of Soul Eater activity
- Slay the Soul Eater
- Quaking Hollow
- Find the source of the tremors
- Return of the River
- Ascend the dam
- Flood the crater
- What Lies Below
- Find a way to the dreki
- Slay the Dreki
- For Vanaheim!
- Reach Birgir’s Location
- Rescue Birgir
- Send Birgir through the Mystic Gateway
- Nocturnal Predator
- Capture the wisps
- Return to the Sigil plate
- In the Dead of Night
- Track the Dreki
- Slay the Dreki

- Secret of the Sands
- Find a way to reach the pained creature
- Pursue the pained creature underground
- Destroy the Hafgufa’s bindings
- Open the hive cage on the surface
- Song of the Sands
- Find the Hafgufa cave entrance
- Reach the Hafgufa
- Destroy the Hafgufa’s bindings
- Open the hive cage
- Elven Sanctum
- Explore the Elven sanctum in Alfheim
- Search for clues about Elven history
- Freyr’s Gift
- Investigate the monument to Freyr
- Restore Freyr’s Gift
- Investigate Freyr’s Gift
- The Desert Door
- Collect Keys from the Desert
- Open Desert Door
- Kill Gravel Belly

- Guiding Light
- Investigate the wreckage of Tyr’s statue
- Animal Instincts
- Eliminate the Kol Raider Camps
- Return to the wolves
- Sigrun’s Curse
- Find clues from Sigrun’s past
- Open the treasury door
- Learn the secrets of Sigrun’s treasury

- The Lost Treasure
- Find the treasure on Alberich Island
- Find the treasure in Alberich Hollow
- Find the Spirit’s son
- Return to the Father Spirit
- Spirit of the Rebellion
- Retrieve the hammer
- Return to Durlin
- The Weight of Chains
- Find the key on the island
- Bring the key to the watchtower
- Return to the creature
- Free the Lyngbakr
- Boat to the Lyngbakr’s eye
- The Last Remnants of Asgard
- Make safe the wreckage of Asgard
- Vanaheim, near Freyr’s Camp
- Vanaheim, East Barri Woods
- Svartalfheim, Alberich Hollow
- Svartalfheim, Aurvangar Wetlands
- Svartalfheim, Jarnsmida Pitmines
- Muspelheim, Burning Cliffs
- Midgard, near the Well of Urd
- Midgard, Lake of Nine
- Alfheim, The Strond
- Alfheim, The Barrens
- The Broken Prison
- Search the Prison in Niflheim
- A Viking Funeral
- Attend the Funeral
- Meet the party at the Sverd Sands
- Defend Your Valor
- Defeat the Valkyrie Queen
And that’s all the Favors in God of War Ragnarok that we’ve encountered so far. If we happen to stumble upon another one, we’ll make sure to update the list. But for now, feel free to check out our other God of War Ragnarok guides and articles.
- God of War Ragnarok Trophy Guide & How to Get Platinum
- God of War Ragnarok – The Elven Sanctum Favor Walkthrough
- God of War Ragnarok – Garden for the Dead Favor Walkthrough
- God of War Ragnarok – Conscience for the Dead Favor Walkthrough
- God of War Ragnarok – The Mysterious Orb Favor Walkthrough
- God of War Ragnarok – Guiding Light Favor Walkthrough
- God of War Ragnarok – Cure for the Dead Favor Walkthrough
- God of War Ragnarok – Secret of the Sands Favor Walkthrough
- God of War Ragnarok – A Stag for All Seasons Favor Walkthrough
- God of War Ragnarok – Across the Realms Favor Walkthrough
- God of War Ragnarok – The Weight of Chains Favor Walkthrough
- God of War Ragnarok – The Eyes of Odin Favor Walkthrough
- God of War Ragnarok – Hel to Pay Favor Walkthrough
- God of War Ragnarok Weapons Guide
- God of War Ragnarok Guide – All Artifacts and Where to Find them
- God of War Ragnarok Guide – All Lore Locations
- God of War Ragnarok – All Relics and Sword Hilts Locations
- God of War Ragnarok – All Treasure Map Locations and How To Decode Them
- God of War Ragnarok Guide – All Resources and Where to Find Them
- God of War Ragnarok Guide – The Lost Lindwyrms Favor and Where to Find Them
Watch this video by BabyZone showing what will happen If Kratos Takes Freya To Her Home After Ending in God of War Ragnarok: