Amethyst Shards in Lost Ark are a type of currency that is tied to completing specific achievements. They can also be obtained via exclusive giveaways. These shards can be used to purchase in-game items such as rapport items, battle item chests, and several kinds of cosmetics.
In this guide, we will look into how to get these Amethyst Shards and what are the things that you can spend them on.
How to Get Amethyst Shards in Lost Ark
Currently, these are the ways to earn these Amethyst Shards in the game:
Complete the Prologue and Reach Level 50 – 1,000 Shards
You can get Amethyst Shards just by playing through the prologue of the game and reaching level 50. By completing that, you will be awarded with 1,000 Amethyst Shards in total.
Join a Guild and Participate in the Arena – 1,000 Shards
There will be a Roster Quest that requires you to join a guild and participate in the arena, so you won’t miss this out. Regardless if you win or lose the arena match, you will still get 1,000 Amethyst shards. But, if you do win an arena match…
Win an Arena Match – 2,000 Shards
Winning an arena match once will complete an achievement and reward you with an additional 2,000 shards.
Add 50 Friends – 1,000 Shards
To do this, you can simply ask your guildmates to add you as a friend, or you can use the global chat and broadcast that you need more friends.
Lost Ark Prime Gaming Packs
If you have an active Amazon Prime subscription or a Twitch Prime subscription and have linked it to your Lost Ark account, then you can check the Prime Gaming page for Lost Ark to claim bonus packs. These packs contain different kinds of in-game content as well as Amethyst Shards. You can check the page periodically as more packs will become available to claim in the future.

How to Check for Obtained Amethyst Shards in Lost Ark
You can check how many amethyst shards you have obtained by:
- Going to your Inventory (I key)
- Then go to the Storage tab > Stronghold and Trade Skills tab
- Look under the Events category.
Alternatively, you can use the search box within the Inventory menu.
Where to Spend Amethyst Shards in Lost Ark
You can look for the Mysterious Man NPC which has the Amethyst Shard Exchange title in every major city in Arkesia. From him, you can then exchange your Amethyst Shards for in-game rewards.

Amethyst Shards Exchange Items Rewards
These are the items currently available for exchange in Lost Ark with the amethyst shards:
- Rapport Supplies Chest – 2,200 shards
- 3 Battle Items Chest – 2,200 shards
- Pheon Chest – 2,200 shards
- Crystalline Aura (14 days) – 6,600 shards
- Arkesia Paper Mask Selection Chest (1 of 5) – 6,600 shards
- Anikka Lion Paper Mask
- Arthetine Robot Paper Mask
- Shushire Wolf Paper Mask
- Feiton Assassin Paper Mask
- Rohendel Chamkuri Paper Mask
- Pet Trick: Trick – 6,600 shards
- Pet Trick: Play Dead – 6,600 shards
- Pet Trick: Whine – 6,600 shards
- Notos Orca Ship Skin Selection (1 of 3)- 6,600 shards
- Shade Orca
- Moss Orca
- Coral Orca
- Emote: Star Dance – 6,600 shards
- Sail Glyph: Vigor of the Golden Lion – 6,600 shards
- Sebastian Pet Selection Chest (1 of 4) – 13,200 shards
- Arong
- Hwarong
- Barong
- Darong
- Nineveh & Yom Emoticon Pack – 13,200 shards
- Mount: Gold Combat Wolf – 22,000 shards

Check out this video by Vulkan on how to earn Amethyst Shards: